Free «Marketing is Everything by Regis McKenna Review» Essay Sample

Marketing is everything is a Harvard Business review article which critically defines marketing strategies in the 1990s. Illustrated with examples, Regis demonstrates how a single strategy can transform a company from good to best. He is also a known technology marketing consultant advisor to entrepreneurs. Well equipped with experience from Silicon Company where he is considered to be a marketing guru, and also as the chairman of the McKenna Group, Regis article is well raid down and overwhelming. This is a must read for marketers of companies which aims at remaining afloat through generations (McKenna 1)

He considers the 1990s as the customers’ decade, where technology has completely transformed marketing strategies. Throughout this period, marketing has been driven by the enormous power of technology. The emergence of programmable microchips has enabled companies to automate most of its major activities including marketing. Giving an example, Procter and Gamble was able to increase product sale by 60% between 1985 and 1989. IBM competitors has increased from 20 to more than 5000 increasing semiconductors models and types from 90 to about 300. This is a clear manifestation of how technology has advanced(McKenna 3).



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Customers care about how much a company is willing to adopt its products or services to fit their requirements and requests. Successful companies in the 90s have become market driven and has adopted their products and services to fit customer’s requests and strategies. Marketing is intangible and customers must have the experience to appreciate.

He further pointed out on how companies become fixated in pursuing their R&D agendas and forget the most important capabilities sustaining their performance and maintaining their independence. Genentech is a good example. It emerged as R&D pioneer only to be acquired by Roche (3).

Market share mentality results into companies thinking of their customers as share points. This turns marketing into an expensive fight rather than a smart effort to own the whole pie. Leadership is ownership. The real goal of marketing should be to own the market. In marketing, what you lead is what you own. Acknowledging leadership position attracts the most talented people. Owning the market translates into becoming a dominant force in the field.

Apple for example has managed to achieve this through broadening its market. This way it has managed to own and create a market. It started with hobby computers, to home computers, desktops, and eventually the laptops. This has enabled it to own a big market share amid the crowded and limiting market. Japanese companies have also maintained a consistent strategy by pushing out a variety of products to engage the market, then focusing on dominating the market. This has forced foreign competitors to give up. These companies have further recycled their profits into a new spiral of R&D, innovation, market creation and market dominance(McKenna 6).

To make it through the 90s, competitors needed to take the approach of competing model which links R&D, innovation, production, technology, and finance, all these integrated through marketing drive to own the market. National bicycle Industry makes a variety of tailor made bicycles which are made according to the customer’s size. This has helped the company dominate the market.

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He further made a comparison between light, markets, and customers. According to quantum physics, light is defined as a wave and also as particles. As a wave, customers behave as a part of the big market other times, they act as individuals. This way, a company must have different levels of customer energy whereby, a product surges, get absorbed and eventually die.

Markets need to follow technology but not get opposed to it. Giving a good example of cassette manufacturing companies, he demonstrates how they were overtaken by Personics while stuck in protecting their industry from copiers. Personics embraced the emerging technology that was making an irresistible market for authorized high quality customized CDs (7).

He explains the three related marketing factors. Advertising overkill rocks back on advertising itself. Secondly, consistent advertising gets the customers irritated and fed up. He also illustrates that reducing the line between products and services enables the company to make double profits (9).

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Transforming the power of technology is the only way out as illustrated in this article. As a critical dimension, it requires the attention it demands. Critical dimension of companies include all its attributes that define how its business is run. These are also the functions of marketing, therefore, marketing is everything and everything is marketing (10).


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