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1787 Constitution essay

The Constitution and Democracy The best definition of democracy that it is a system of government in which its citizens are free to choose who will lead them, as well as empower their representatives to propose and enact laws and policies that are ... Read more »

2012 Political Campaign Contributions essay

Taking into account the extremely serious problems Bank of America Corp. had to face in the wake of the late 2000s Great Recession, the increase in further federal government assistance for the financial services industry is highly warranted. The ... Read more »

A History of Politics essay

Introduction Power Power is a ranking ability in which an individual or an office is considered to be above a group of management which lies beneath it. This is considered exceptional where one entity of power is final and no other powerful office ... Read more »

A Major Corporate Governance Scandal of BP essay

Corporate governance is a term that describes the systems, structure and the procedures that are used by a corporation to convey responsibility, authority and accountability among different stakeholders and by which the company is governed. They ... Read more »

A Political Manifesto essay

Securing a clear and focused future for Britain Our party, Popular Front Democratic Party (PFDP), is a new party which is committed to the well being of our beloved Britain. There are a number of issues that the other parties which have always been ... Read more »

A Political System essay

Presidential and parliamentary systems are the main types of democratic political systems. Parliamentary system implies formation of government (headed by a prime minister) by a party or a party coalition which has received the majority in the ... Read more »

A report on sudan essay

On the one hand, Sudan is a country which cruses on the economy with an increasing per capita income, on the other hand, it is a country which has more than half of its population struggling at or below the poverty line. This bewildering contrast ... Read more »

A Vindication of the Rights of Women essay

Inthis paper, I will discuss on Mary Wollstonecraft’s ‘’A Vindication of the Rights of Women’’ (1792). Mary Wollstonecraft is essentially considered as the mother of feminism as she was the first feminist. She portrays ... Read more »

Abigail and John Adams’ Letters essay

Abigail and John Adams’ Letters present an intellectual dialogue that stands for numerous accomplishes in the land of America. The letters spanned a half a century through embracing a government through politics, philosophy, religion, and ... Read more »

Abraham Lincoln essay

The vision of Abraham Lincoln for the United States was the key to his success and success of the country due to influence in several areas such as the economy, military and religion among others. His conservative Whig goal was meant to preserve the ... Read more »

Abu Dhabi Police essay

Abu Dhabi police is the main law enforcement agency in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi, which is one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates. It was formed in 1957 by Sheikh Saif Bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Its main task was to guard royal locations, ... Read more »

Adams vs. Jefferson essay

Summary Adams vs. Jefferson: The Tumultuous Election of 1800 (Pivotal Moments in American History Series) (ISBN-10: 0195167716), published in 2004 by Oxford University Press, USA, is a gripping description of a defining moment in the American ... Read more »

Administration essay

Political leadership is vested in the hands of the electorate. It is with no doubt that, the peoples say would determine the kind of leaders they want to lead them. Democracy in a nation is exhibited by the capability of the citizens to express ... Read more »

Adversarial Legalism essay

Adversarial legalism is a means of policymaking as well as dispute resolution through two most important characteristics. First, formal legal contestation which is the competing interests as well as disputants gladly invoke legal duties, rights and ... Read more »

Affirmative Actions essay

Affirmative action can be defined as the government program or policy that is usually designed with an aim of countering discrimination that minority groups as well as women faces in areas to do with education and employment. Affirmative actions ... Read more »

Africa and the Aid Trap: Looking at Liberia essay

Africa as a continent has experienced her fair share of problems affecting the world today. The biggest of this has been the political instability that has been experienced in various regions of this content. Some of these have translated into the ... Read more »

Africa Terrorism essay

The end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century witnessed a lot of terrorist activities across the globe. Among the nations which were most affected is the United States of America. This has triggered this nation and other nations ... Read more »

African American Politics essay

Population of the United States has become increasingly diverse in its racial structure. To fully comprehend American politics, it is important to take into account political beliefs and attitudes of various ethnic groups and races throughout the ... Read more »

African American Studies essay

Since Columbus discovered America and the white people began occupying it, the state of the black race population became worse. White people started to infringe upon Indians and African Americans` rights. From the second half of the XX century, ... Read more »

Agricultural pricing policies essay

Agricultural policies are designed in conjunction with the input and output of the agricultural products that extensively influence the prices considerably. There are very few countries in the world that have their economy dependent only upon the ... Read more »

Albert Beveridge essay

Albert Beveridge was a strong supporter and even the leading proponent of the United States policy of expansionism. However, this is contrary to the Anti-Imperialist League, which was formed in the year 1898 specifically to oppose the United States ... Read more »

Algerian War essay

War and war related issues were among the common news in the 20th century. There are a lot of incidences where nations fought against each other or faced conflicts within their own boundaries leading to civil war. However, among the notable wars in ... Read more »

America as a Political and Social Organization essay

America as a political and social organization is dedicated to the scene of a cheerful America scenery. The point of being unhappy, as an American person is reproach in one’s society. We further see that individuals may be allowed to be ... Read more »

American Democracy is Like a Giant essay

Democratic government is a structure, in which all citizens have equal impact in the country’s decision-making procedures. All policies and laws should reflect the will of the people. Through democracy procedures, all citizens are allowed to ... Read more »

American Dream essay

I have a vision of an American dream… Imagine,for a moment,happypeople. I do notmean the oneswho promotehappiness. I mean trulyhappy people. Let us imagine thatwe get out ofthe housewithout fearof whetherwelocked the housewell or turned ona ... Read more »

American Foreign Policy essay

Today, relations between West and East are characterized by religious, economic and political confrontations. Samuel Huntington explains relations between two hemispheres as “a clash of civilizations” and supposes that American foreign ... Read more »

American Foreign Policy in Middle East essay

Introduction In spite of long distance between Middle East and United States, U.S. has influenced and has connections in the every country in the region. Strategic interests have forced the US to build the relations with Middle East including the ... Read more »

American Foreign Policy in the 1950s essay

In the 1950's political outlooks in America were based mainly on foreign affairs because of the Cold War. After World War II, the United States was concerned that the Communist government in the Soviet Union was trying to expand the communist bloc. ... Read more »

American Government essay

Over the years there have been changes in every sector as peoples needs and values changes. As stated by the world value survey, our country's political field has greatly changed over the years. My beliefs started at a very young age where being ... Read more »

American Government: Essay Questions essay

I. The U.S. government has two main levels – the level of state and federal level. The basis of the construction of the state system in the U.S. is that it goes from the state to federation, and not vice versa, and each state has a full ... Read more »

American Government Research essay

Q1 Even though, the United States constitution was the first written constitution in the world, this document written by founding fathers has continued to inspire Americans. During a change of more than two hundred years, the constitution has served ... Read more »

American Politics essay

American politics is a very hot issue; under a huge debate of politicians and public both. And the more critical thing which is being discussed among each political party is the increasing gap between the Republican and Democratic parties. Initially ... Read more »

An American Patriot essay

According to Barrack Obama, an American patriot may not always make headlines, be singled out for any award or even noticed by anybody but close family and friends. He or she lives a quiet, long productive life and ends up being buried with a little ... Read more »

Annotated Bibliographies on US-Venezuela Relation essay

Sullivan, Mark. CSR Report for Congress: Venezuela, Political Conditions and U.S Policy. 2008. Congressional Research Service. Sullivan uses this Congressional report to highlight numerous issues regarding the relationship between the U.S. ... Read more »

Annotated Webliography essay

Belt, Gordon. “The Sedition Act Trials.”Suggestions for Judges." Federal judicial centre. (Accessed October 18, 2012). This paper gives a detailed a case by case history of the sedition act; its ... Read more »

Anticommunism and McCarthyism essay

The epoch of McCarthyism (from the late 1940s to the late 1950s) is identified for its accusations of disloyalty toward Communism and its sympathizers. It was all about a suspicion in treason, subversion and cooperation with Communist spies. ... Read more »

Apartheid in South Africa and the United States essay

Racial segregation refers to the separation of humans in different racial groups, in daily activities. It can also be referred to as apartheid. On the other hand, slavery refers to treating of individuals as property to be bought and free ... Read more »

Argentina essay

Introduction The year 2001 and 2002, saw Argentina make headlines all over the world. The high rate of deteriorating economy saw the downfall of president's Fernando de la Rua's government. This led to the whole of the cabinet to resign and then the ... Read more »

Argentina essay

Introduction For most of the 21st century, Argentina has been considered as one of the world's democratic underachievers despite the fact that Argentina has got high levels of wealth, education and a large middle class with a developed social ... Read more »

Attitude Survey essay

Many countries give Single mothers welfare to help them raise their children. The welfare can be in form of financial support or physical support. Physical support includes food stamps, transportation, or housing. Most single mothers on welfare are ... Read more »

Barack Obama: Commencement Address essay

Introduction The commencement address was held by Barack Obama at Wesleyan University, for the Class of 2008 graduates. The ceremony for commencement is a way of affirming knowledge for every student. The speech at the ceremony put the hard work of ... Read more »

Best President essay

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt had considerable influence on the American affairs during his reign following the assassination of William McKinley. Roosevelt assumed power at the initial stages of the twentieth century, which was characterized by ... Read more »

Bill of Rights and Amendments essay

Introduction In the U.S Constitution, the First Amendment is a part of the Bill of Rights. It outlaws making of any new law about an establishment of religion, shortening the freedom of speech, looming the free exercise of religion, ... Read more »

Britain’s Politics and Constitution essay

Although many things remained the same, there were a lot of changes in the politics of Great Britain. We can differentiate constitutional changes and political ones. Constitution has changed greatly since 1970s and is continuing to change until now. ... Read more »

Budgetary Priorities: Washington essay

Budgetary Priorities and the Quality of Medical Services in Washington Over the past three years, the budget of Washington has been slashed by roughly $6 billion; this has brought about a negative effect in development in lines of public schools and ... Read more »

Bureaucracy essay

Bureaucracy can be defined as the use of non elected units by the central government to help implement the policies designed by the former. This mode of governance owes its origin to the stratified huge populace with diverse needs and geographically ... Read more »

Business And Political Events Between 4 April And 18 April 1968 In The United States essay

The US Constitution provides for the political culture and the American law that together give guidelines on how the governors and the governed should interact with each other. It is the supreme law that establishes rules and powers of the federal ... Read more »

Caudillo Politics essay

This historical paper will describe the Latin-American wars of independence. When Christopher Columbus discovered Latin America, he had a hard time convincing himself and the entire crew that they were not in Asia. He met no resistance from the ... Read more »

Changes in U.S. Foreign Policy Due To Elections essay

Every four years the US holds a presidential election, which receives plenty of coverage in worldwide news. US elections lead to various changes as voters veto the incumbent presidents to determine whether they have fulfilled their election ... Read more »

China Current Event essay

Many countries were affected by the cold war, but this paper will focus on China only. The paper will outline the identifiable changes that have occurred in China over the last 20 years. China’s development of the last two decades has been ... Read more »

China in terms of being the “Middle Kingdom” essay

Nowadays China is one of the most developed, fast growing, and technologically progressed countries in the world. Among all the factors mentioned above, it is also the most populated country. When talking about China, we could imagine an empire with ... Read more »

China’s Policy in Central Asia essay

The break-up of the former Union of Soviet Socialist[??1] Republics (USSR) brought about the significant changes in the region’s geopolitical arena. It paved the way for outside players, among them is China, to have an impact on the ... Read more »

City-Region Planning and Governance essay

The world is urbanizing at an extremely rapid rate. Most regions will be predominantly urban by the middle of the 21st century according to projections. This calls for urgent measures to curb such a development that may be accompanied with social, ... Read more »

Cold War: America vs. Soviet Union essay

speculative bubble that resulted in the stock market crash of 1929. He made strenuous efforts to confront and resolve the situation; his success in dealing with the situation ended up making him the obvious choice for the Democratic Party’s ... Read more »

Collective Bargaining essay

Collective bargaining is the process that involves workers organizing as a group and together negotiating with the employer pertinent issues regarding the workplace (Wolters, Jennings & Holley, 2009).  It refers generally to the coming ... Read more »

Communism essay

Communism has always been considered as the negativity in the world, but the communists will always have their basis to such argument. Communist can react to Martin’s philosophical questions of ontology, epistemology, axiology and teleological ... Read more »

Comparative Politics essay

India is a country that was an amalgamation of many kingdoms; the aspect of kingdom dominated the nation part of the country. Cultural flow had for a long time defined the country until when the kingdoms started falling apart and only a few of the ... Read more »

Compare Candide and Utopia essay

The concealed utopian states identified El Dorado in the novel of Voltaire “Candide”. El Dorado is illustrated as a "paradise of happiness”, as he states that "[i]t is probably the country where all is well: for there absolutely must be such ... Read more »

Compromise of the US constituiton essay

The Constitution of the United States has been referred to as a bundle of compromise because of the fact that the delegates representing people on the Constitution Convention had to compromise on many vital points. Their task was to make a new ... Read more »

Conflict over Iran’s Nuclear Program essay

Iran’s nuclear program is among the most polarizing issues in the Middle East, one of the most volatile areas in the world (Sanger, 2012). Even though, this program has been at the core of economic and foreign policy debates for months now, ... Read more »

Constitutional Choices for New Democracies essay

In a country that is undergoing a democratic transition for the first time, it is extremely important to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of different types of relations between branches of the state authority. Many of the limits that have been ... Read more »

Contemporary Immigration Policy essay

U.S. immigration policy has changed drastically in the past thirty years. Reforms in the 80s and 90s have systemized refugee admissions, increased the annual immigration ceiling, and implemented a legalization program. However they have also ... Read more »

Continuities and Changes essay

An insight into the study of political developments and maintenances in the Mexican republic is most definitely bound to ignite a series of double standards but all the same Mexico has managed to overcome many political challenges. These ... Read more »

Corporate Governance and Ethics essay

Corporate governance has become an issue of immense interest in the contemporary world of business as the needs of different stakeholders change continuously. It is vital to note that corporate governance entails rules, relationships, processes, and ... Read more »

Critique of President Obama’s State of the Union Address essay

Introduction Obama’s began his speech by commending the successes of military troops in ending Iraq war and the terrorists’ threat in America. From his opening remarks, he seems to offer justification for many developments in military as ... Read more »

Critiques of transnationalism Issue essay

This paper is aimed at trying to answer the questions: what is transnationalism? Is it vital? Does it truly unite the world or is it a concept to expand the market for entrepreneurs? The answers to these questions cannot be clear unless one ... Read more »

Declaration of Independence essay

President Ho Chi-minh’s speech of 1945, “The Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Vietnam,” introduced the equal opportunity to all citizens in Vietnam. Ho Chi-minh stated that all men must be treated equally, since they ... Read more »

Democracy & Violence essay

Freedom is one of the virtues that are highly valued by humanity. Every person on the face of the earth has a desire to exercise his freedom, with a call for less interference from the outside world. Democratic freedom too remains on top of the list ... Read more »

Democracy in Business Analysis essay

Introduction The governments formulate frameworks and rules in which business organizations are able to compete with each other. Anticipating the economic conditions, the government has to change the frameworks and rules and force the enterprises to ... Read more »

Democracy Theory essay

Introduction The standard assumption in democratic theory has been that what makes democracies good is how democratic the regime is. A democracy is as good as it is democratic, is improving if its democraticness or degree of democracy increases and ... Read more »

Demographics of two cities essay

Miami and New York are among the most populated areas in the Unites States which are naturally affected by the coming in and coming out of immigrants in the country. This is the reason why in this paper, the author of the comparison of cities ... Read more »

Divorcing America essay

Divorcing America refers to the action by most of the European nations to terminate their close relationship with the United States due to some reasons. The European nations that have taken a step to terminate the close relationship include Germany, ... Read more »

Does America need a Labor Party essay

Throughout the world today, there is unity that is felt in the Labor force through the Labor unions. Workers from different sectors have united in the past to the present to work together and ensure that their rights as workers are guaranteed ... Read more »

Does the united nations have any influence in the world nowadays? essay

Abstract: The United Nations influence on many nations has to improve a lot. At present, the local governments laws rules out the possibility of implementing the UN Resolution. Many countries simply ignoring the UN Resolution and get abided by the ... Read more »

Drug Control essay

The United States government over time has developed policies towards drug control. Though the policies are in place the menace of drug abuse among its citizen still on the rampant thus a question is posed, why? The circulation of drugs in the ... Read more »

Emerging Issues in International Relations essay

Introduction The reason behind our interest in international relations is that the world in which we live in is divided into different political regions, independent states, countries and nations and this has profound social, economic and political ... Read more »

Ends Justified by the Means essay

One of the major widely known political thinkers is Niccolo Machiavelli. He is well known for the phrase “the end justifies the means”, which is continually being the subject of discussions and discourses today (Adams and Dyson). With ... Read more »

Environmental factors essay

United Parcel Service (UPS) is a global giant in parcel delivery service. The company is based in USA but has branches that span dozens of countries across the globe. The paper presents an evaluation of an article published on the company’s ... Read more »

Ethical Dilammas of Travel Gate Scandal essay

Introduction Ethical dilemma is a complicated scenario which will more often than not, involve a mental conflict between moral necessities where complying with one's demands would result in contravening another's. It can also be known as paradox of ... Read more »

Evaluating the impact of institution on public policy essay

Policies and policy makers are the determinants of development or progress of any country. This implies that poor policies force a country or countries into economical and social turmoil. It is a fact that good leaders are determined by the ... Read more »

Evolution in American Diplomacy essay

Question 1: How have American politics evolved since the dawn of the 20th century—are they more or less democratic, or populist? How have the major political parties changed, and do you feel that this is a good or a bad thing? Evolution in ... Read more »

Excessive Use of Force essay

Introduction The police force is body that is common in many countries and is responsible for the maintenance of law and order. The members of the police force are expected to act professionally as they carry out their duties. The environment in ... Read more »

FDR Memorial essay

The presidential memorial of Franklin Delano Roosevelt represents the whole era of the president’s life. The outstanding achievements of Franklin D. Roosevelt during the World War II and the preceding Great Depression revealed his prominent ... Read more »

Federal Government Policy essay

The United States ethanol policies are fuelled by the continued high prices commanded by oil around the world. When the EP ACT 2005 was passed, it promoted growth of agriculture-based ethanol and bio diesel as an alternative source of fuel for the ... Read more »

Federal Highway Policy essay

The Federal Highway Policy is an Act of the United States Congress that aims at providing guidance on the construction of the nationwide network of highways. The policy has undergone several amendments since its inception in 1916. It gives mandate ... Read more »

Federalist vs. Anti-federalist Perspectives on the Constitution essay

Federalism, being the most powerful organization politically, wanted to minimize the powers of the central government. Federalists were mostly producers and businessmen. These included men such as Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay. Anti ... Read more »

Fighting ruben wolfe and class disadvantage. essay

Definition: Hegemony – control or dominating influence by one group over other, especially by one political group over society. In order to help you connect the ideas you are learning so that you can start to think more broadly about children’s ... Read more »

Fiscal Policy Boost essay

Fiscal Policy describes the governments influence on economic levels by increasing or decreasing tax levels and government spending. The pure theory of voter’s behavior of rejecting the fiscal policy originates from the institutional sources ... Read more »

Foreign policy decision making essay

Foreign policy decision making (FPDM) is a subject that has attracted many scholars. The reason of studying FPDM has been important since these decisions are usually made under information and time constraints necessitating the quick and most ... Read more »

Foreign Policy X essay

The Soviet Union has been brought out as one that is outdated and most vulnerable of all unions. The author(s) X describes this policy as one that dictates its decisions on people and lacks proper internal structure. X prefers a policy different ... Read more »

Forms of Government essay

There are different types of governments that exist in a society. The distinct government arises from the prevailing characteristics of the society. According to articles by Aristotle and Niccolò Machiavelli, wealth distribution is a crucial ... Read more »

France and technology essay

Culture of France French people and French culture has been influenced by geography, historical events, foreign forces, internal forces and groups. Paris has played a major role as the center of culture and decorative arts since the Seventeenth ... Read more »

Free Trade Vs Protectionism essay

Perhaps the most significant issue on policies within the subject of international trade is answering the question of whether a specific state should practice free trade or any other kind of selected protection. This debate has been in place for the ... Read more »

Freedom of Speech and National Security essay

Introduction From 2006 through 2012 the online source Wikileaks has published a great number of classified documents. Needless to say that governments affected were furious. They saw the release of classified information as outrageous. The ... Read more »

Freedom of Speech in Ecuador essay

Ecuador is a state, which continues to develop in its political culture, political operations, governmental and societal evolvement. The facts demonstrate that the state has a heritage of presidential unreliability and volatility combined with the ... Read more »

Government essay

Scholars define decentralization as the process through which the federal government gives authority and responsibility of certain functions to the local government, private sector, and communities. The Articles of Confederation brought the idea of ... Read more »

Government as Catalyst essay

Collaboration means working in conjunction with others. It fundamentally means cooperation between individuals and organization towards a common endeavor. Collaboration can involve power and coercion, the ability to force outcomes and to impose ... Read more »

Government Budgeting essay

The United States government borrows the money which it needs to be able to operate its federal government. Borrowing is done by means of the issuing and servicing of the U.S. treasury securities and the marketable savings. The debt capacity of the ... Read more »

Government Regulation essay

Introduction The economy of a nation is without a doubt driven by consumer based society coupled with a citizenry that is driven by capital. It is on the basis of this that the government has taken the initiative of regulating the business ... Read more »

Government Should Leave Farm Business essay

Corn is a grain crop that is widely grown in the US (Davies, 2008). It is used to produce animal feeds, ethanol multiple of foods and other industrial production including sweeteners, starch and corn oil.  It accounts for more than 90% of the ... Read more »

Government surveillance essay

Surveillance is highly rejected in the contemporary society with some people arguing that it is a threat to privacy. The major argument about the euphoria placed on surveillance technologies is essentially not in what information is gathered about ... Read more »

Government Taxing Fatty Foods to Prevent Obesity essay

Obesity of the U.S. citizens as an extremely important issue for the society, and taxing of fatty foods as one of the most effective method to fight obesity in the light of government regulation are critically discussed in this paper. The opponents ... Read more »

Great Leaders essay

Introduction Great leader have been associated with many characters. There are schools of thought who argue that great leaders are born naturally others argue that they are made; still others believe that great leaders are both born naturally and ... Read more »

Guatemala Civil War essay

In the Guatemala Civil War, the overwhelming majority of the victims were Mayans; they were approximated at 35,508 which is equivalent to eighty three percent that the remaining seventeen percent were Ladinos. Historically, Guatemala has been known ... Read more »

Gun Control Issue essay

Even though guns are acquired for sporting or defensive purposes, Gun Control Laws restrict ownership or purchase of guns. Studies suggest that ownership of guns lowers crime rates. However, liberals press for gun control since it increases the ... Read more »

Has the quest for democracy around the world been strengthened by an expansion of the Internet and social media essay

The digital world has grown rapidly over the years since the invention of the World Wide Web. Consequently, it has become tremendously easy for persons to gather and share information across the globe within seconds. According to scholars, social ... Read more »

Higher Politics essay

Politics and religion are two institutions which have a great impact on society, social consciousness and social development of communities. Politics and religion have many similarities which help them to influence and direct followers and social ... Read more »

History of Labor Unions in the United States essay

Labor unions in the United States of America were instituted during the nineteenth century. Initially, before the formation of the labor unions, people had formed other forces like Knights of Labor and American Federation of Labor. These other early ... Read more »

History of the Democratic Party essay

The Democratic Party is a political party in the United States of America that that has supported progressive and social liberal views since 1930s (Arnold, 2009). Compared to the Republican Party, this party has the longest history in terms of ... Read more »

Homeland Security essay

Homeland Security is a law enforcement department in the U.S. which was founded during the wake of the notorious 11 September  2001 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers. The department was formed as an element of the indomitable nationwide ... Read more »

How can we explain EU member states' cooperation in foreign policy? essay

The European Union is one of the important organizations in the world in terms of its role in international issues pertaining politics, humanitarian aid and security among other matters. This analysis focuses on European Union as a global player ... Read more »

How did Reagan portray the Sandinistas essay

Reagan portrayed Sandinistas as a group of communists who ruled Nicaragua and were highly attached to Cuban President Fidel Castro for about 25 years back. He portrays it as an evil, terror group. They attempted to topple Nicaragua’s Somoza ... Read more »

Immigration Policy and the America Labor Force essay

Illegal immigration refers to the act of people crossing the U.S national borders illegally without proper permission from the United States government. The consequences of such immigrations are economic, poor education and health care. The ... Read more »

Imperialism in Europe essay

Imperialism refers to the policy of extending and maintaining unbalanced economic, territorial and cultural relationship. Usually, it takes the form of an empire, and occurs between states whose relationship is based on domination and subordination. ... Read more »

Imperialism in Sub-Saharan Africa essay

Introduction Sub-Saharan Africa was the centre of interest among the European countries in the late 19th century. These included the British, French, Italians, Belgium, Germans and the Portuguese. In 1884-1885, these countries held the Berlin ... Read more »

Indian Oppression during the Gilded Age essay

“An Indian's View of Indian Affairs” is a speech by Chief Joseph to the audience, including President Hayes, in Lincoln Hall, Washington. Chief Joseph was the leader of Nez Perce Indians living in Oregon and Idaho before they were forced ... Read more »

Inside the Middle East essay

Introduction Political system is defined as a set of governmental domestic and foreign policies of the country. Political system is normally contrasted to cultural, legal, economic, and social ones. The other meaning of the political system is that ... Read more »

Insurgency in Bolivia in the 1960's essay

Introduction The republic of Bolivia has been greatly haunted since its founding because of the enormous anti-colonial indigenous insurrection which happened in 1781. Bolivia military encamped in El Alto in attempt to siege the Spanish elites who ... Read more »

Interest Groups in the Health Care Debate essay

Introduction The First Amendment recognizes the right of the people to petition the Government for redress of grievances. The exercise of this right is usually present when several groups lobby their interests to legislators. Lobbying implies ... Read more »

International and Domestic Terrorism essay

Terrorist attacks become one major threat to human being because the occurrences are not predictable and could happen at any places, which causes death to tens to thousands of people. Although terrorist attacks have happened many times since the ... Read more »

International Politics essay

Introduction I still hold on to the views I raised Israel is preparing to celebrate its 62nd independence holiday in Jerusalem. During this celebrations there is remembrance of the 1948 sacrifices and the later battles, which marks national ... Read more »

International Politics Analysis essay

Realism and liberalism are the most popular theories which regulate international relations. In the sphere of international relations, awareness of the key points of both theories helps to explain many of its phenomena. In world politics, realist ... Read more »

International Relations Theory and Policy Makers essay

Introduction The scholarly study of international relations (IR) demonstrates that policy makers pay very little attention to IR theories. Otherwise, a lot of problems and conflicts could be avoided if policy makers were a bit more concerned about ... Read more »

Iran essay

Twenty years of continued varying international policies such as isolation, sanctions, together with confrontation, the Republic of Iran still pursues weapons of mass destruction. This can be viewed via the point of view of the international ... Read more »

Irony of the social security in the US essay

Introduction One of the most challenging 21st public policy debates in the US is about the Social Security reform and whether it is sustainable in the near future as the program is in a crisis. This is again coupled with an aging population who ... Read more »

Is Economic Development a Necessary Prerequisite for Democracy essay

There are numerous relationships that exist between economic development and democracy in a country. Amongst these outcomes that have been established is a beneficial relationship between democracy and per capita income. Basing on this argument, it ... Read more »

Is the European Union democratic? essay

Democracy is considered as a system of government, where the citizens have equal say while making decisions that affect their daily routine. This is carried out either directly or through certain representatives in the government[1]. Democracy ... Read more »

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict essay

The conflict between Israel and Palestine burst out in the beginning of the 20th century and lasts till the present day. However, the situation seems to be getting hopeful: responding to a weakening tendency in Palestinian violence and, on the other ... Read more »

Italia essay

To begin with, Italy has a complex kind of political system. In this sense, the politics are based on the parliamentary, multiparty system and the democratic republic systems. So to speak, the power of the executive is perpetuated by the council of ... Read more »

James Abram Garfield essay

James Garfield was born on November 19, in the year 1831. He was the lastborn in a family of five children.  James hailed from the State of Ohio, Moreland Hills, at Orange Township. James’ family was immediate neighbors with his uncle, ... Read more »

Jurisprudence essay

This paper will set out to fully present and demonstrate that the legislation which was enacted by the established Nazi form of government was reasonable and justifiable in the consequences even though it was not self-sufficient. For several ... Read more »

Kansas Poll Results essay

Introduction The essay will base on Kansas State, and it will explore the exit poll results for past elections. It will show ten results from the polls that indicate something interesting about the relative strength of the parties. It will include a ... Read more »

King’s Speech essay

In October 1925 the Duke of York, Albert at the request of his father King George V at the stadium “Wembley” is trying to make a speech, the closing exhibition of the British Empire. He stands in front of a huge number of people who hear ... Read more »

Kosovo Conflict essay

1. What is at the heart of the Kosovo situation? Why does such animosity between Serbs and ethnic Albanians exist, and what events have resulted from this animosity? The heart of the Kosovo situation is related to the communistic ideological rule ... Read more »

Ku Klux Klan in Indiana during the 1920s essay

Introduction The Ku Klux Klan, also known as the KKK was a secret movement in the United States whose activities involved racism and terrorism against the smaller ethnic communities and religious organizations in the United States. The Klan was ... Read more »

Labor Unions in America essay

Labor unions in the United States were prompted into existence by economic and social impact of the industrial revolution (Maria, 23). At the national level, labor unions gained ground after the civil war. In 1880s, the knights of labor became very ... Read more »

Leaders Can Come from All Backgrounds essay

In the modern world, leadership has already become a buzz-word, but the social research continues the study of this phenomenon. Polelle (2008) notes that the ‘worship of great leaders’ which takes its routes from organizational and ... Read more »

Leon Trotsky essay

Leon Trotsky, who once plaid an important role in the Russian revolution, was expelled from a party, the Third International, and was proclaimed as an enemy of Leninism. In the beginning of the revolution, he headed the Petrograd Soviet, managed the ... Read more »

Life in a Current Authoritarian Government essay

An Authoritarianism government is a form of leadership in the country that is focuses on ensuring that the citizens submit to its authority. Most of these governments oppose democracy and political power is concentrated either in the hands of one ... Read more »

Local Government Influence in British Cities essay

Introduction Various governments and systems adopt a variety of markets. Every government or a system concerned is accountable for selecting it’s favored market system (Heppell, 2002, p. 302). Despite the liberty to select any market system, ... Read more »

Local Government of Hurst essay

Introduction The City of Hurst in Texas has incorporated Type A general-law municipality and has not acted to change to any other type of municipality (Maxwell, Crain and Santos, 2011). There are no townships in Texas and the areas within a given ... Read more »

Local Governments and Electric Vehicles essay

The development of electric vehicles has faced a lot of challenges especially in terms of providing the electricity charging infrastructure.  This has been said to be a “three-way” chicken-and-egg conundrum where customers are ready ... Read more »

Los Angeles Gang Reduction Program essay

Youth gangs are a serious issue throughout the country because of the negative consequences they have in the society. Other than threatening public safety, the gangs destroy young lives not only in large cities, but also in several small urban and ... Read more »

Loyalty essay

Loyalty is the complete dedication and devotion to certain things. Loyalty entails having faith in it. One can be loyal to a company, another person, state, or even a group. It is a duty and also commitment in its own sense, to be constant in your ... Read more »

Mahatma Gandhi: A Global Citizen essay

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi has been widely accepted as a global citizen in the twentieth century. He led India to independence though he never held any public office. As many Indians revered him, he became an inspiration to the west. The Uniqueness ... Read more »

Major Government Funds essay

Government funds play an essential role in ensuring that the resources that government receives are sufficient. The government is accountable for its expenses. There are three types of government funds, and each of them is used for a particular ... Read more »

Major Voter Concerns for Election essay

Voters' concerns for the election and for the economy will almost certainly decide the result of the presidential election of this year, but one thing is for sure that both the parties should certainly should be concentrating on health care. The ... Read more »

Managed Care essay

Managed care refers to a variety of techniques that integrates payment and provision of healthcare. It aims at influencing the trends in healthcare facilities and that provide medical services to members at a reduced cost.  Managed care plans ... Read more »

Managing with Power essay

Human behavior is determined by a number of factors, among them power politics. Power can be defined as the ability to make individuals or entities do what they otherwise would not have done. Power goes together with authority and influence, but ... Read more »

Market failur essay

Australia has recently become a signatory to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change. Kyoto Protocol is an international system designed for the purpose of controlling global warming in the earth's atmosphere, at a level to prevent the human ... Read more »

Mass Media and Agenda Setting essay

In the contemporary society, mass media has tremendous influence on the perceptions and the way the public is most likely to behave. Newspapers, radio and television presents issues deemed creditable to the society. The fact that something appears ... Read more »

Media and Candidate Relations essay

First, media depends upon the candidates for the production of sensational stories capable of sparking interest among its readers. Secondly, by virtue of the large sums involved in political campaigns, the media usually intends to benefit from this ... Read more »

Migration to the United States essay

Migration to the U.S. is a sophisticated demographic phenomenon that is a principal source of population growth, as well as cultural change throughout the history of the country. However, the economic, social as well as economic features of ... Read more »

Militarism as an Important Force in Modern States essay

Introduction Militarism has remained a definitive feature of modern states since the development of capitalism and its expansion as imperialism. The examples of German and Japanese militarism can show what effects it had on the world. However, it ... Read more »

Military Budget essay

The military budget, which can also be referred to as the defense budget, is the total sum of expenditure that is dedicated to the armed forces to cater for their expenses. The state or nation is in charge of planning for its allocation. The budget ... Read more »

Military Conduct essay

Contemporary military issues refer to those activities that relate to various happenings in the present world. An exclusive economic zone (EEZ) refers to the sea zone that a state holds special rights over the use and exploration of the marine ... Read more »

Mitt Romney’s Plan about Cutting Taxes for Millionaires essay

John Haidt’s model asserts that the nation has made tremendous strides in overcoming various differences. Some of the key differences that have been overcome include North vs. South, Catholic vs. Protestant, and black vs. white differences. ... Read more »

Money and Politics essay

This PAC has always increased its financing to candidates. It has given more support to republican candidates than democrats. The trend was however skewed towards the democrats’ side in the 2010 elections. The Honeywell International gave out ... Read more »

National Security Act essay

The impetuous for the enactment of the National Security Act of 1947 refers to the reorganization of the United States Intelligence and Military services due to the lessons learnt from the Second World War. It, therefore, led to the creation of the ... Read more »

National Security Policies essay

Introduction National security is one of the most fundamental provisions that a government can assure its citizens. National security affects all the other sectors within an economy because without the assurance of security no nation can pursue ... Read more »

Nationalism and Capitalism essay

The beginning of the nineteenth century was remarkable both for Britain and France. French Revolution affected the development of Europe. During this revolution, ultra-nationalist party appeared in France, and it is considered by some scholars as ... Read more »

Negotiation Process essay

Introduction Negotiation is basically a process, by which parties or people settle differences through dialogue and, afterwards, reach to an agreement or compromise, while avoiding quarrels. This discourse is intended to bargain for ... Read more »

Negotiation with Terrorists essay

--[if !mso]> [endif]--> Negotiation with terrorists entails conferring with them over the issue under conflict in order to arrive at a mutual agreement (Faure, 2003). This implies that the conflicting parties meet and talk about the ... Read more »

Neoliberalism in Latin America essay

By the end of World War II, all parts of Europe were in agreement with a mixed economy. However, there were divergent views on whether or not basic industries should be nationalized, the best level of redistribution of resources, as well as the best ... Read more »

Neville Chamberlain essay

Arthur Neville Chamberlain, or more known as Neville Chamberlain, used to be the British politician and the Prime minister of the United Kingdom from 1937 till 1940. His foreign policy was the appeasementof the world. The best confirmation is the ... Read more »

New Gun Control Politics essay

Each country has difficult issues throughout its political history. United States is not an exception. Many issues have been raised by the political powers in the country, and some of them were deliberately avoided due to the complexity and the ... Read more »

New Zealand Country Profile essay

Introduction New Zealand is also identified by its Maori Name of Aotearoa and is found to the East of Australia and South of Melanesia in the South Pacific. The country has a surface area of 268,000 square kilometers. The country consists of two ... Read more »

Non Partisan Panels essay

It is important that non partisan panels draw congressional districts. This will help to introduce new change and do away with 'safe seats'. When non-partisans draw the congressional districts they will be fairer. In this case, the incumbent's ... Read more »

Normative Economics-Republicans versus Democrats essay

The Republican Party and the democrats party both have addressed issues that concern the economy of the United States of America. Democrats party represents the interests of working families and fights for equality amongst Americans. The republican ... Read more »

Obama Administration essay

Following the last Tuesday's elections, it is evident that voters did their best to elect their most favorite candidates since the victory of most of the candidates reflected their opinions and the messages they sent to the public. As stated by ... Read more »

Obama Care: Righteous or Failure essay

TheU.S government plays a diverse role in the communal guidelines and strategies. The popular prospect about the government responsibility to solve the issue has often exceeded the capacity of the state and the local government (Morris & McGann, ... Read more »

Obama in 2012 essay

Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States of America is a remarkable leader who has achieved many things in a short period of time. He has used a different style of leadership that puts into consideration the welfare of the less ... Read more »

Obama's Regulations essay

The author of the article emphasizes that the US regulations are wrapped in the red tape. As it is said, Obama has greatly increased the pace of the governmental regulations. The question how it will affect the life of ordinary Americans is running ... Read more »

Offers of Governments to Foreign Investors essay

Many governments across the world have liberalized their policies in order to attract foreign multinational corporations to invest in their countries. Additionally, many governments across the globe have participated in the process of lowering ... Read more »

Oligarchy essay

Oligarchy refers to a form of governance where few individuals control the governance of a given country (Johnson, La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, & Shleifer, 2000). They are involved in most of main governance decisions, as they mostly manipulate ... Read more »

Overview of a Public Administration Organization essay

The Federal Transit Administration is a public administration company within the United States Department of Transport responsible for maintaining transport systems within the country. The agency provides technical and financial assistance to public ... Read more »

Passage of Compromise of 1850 essay

Compromise of 1950 contained a pack of intricate five bills that was passed and adopted in America in September 1850 that settled a four year confrontation that existed between the Northern free slave states and the Southern slave states. The ... Read more »

Patriot Act essay

The USA PATRIOT, also known as the Patriotic Act was formulated in 2001 and was signed by the former U.S president George w. Bush. It was formulated with the aim of bringing unity to the country and strengthening the nation. This is through ... Read more »

Peer Review essay

This is a peer review of Roberta Osako’s paper on cyber schools. The cover page has been done well as it contains all the information about the topic, student’s name, course, tutor’s name and the date. The thesis statement is well ... Read more »

Philosophy of Politics essay

Introduction Thrasymachus and Socrates engage in a heated argument over the concept of justice and politics in society. Each of these individuals presents his understanding of justice and politics and the manner in which these events occur in any ... Read more »

Plato’s and Aristotle’s Political Ideals essay

Plato is considered by many of today’s philosophers as the first genuine political philosopher while Aristotle is regarded as the first political scientist. Both philosophers were great thinkers and together with Socrates, formed a foundation ... Read more »

Policy Makers essay

Policy makers refer to those individuals who set the plan that a government pursues (Clear & Cole, 2012). In the contemporary society, the criminal justice system deals with crimes by virtue of the existing policies. This helps to avoid ... Read more »

Policy Memo essay

Willets Point United group would like to raise a very significant concern about H. R 1433. There has been underlying issues for along especially on the development of the neighborhood of the city. Several attempts have been made to change the face ... Read more »

Political Apathy amongst Youths in China essay

Political apathy in definition is the individual or public indifference towards movements and events of the politics. This term is mostly used by youths and by referring to youths it means those adults who are between the ages of 18- 35 years old. ... Read more »

Political Argument essay

Recently I found out how difficult it is to convince a person change his/her mind about his/her political viewpoint. Discussing politics can not only be severe to the person’s natural values but it also entails many features of character which ... Read more »

Political Cartoon essay

Ignatieff Keeps Digging a Deeper Hole for Himself In this cartoon, the issue that is being depicted is the polls by the public for the liberal party of Canada in relation to Ignatieff. The Canadian liberal party is the old3est registered federal ... Read more »

Political Correctness in National and International Security essay

Political correctness is a phrase that has been used to depict uniformity of ideas, behaviors and mindset. Political correctness is viewed as communal tyranny and is totalitarian in nature. This is because it is seen as a hindrance to freedom of ... Read more »

Political Culture / Decision Making essay

Democracy is characterized by freedom and equality and refers to a government form where all citizens are the same before the law, and equally have a say in matters that impact their lives. This paper discusses the opinions of Bruce Russett and ... Read more »

Political Ideology essay

Political ideologies refer to belief systems that explain and justify favored economic and government positions regarding the society. Political ideologies offer strategies for maintenance and attainment of preferred courses of action and give sense ... Read more »

Political Institutions essay

The question is often asked whether the political institutions of a state help us comprehend the politics of a nation. In answering that question, it is essential that the essay first define the term 'political institutions'. This is because the ... Read more »

Political leadership essay

The leadership styles adopted by the presidential candidate during the campaign are very influential on the leadership style adopted during the term in the office. The leadership adopted aims to influence others to understand and agree on political ... Read more »

Political matter essay

The overriding ending of the majority of current policy studies is that political issues play an unimportant role in influencing strategies outputs. A number of models have been set up comprising both financial and political variables, and are ... Read more »

Political Participation in America essay

In America like the rest of the world, voting is an important undertaking. Voting patterns are influenced by various factors. The most prominent factors include party identification, gender, race or ethnicity, age, income, education and ideology.The ... Read more »

Political Parties essay

A political party is a political association that aims at influencing the government policies by nominating a candidate to run for a political office (Duverger 18). Political parties normally take part in campaigns for general elections. The parties ... Read more »

Political Parties’ Assignment essay

A party’s "platform" is its official statement of beliefs and values. It’s also known as the party manifesto. It’s a document which elaborates on party’s principles and aims. Most members of a political party – ... Read more »

Political Parties Role in the Government essay

Important accomplishments in the government lie behind the existence of political parties. One of the most important contributions of political parties is unification of the people which is an important issue for government control and development ... Read more »

Political Reasons for Government Intervention essay

The governments often interfere in trade and restrict free trade activities for three reasons: political, cultural, or economic, or some combination of all the three. In certain cases, states interfere in trade activities when the need arises to ... Read more »

Political Role of Women in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Lebanon essay

Currently, the political roles of women have increased greatly in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Jordan. These are the three countries whose political arenas have been dominated by men. Women have been tasked with aiding in improving democracy. The ... Read more »

Political Satire essay

The author is an award-winning Editorial Cartoonist who works for the network websites. Furthermore, he supplies cartoons to the Atlantic City Press, New Jersey Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer as well as other weekly and daily ... Read more »

Political Satire Topic essay

The key reason of choosing the topic, concerning illegal immigrants of US and their impact on the demography of the country, is the fact that American society is called the melting pot and it consists of the variety of different nations. My topic is ... Read more »

Political Science essay

When we are examine politics it is very important for us to know basic form of state. Basic form of state is determined by power structure ,source where is that power coming from and Legislative system. I would like to present my research about ... Read more »

Political Science: Critical Response Paper essay

It should be remembered that according to Bowman (2002), “Federalism is the theory or advocacy of federal political orders, where final authority is divided between sub-units and a center” (p. 11). It can be stated that federalism is the ... Read more »

Political Science Issues essay

What Is the Purpose and Significance of Such International Economic Organizations as the IMF, World Bank, and WTO, and International Political Organizations as the United Nations? What Was the American Role in Creating Those Institutions? The ... Read more »

Political Science Problems essay

The United States should not recognize these distinct historical experiences because they fall in the category of certain discriminative aspects in the cultural system. These distinct historical experiences are having negative role towards positive ... Read more »

Political Socialization essay

Politics is one of the widely discussed topics in the world. This is attributed to the fact that politics plays a pivotal role in the life of an individual by defining the course of life. Through politics people get influenced. Manifold motivation ... Read more »

Political Violence essay

During the armed confrontation in Guatemala, the state’s concept of ‘internal enemy,’ intrinsic to the National Security Doctrine, became more comprehensive. Through its investigations, the CEH discovered one of the greatest ... Read more »

Politicians and Corruption essay

Corruption is a vice that has become extremely common in the world today. This vice has seriously affected the economy and resulted in misappropriation of public resources. Many nations have put in place policies to address this problem. However, to ... Read more »

Politics essay

Introduction Politics can be seen as the process by which people make a collective action or the group of individuals makes decisions collectively (Adamic, L, 1999; Granovetter, 2005). Politics applicable mostly in civil governments and set up of ... Read more »

Politics and the Protection of Tax Advantages essay

Corporate welfare Corporate welfare is an assistance of any kind given out by the government thus making a private firm to have an advantage that other businesses lack. In US, these assistances are favors that in each year cost many billions and ... Read more »

Power and Politics in Organizations essay

Organizations are envisioned to be lucid entities. For this reason, employees have clearly defined duties and accountability which are defined by norms of behavior, rules and regulations, and code of conduct. Nonetheless, this is an imagined ... Read more »

Power of the Presidency essay

In every moment of America’s recent history, the American government is running expensive wars over claims such as protection of the American population from the imminent foreign harm. To achieve these objectives, presidential powers have ... Read more »

Powers of the President essay

Introduction The President is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States. He also has the power to grant pardons and reprieves to various offenders in the United States. Exception, however, comes in case of impeachment. Although ... Read more »

Presentation of Information to Cater For Political Goals essay

The recent killing of the United States ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens has hit global news headlines for some days. Although both opposition and government officials of the United States have condemned this attack, there are fundamental ... Read more »

President Obama essay

Introduction President Barack Obama is the 44th president of United States of America and goes to the records as the first ever black man to win elections in USA as a president. He was born in Hawaii in a place know Honolulu in 1961 to a family of ... Read more »

President Obama's Healthcare Plan essay

The advantages of President Obama’s healthcare plan are far greater than the few inconveniences it may create. So to speak, it is important to dig in the details of the plan by exposing its requirements along with its advantages and ... Read more »

Presidential Debate essay

The first topic discussed during the debate was the creation of jobs and the reduction of unemployment in America. Romney only talked about enhancement of the scholarship program in order to enable students to attain higher education. Obama ... Read more »

Presidential Debate: Romney vs. Obama essay

There are several debates in which the two presidential aspirants have been questioned on how they would address economic matters, which are depressing the nation. A raging political battle between Governor Romney and president Barrack has led to ... Read more »

Presidential Election essay

The presidential elections were covered with a variation of depth by several media networks in the United States on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning. Good coverage of news should be both detailed and varied (Strömbäck and Kaid, 2008). ... Read more »

Presidential Election 2012 essay

Characteristics In American history, presidents have been looked at in different ways. Some were loved by citizens, but accomplished nothing in office. Others made commendable decisions and improved the economy, but got overlooked. Therefore, it is ... Read more »

Presidential Speech essay

The president is a leader who has the right and the duty to serve his nation in the best interests of people. Ronal Reagan’s speech inspires to believe in the capacity of the president to build the government on the basis of freedom and ... Read more »

Presidents essay

Among the presidents who ruled the United States of America from 1789 to 1900, President Abraham Lincoln made the greatest contribution by expanding the presidential power. He was born on the 12th of February, 1809 in Larue (the former Hardin) ... Read more »

Prison Elimination Act essay

Introduction Inmates, who are serving a court sentence in prison in the United States, are sexually abused either by the staffs or fellow inmates. It is evidence that the sexual abuse is common in correctional centers and other detention facilities. ... Read more »

Privacy of Citizens in the USA essay

I agree with the opinion of author’s majority that privacy is a basic human right. In this paper, I will analyze cases of governmental denial of this right. No other aspect of citizen’s rights is as investigated as their online presence ... Read more »

Problems of International Politics essay

We can say that mass mobilization is one of the most important and inspiring forces for any type of political change in the society. According to Radnitz (2010) “The trigger that brings about mass mobilization is set off when the regime ... Read more »

Propaganda: US during the Cold War and Afghanistan essay

During the Second World War Hitler and his Nazi transformed the tool of propaganda almost into a fine art. Much has been said and written about German machinery of propaganda during that era. The same becomes relevant in the context of Marxist ... Read more »

Protest and Identity Politics in the 60s essay

The nature of violence consists in causing violence in response. A new type of protest in a form of non-violent opposition, emerged in the sixtieth, has proved that it is more successful than violent activities. Examining thoroughly the protesting ... Read more »

Public Administration essay

Introduction Public administration plays an important role in the life of every community. If administration is ineffective, the community will not likely to prosper. By contrast, when the administration is effective, there are greater opportunities ... Read more »

Public Protest Demonstration essay

Over time, demonstrations have proved to be violent, but, it is possible to have a peaceful demonstration. Yes, it can be admitted that it is never easy to pass heart felt information calmly. Nevertheless, a message can as well be passed peacefully ... Read more »

Pursuing a career in fluid power essay

Fluid power is a system that is used in many endeavors of human advancement today. The idea is focused upon the development of procedures on utilizing fluid power to allow fluid such as oil to produce a much higher level of power for the machines ... Read more »

Race Relations and American Society essay

There is a certain kind of perception about racism that is present in every one’s mind in America. Historically, Du Bois in Wolfenstein, (2007) notes, the rural parts of Southern America have always been stereotyped to have the most racist ... Read more »

Reagan Revolution through President Obama essay

Introduction Will the revolution by Obama advance the American Interest Washington, in 2012; Jefferson Thomas observed that, each and every generation requires a brand new revolution. Depleted in the war and facing collapse of the economy, the ... Read more »

Reagan Revolution through President Obama Analysis essay

1. American history has been witness to a number of landmark events during the last three decades beginning with the Ronald Reagan presidency and continuing till that of Barack Obama. Two important turning points that may be attributed to this ... Read more »

Reasons against the Passage of Obama's Health Care Bill essay

The purpose of this essay is to argue why Obama’s healthy care plan is ill conceived and is doomed to fail. The plan is already raising public concern as it will be too expensive and too ambitious and will have a negative impact on the welfare ... Read more »

Reconstruction essay

Question 2 After the American Civil War, there emerged a problem of state unity restoration, and restructuring of the South started. The main result of the Civil War was the abolition of slavery in 1865, when the Congress adopted the Thirteenth ... Read more »

Responding to an Historic Economic Crisis essay

The United States of America has been working on formulating various policies that are aimed at enhancing service delivery in various departments that exist in this nation. These policies have been introduced on the floor of the senate as Bills, ... Read more »

Revolutionary Organization essay

Rising Sun considers itself as a revolutionary organization against the political set up of the United States. It has been structured on the basis of maintaining liberation struggle by the Islamic community against the process of state terrorism ... Read more »

Revolutions morality essay

Within the scope of this research, we will assess the views of Rousseau, Hobbes and Kant on politics, government and revolution. As the government is essentially flawed, and all people cannot be satisfied by the social order imposed by a certain ... Read more »

Robert F. Kennedy’s Remarks on the Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr essay

Kennedy’s speech was made almost immediately after the death of Martin Luther King Jr. Even though Kennedy was aware that the pronouncement of Dr. King’s death could have sparked an outright war, he delivered the speech in its merits ... Read more »

Role Of Culture In Development Of Political Patterns essay

For several years now, the link between culture and politics has drawn scholarly attention. More emphasis has been placed on the relationship between democracy and civil culture. This link has been studied by several scholars the first ones being ... Read more »

Role of Interest Groups and Social Movements in Politics essay

Introduction Interest groups are the organizations that citizens form in order to influence policy makers, legislators, administrators, executives and judiciary. They are the means for every citizen to express their preferences and demands to public ... Read more »

Role of Political Parties in Congress essay

According to Smith, Roberts, and Wielen (2005), political parties aim at participating in and influencing the government through having their members elected to government positions. However, many political scientists have disagreed on the role of ... Read more »

Role of Violence in Politics essay

As much as we view and perceive violence as bad and an unethical behavior, it might as well have some benefits in politics. In some situation violence could be necessary or rather the best option to exercise. Violence normally happens across ethnic ... Read more »

Scotland Tourism Reform essay

Tourism reform in Scotland involves the governance. Durie (2003) affirms that it involves the selection of an Ad Hoc Group of Ministers on Tourism who are required to conduct a thorough research pertaining to the issues affecting the growth of ... Read more »

Security or Intrusion essay

The democratic values of American society have been undermined on September 11, 2001. The power that the United States possessed for a long period of time as well as the safety of American society prior to the attacks started to vanish. Due to these ... Read more »

Shaka Zulu essay

Undoubtedly, Shaka Zulu is one of the most revered and studied South African Leader. While after his death many decades ago, his shadow and figure still hover around both in South Africa and beyond. Even the contemporary tribesmen as well as people ... Read more »

Should Purchases Made Over The Internet Be Taxable essay

Almost all goods which people purchase are taxable. It lets to provide the society with essential benefits, as exactly in such way a main part of the current state’s budget is formed. As a result, taxation becomes an integral part of every ... Read more »

Should the government be the main source for the revenue for both social and religious non-profit organizations? essay

Should the Government Be the Main Source for the Revenue for Both Social and Religious Non-Profit Organizations? Introduction All nations develop policies through which they express their position on matters such as income support for people who ... Read more »

Should the government reduce income difference between rich and poor? essay

Abstract Today, inequitable wealth distribution continues to derail development in numerous continents and must therefore be addressed by both developed and developing countries. Addressing the problem of wealth distribution in both developing and ... Read more »

Should There be a Limit on the Number of Terms That a Member of Congress Can Hold essay

The issue of term limits for Congress members is significant because they are the key lawmakers in the country. Voters have varied views on whether the number of terms an individual can serve in the Congress should be limited. The movement to limit ... Read more »

Significance of George Washington’s Resignation essay

George Washington did resign as the commander –in- chief of the armed forces commission. He was the father of the American people back in the year 1799. It is a memorable event and decision in the history of the American nation. The ... Read more »

Significant cross-cultural differences in kinship systems between U.S.A and China essay

Within the scope of this research, we will compare the kinship systems of United States and China. Since the early 1970s, both popular and scholarly literature in the United States have highlighted issues of family change. (Cherlin 1992) Although ... Read more »

Slavery in the South essay

This essay is concerned with slavery and other issues related in the southern parts of the United States of America. In order to analyze the situation, the essay draws its arguments from two sources written by the people who undergo slavery in the ... Read more »

Slums in mumbai, India essay

According to the United Nations agency, a slum is a Un-habitat which means that it is a run down area in a city which is characterized by the low standard of housing and lack in tenure security. The Indian government has announced that the number of ... Read more »

Sovereignty Breach essay

It is a paper addressing the case of sovereignty breach against Iraq by the Unites States of America in the context of the United States invasions on Iraq with no regard for International Law that provides for the sovereignty and respect of an ... Read more »

Standards for Political Obligation essay

Introduction The nature of political obligation has been studied since ancient times. Indeed, Socrates and Plato wrote on political obligation. The theory of political obligation was tremendously enriched my philosophical works of Rousseau, Locke, ... Read more »

State of the Union Address essay

Thank you for gathering here in this chamber and showing your devotion and love to the country that is so dear to all of us. Thank you very much. Thank you. Please take your seats. Dear Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Distinguished Heads of State ... Read more »

Strengths and Weaknesses of Deliberative Polling essay

Deliberative polling refers to a set of traditional polling and focus groups where opinions of subjects are measured as well as the reasons for those opinions and their capacity to change are analysed (Cooper 1995). During deliberative polling ... Read more »

Strengths and Weaknesses of the UN as a Diplomatic Actor in Todays World essay

Diplomacy is the practice of carrying out international relations between nations and agreements between government officials. Such an agreement includes signing treaties and alliances. The establishment of the United Nations was in 1945 immediately ... Read more »

Suffrage is Important in a Democratic Society essay

In any democratic society right to vote is the most important ingredient. Many countries that have very strong economic foundation and peace, have found their secret in the ballot. Likewise communities who have been able to influence decisions made ... Read more »

Support for Guatemala Was Wrong essay

The largest percentage of the people who were killed in the Guatemalan Civil War constituted the Mayans; the number was estimated at 35,508, equaling to 83%. The remaining fraction equaling to 17% was Ladinos. For long, Guatemala for long been known ... Read more »

Terraforming mars essay

American politics is known to prime during the election period where the most common activities of the politicians become significantly visible to the public. To gain the support and votes of the American citizens, politicians resort to any form of ... Read more »

Terrorism and border control essay

I prefer this topic since it threatens the national security of a country, and also because of its massive consequences if ignored by the government. Terrorism and border control is a significant topic in criminal justice due to a number of factors. ... Read more »

The 2001 Terrorist Attack essay

Introduction The history of America is undoubtedly one filled with numerous events whether social, political or economical that helped to shape the country into what it is today. The most historic event of American history is perhaps the 2001 ... Read more »

The American Political Bias essay

The relations between the United States and Israel are deemed very vital for the government of the United States general policy in the region. Besides, the Congress has put substantial weight on the preservation of a supportive and close linkage. ... Read more »

The Arab League essay

Introduction The Arab League is a weak organization with no notable success but rather status quo and failures in many occasions. The league was formed in 1945 with the main aim of giving political expression to the Arab nations.  According to ... Read more »

The Athenians essay

Introduction It was the Athenians who first came up with the word democracy. It meant literary that it was the rule by the people or demos. It was a system of governance that ended following the rise of Alexander the Great but in the last century, ... Read more »

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin essay

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 6, 1706 in Milk Street to Josiah Franklin, a tallow chandler and Abiah Franklin. Benjamin was his fifteenth child and the eighth of his mother. Josiah Franklin took great interest in his favorite son Benjamin ... Read more »

The Clear and Present Danger essay

Introduction The clear and present danger test is a doctrine that was introduced in the US with the aim of enhancing the freedom of speech. It was announced first by the US Supreme court in Schenck v. United States in 1919. During this time the US ... Read more »

The Cold War and the USA Diplomacy essay

No other president of the 20th century inspired imagination of contemporaries and penetrated deeply into the collective consciousness of Americans, as John F. Kennedy. His youthful enthusiasm, with cold rationality of irony and charm, working on the ... Read more »

The Compromising of America: An American Tragedy essay

Chick-fil-A is facing issues in commencing its second branch in Chicago as its president passed remarks against gay marriages not liked by the city mayor. According to the mayor, company has been charged of confining the word marriage to its ... Read more »

The Concept of "Internal Enemy" essay

The concept of ‘internal enemy’ is a strategy that was used in solving internal problems in different countries especially in the Latin America. For instance, in the Guatemalan conflict, this concept was prevalent. According to the ... Read more »

The Constitution Of Japan essay

A constitution is a body of rules and regulations that is applied in the governing of a state and in the administration of justice by the courts of law. The concept of constitution was clear to the Japanese and consequently during the reign of ... Read more »

The containment policy the containment policy of United States of America essay

The containment policy of United States of America was meant to ensure that communism was not spreading allover the world. In seeking to ensure the foreign policy relating to communism succeeded to various factors contributed to success of failure ... Read more »

The Continuing Need for Affirmative Action essay

Introduction Affirmative action refers to policies formulated in the 1960s and was primarily devoted to improving the employment and educational opportunities for the American negroes-the universally accepted designation of the time. Affirmative ... Read more »

The debate essay

The debate emphasizes that a clear line should be drawn between religion and politics in matters relating to citizen welfare. The government is to be responsible for the needs of its citizens, and matters relating to the support of citizens are not ... Read more »

The Dollar Diplomacy essay

Dollar diplomacy is the name by which the overseas expansion, dominance and growth has come to be the reality of the US citizens and its affiliates. It was basically an outgrowth of European imperialism since it involved cross border cooperation. It ... Read more »

The Evolution of Democracy essay

The evolution of democracy is not simply an alteration of a country’s or a state’s political structure. Democratization involves long-term processes that is based on a given policy and creates the demand for changes in the manner people ... Read more »

The French-Algerian War essay

The French-Algerian War had divided the French citizens when it raised the issue of whether to keep the status quo, negotiate a status intermediate between independence and complete integration in the French Republic, or allow complete independence. ... Read more »

The Geopolitics of American Insecurity essay

To begin with, the American democracy has got a very rich history since it inception. Democracy in particular, it is a political government that is carried out by the people or by the people through their chosen representatives. In connection to ... Read more »

The Guatemala Armed Confrontation essay

In the Guatemala armed confrontation, the nation’s concept of ‘internal enemy,’ intrinsic to the National Security Doctrine, became more widespread. The CEH carried out some investigations and found that one of the greatest impacts ... Read more »

The Impact of WWII essay

The first general elections in the UK were held in 1945 for the first time in ten years due to the World War 2 and the Labour party under the leadership of Clement Attlee was elevated to power (Jones, 1996). Despite his reputation as the savior of ... Read more »

The main points in the debate essay

The main points in the debate One of the key issues in the October 22 presidential debate was that of military spending. Mitt Romney made some significant claims about the capabilities of the military and supported his idea about the need to ... Read more »

The Military Policy of the United States essay

The civil war was a major turning point both in the political and social way of life. Great military policies and technology advancements came up after the civil war. During and before the onset of the civil war, the soldiers used muskets that held ... Read more »

The National Security Policy Directives essay

The National Security Policy Directives (NSPD) was previously known as Presidential Policy Directives (PDD); the renaming occurred during the initial days of President George W. Bush's first term in office (Aftergood, 2010). The NSPD consists of ... Read more »

The Nations, States and Boundaries essay

Introduction A nation is a geographic region that identifies itself as having the sovereign power of serving a country or a territorial unit. The power to control and serve a country is exercised through the political legitimacy that such a state ... Read more »

The Nine War Theories essay

Abstract             This research theory paper explains the many ways that cause war between and among the countries of the world and the extremely close reason for the emergence of war. There ... Read more »

The NY Ratification Debates as Anti-Federalist essay

It is good for all of us to acknowledge that the proposed constitution has some flaws. It is therefore our duty as people who are opposing the ratification of this constitution to make it clear that our agenda is not to bring down this constitution, ... Read more »

The Obama Healthcare Plan essay

For the first time in America, the health care reform has taken the top priority on issues of great concern and importance. For the first time in fifteen years, this aspect has become the top priority in the agenda of the senate. The increasing rate ... Read more »

The Patriot Act essay

Introduction The United States of America PATRIOT Act is an act that belongs to the United States Congress and was enacted by their former presidents George W. Bush in 2001. The initials of the act stand for Uniting and Strengthening America by ... Read more »

The Policies of Affirmative Action essay

Introduction The fight to create a better society for all social groups in America was brought about by the policies of affirmative action pushed over by the majority of civil rights movement. The policies took into greater consideration gender, ... Read more »

The Political Psychology of the Gulf War essay

The 20th century will be remembered as one of the centuries in human history that experienced a lot of wars and war rumors. The late 1960s and early 1970s experienced the cold war between the United States and the USSR, with each fighting for the ... Read more »

The Politics of Deconstructions essay

The period of reconstruction in the United States history refers to the years after the Civil War where the North and South tried to discover how to live side by side again. White and black Americans had to form a renewed association as the black ... Read more »

The Politics of Europe essay

So formidable and important is the politics of Europe that the outcome of the same has been seen to have profound effect on world politics and international relations, diplomacy and trade. The developments that took place in Europe such as the ... Read more »

The Portuguese in India essay

For more than three centuries, good quality colossal ships and cannons from the small country developed enterprise in Asia. The small country, Portugal, transcended beyond what other nations were doing with gunnery due to its increased artillery ... Read more »

The Presidential Debate on Monday Night essay

The presidential debate on Monday night was much-anticipated by political junkies across the country. The outcome of this last debate was uncertain in the days leading up to the event – political commentators widely agreed that Mitt Romney won ... Read more »

The Presidents Speeches essay

The American presidents have always sought to lay down their legacies after every general election. Their visions for the nation and what they intend to achieve during their term is clearly reiterated in their various speeches as they address the ... Read more »

The Principle of Non Violence essay

Why do men commit errors being self-governing at the same time for Gandhi? The whole life of Mahatma Gandhi is the way of the Truth’s searching. The Truth is the most important sense of being for him but a man can not achieve complete Truth. ... Read more »

The purposes of arms control and disarmament essay

Introduction This field deals with restrictions on utilization of the weapons meant for mass destruction. This exercise is made efficient by employing diplomacy which limits participation in mass destruction through international agreements as well ... Read more »

The Rise of Rome essay

Introduction The political success of Rome has always remained as an issue to be discussed by many people who are interested in politics. This is because the rate at which Rome rose to the extent of controlling politics in many regions like North ... Read more »

The Soft approach of President Obama to President Hamid Karzai essay

This article is based on the soft approach of president Obama to President Hamid Karzai with an effort of influencing him. The effort by Obama’s peaceful approaches to Hamid seems to yield no fruits. In fact, as far as president Karzai is ... Read more »

The Terrorism essay

The terrorism act that took place in September 11, 2001, had a great impact on government policy implementation particularly with the detention and trial policies of suspected terrorists. The habeas corpus was in particular thrust into the ... Read more »

The Transition to Democracy in Indonesia and Philippines essay

The transition in Indonesia and the Philippines from authoritarian regimes took very different paths. In 1986, the fall of Ferdinand E. Marcos can basically be linked to the insatiable desire of the landed oligarchy to get back the control of the ... Read more »

The Two Leaders of the Civil Rights Movement essay

The Civil Rights Movement was a culmination of the long African-American struggle for freedom, justice, and equality, which was a natural turn of events after the success of the Women’s Rights movement of the first quarter of the twentieth ... Read more »

The U.S. Presidential Candidate Character essay

While a good president must have a patriotic character, the manner in which priorities are set by the anticipated leader is of paramount importance. Any person aiming to become the president of the United States must make the commitment to enhancing ... Read more »

The War in Afghanistan essay

A new phase of war in Afghanistan began in October 2001. The United States of America, the Afghan United Front, the United Kingdom and the AustralianCommonwealth launched the operation aiming at enduring freedom. The September attacks on the United ... Read more »

Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt essay

Primarily the Democratic and the Republican parties dominate American politics. They both differ largely in their philosophies and principles. All the presidents or leaders of these parties follow the legacy and thus differ in their administration ... Read more »

Theories of Democratic essay

USA has two major political parties namely the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Each of the parties believes in an economic embedded on a particular economic theory. The republicans support a free market economic system as in the ... Read more »

Tiananmen Square Event essay

Tiananamen Square was the venue for the largest pro-democracy pressure group in China in 1989. Massive protests and demonstrations started after the death of Hu Yaobang, a party leader who was against the ruling of the paramount leader Deng ... Read more »

Transnationalism essay

Transnationalism is a phenomena used to describe the inter-connectivity between people of different nationalities, cultures and economic status (Genest 191). Transnationalism seeks to find a solution to the way people live in the world in terms of ... Read more »

Truman and Bush Doctrines essay

Every American president who comes to power spells out his foreign policy depending on the global political “climate” of the time he/she seizes power and his ideology. The foreign policy dogma that is constantly applied is generally ... Read more »

Truman Doctrine Questions essay

Who wrote this document? This document was written by President Harry S. Truman, the president of the United States. He took over the presidency on April 12, 1945 after the death of President Roosevelt. Who is the intended audience? The audience ... Read more »

Trust and Corruption in E-Government essay

Introduction This paper particularly investigates the relationship between trust and corruption, and how the impact of corruption can be reduced through the introduction of e- governance. Corruption is an illegal behavior that is conducted by the ... Read more »

Turkey essay

On the whole, Turkey in the 1920s was an agrarian society and economy; today the country is generally urbanized and rapidly industrializing. The social upheavals and economic and political changes such a transformation engenders have placed ... Read more »

Unitary Government essay

Governments play very important roles in our daily lives. The government, through its arms, formulates, interprets and implements various rules, regulations and policies that affect the citizens’ daily lives. However, these government systems ... Read more »

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees essay

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is a body under the United Nations wing. It deals with advocacy of the rights of asylum seekers, refugees, stateless persons and internally displaced persons. UNCHR negotiates and disseminates ... Read more »

United State Government and Politics essay

The government of united State is elaborated by various institutions, groups, ideas and beliefs all of which constitute a common political reality. The politics are part of governance in United State providing an analytical perspective of how the ... Read more »

United States Debt and the Impact upon the Global Community essay

Introduction Today, one of the major pressing issues is the growing and staggering foreign debt of the United States of America. The U.S. federal spending in 2013 coupled with its depressed receipts emanating from its weak economy has resulted into ... Read more »

US Civil Military Relation essay

The civil-military relation focuses on the relationship between the civil society and the military forces. There has existed an extremely strong civilian control in its subjective and objective forms since the World War II. After the September 11 ... Read more »

US man guilty over subway suicide-bomb essay

The sentencing of 28 year old Adis Medunjanin in Brooklyn on Tuesday represented one of the key steps taken by the American government on its fight against terrorism. The American citizen of Bosnian origin was found guilty of plotting to attack the ... Read more »

Use of Indicators to Make Policies essay

More often than not, government representatives find themselves under the weight of responsibilities. For instance, the minister for internal security may find himself or herself with a list of security problems that he must address: crime, illegal ... Read more »

Voting essay

Question 1. I would not say that something discourages me from voting in this election, since one can clearly see that both candidates represent opposite political parties and opposite approaches to how America should deal with its economic ... Read more »

War: A Timeless Theme essay

Today, discussion of war pervade our political sphere. The debates surrounding it are seemingly endless, but always poignantly relevant. In the following essay, three different perspectives on war will be examined. First, German philosopher ... Read more »

War on Terrorism: Effectiveness and Ineffectiveness of Policy essay

To begin with, war on terror policy emerged during the reign of George W. Bush Administration. There were several goals of the policy to be carried as well as met by the criminal justice system. The goal of criminal justice is to do justice, control ... Read more »

WBC vs. US essay

For how long should we sit back and watch impunity spread in our land? Oh my God! There is an independent church by the name Westboron Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. For some reasons this church is known to be more of a hate group than a church ... Read more »

We should cut off all aid to North Korea until it agrees to stop developing nuclear weapons: “Cons” essay

Introduction The five powerful recognized nuclear weapon states, which are the United States, Russian Federation, France, China, and the United Kingdom, often analyze the North Korea nuclear crisis from the perspective of international relations, ... Read more »

We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed with Our Families essay

In 1994, April the 6th, Rwandan government, Central Africa, called upon the Hutu majority to slaughter the Tutsi minority, their countrymen. About 800,000 Tutsis were killed in three following months(about 10 % of the whole population) – ... Read more »

Welfare Programs essay

Welfare programs are the initiations put in place by the government of a specific country in order to ensure improved living standards among its citizens. The welfare programs are common in Western countries because of their developed nature and ... Read more »

WGS Final paper essay

The article by Cristina Delgado Garcia looks into the stylistic devices used by Woolf to produce the anti-essentialist notion of subjectivity in her novel Mrs. Dalloway. It seeks to critically analyze selfhood-based decentering discourse from a ... Read more »

What can be done? role of UN and NGOs in Africa and Asia essay

Afghan refugees, internally deposed people, and asylum seekers were most apparently affected--directly or indirectly. Hundreds of thousands of Afghans were impelled to leave and other people were plunged' into farther destitution and uncertainty. ... Read more »

What do you Think is Left out of Neo-Neo Debate essay

Political leaders and critics admit that neo-liberal and neo-realist debate left out many important questions concerning inequality in the international relations and war issues. Also, they do not address such problems as political games and ... Read more »

What is the Best Way to Prevent Political Violence in the Future essay

Political violence has been in existence as early as 1780s and especially in the recent times taking different forms altogether. In actual sense, political violence is a means that is employed by people and governments around the world to achieve ... Read more »

What is the Proper Role of the Mass Media in a Liberal Democratic Society essay

In the contemporary world, the use of mass media has been on the increase and thus this has not exempted its use in the political arena. In connection to this point, there is a vital role that is played by mass media especially in the liberal ... Read more »

What is the Relationship between Democracy and Development? essay

What is the Relationship between Democracy and Development? The recent purpose of the global policy is to spread the democracy among different nations and introduce it to the countries with the tyranny power of one dictator. The sincere intentions ... Read more »

What is Wrong with National Service essay

Most countries in the world have make programs that cause their citizens to serve as volunteers in both the public and the private sector. These programs are called national service whereby a person works for a certain number of hours either without ... Read more »

What political apply essay

What political apply Before one invests in one country, there is a need to ensure that all factors have been considered. There is need to check the country that one desires to invest in. what politics will favor the investment, what issues lie on ... Read more »


``Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote`` Benjamin Franklin In contemporary society, where in almost every country every person have a right to vote and choose a ... Read more »

Why president Obama is considered as progressive? essay

Obama is considered to be progressive because of his endeavor to complete and perfection the grand liberal project which was started in the last century. This is evident in the uncommon knowledge. The grand liberal project is basically; the American ... Read more »

Winston S Churchill’s Speech essay

Who wrote this document? This document was written by Winston S. Churchill. He was a British politician whose efforts guided the United Kingdom during the Second World War. He served as Britain’s prime minister for two terms. Who is the ... Read more »

Woodrow Wilson and his Fourteen Points essay

Woodrow Wilson is among the United States’ Presidents who left behind a legacy that has shaped the way this nation interacts with other nations in the world. During his time as the president of the United States of America, he made changes in ... Read more »

Workers of the World Unite! essay

“Workers of the world unite!” is one of the most famous communist slogans. These words are put at the end of The Manifesto of the Communist Party or originally Das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich ... Read more »

World Politics- International Political Economy essay

The World War II had far reaching consequences that were long term and felt by almost all nations in the world. This war that ended in 1945 left millions of people dead across continents, with the majority of those mostly affected being civilians, ... Read more »

Year 2012 Presidential Elections essay

Year 2012 in the United States of America (USA) has seen the two major political parties, Democrats and Republicans present to the electorate different manifestos in the name of wooing voters in the ongoing general election. Though they have ... Read more »
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