Free «ICTs in World Development» Essay Sample

ICTs (the acronym for Information and Communication Technologies), play a vital role in the world development in our days. They are made of technologies that help to manipulate, gather and store data by electronic means. For instance, in the case of a landline telephone system, words that are spoken are transformed into electronic signals and then are transformed back into words at the other end. And those technologies are numerous, such as the Internet, mobile phones, TV and others. It is impossible to imagine the world without them in our days.

As much as health, food, water and security are important for any country, they are vital for developing countries where people die because of the lack of basic things such as sanitation, health care and pure water. It is impossible to develop a society or economy without simultaneous development of ICTs. For example, effective medical care depends heavily on the usage of good communications systems such as landline or mobile telephone since human lives can often be save with the help of effective communication systems.



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The developed countries should be involved in the development of other parts of the world such as Africa and South-East Asia. UN and other international bodies as well as governments of the developed countries should unite in fighting poverty and economic lag in those regions. That includes providing those countries with ICTs and training personnel to run those systems so that they would not be dependant on rich countries to operate them.

To reach those goals, skilled volunteers and people from government agencies would have to go to underdeveloped regions to set up productions and educational facilities in order to help to bring those regions to more modern levels. I personally would be greatly interested to spend a couple of years assisting in those programs and see if I would like to commit the rest of my life to working in such capacity. It is very interesting to work in new and often different surrounding with people who also want to improve the standard of people living around the world.

Cross-cultural experience enriches people and broadens their worldview. People who spent a part of their life abroad and especially in poor countries begin to appreciate more what they have back home and also have more compassion to those who are born and live in poverty.


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