Free «My Bloody Life» Essay Sample

Reymundo Sanchez, the author of My Bloody Life, narrates about his life from the time he was born at the back of the pickup truck in Puerto Rico to the time he leaves the Latin kings gang after twenty one years. His earlier life was full of abuse and pain, and that is why he decided to join the group of gang whom he believed gave him love, which her mother and stepfather had denied him. As a gang, he involved himself with violence, sex and drugs in the street. He later decides to quit and start a new life, which he claims it was hard since he had to leave drugs, fight with nightmares of horrors he had done and seen and lose the community he only knew. He says although he did not complete college he managed to quit the kings and the legacy of violence from his mother (Sanchez, 2000).

Sanchez experiences critical events in his life and becomes a gangster. He suffers abuse from his mother, an act that haunts and scares him in his young life. He survives from being beaten and raped by his cousin when he was aged five. Sanchez loses his father and her mother immediately remarries and moves to Chicago. Sanchez is seen suffering and mistreated by her mother and the stepfather; although, his sisters are able to escape. At the age of thirteen, Sanchez finds he is alone in the busy streets of Chicago. This is after his mother throws him out of the home. Sanchez also joins the kings, which is a group of gangs, and he is forced to carry out violent and ruinous acts in order to be a member. He becomes one of the people who were unkind to strangers. He engages in loveless sex, intake of alcohol and cocaine, things that make him brutal to the society. He is later caught trafficking drugs, a charge that cause his arrest, and this makes him desire to change to a better person (Sanchez, 2000).



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Violence is the theme that drives the entire story. Reymundo, a young boy, was brutally beaten by his cousins and aunts when his mother was on honeymoon with the new husband, Emilio. He is also brutally sodomized by his cousin. Emilio later started beating Reymundo and his mother after the birth of his daughter, and she later got married to Pedro. Pedro also started beating Reymundo, and this made her mother send him to US where he lived with his stepbrother who also mistreated him. This environment, made Sanchez make the choice of joining the kings, an act that made his life miserable (Sanchez, 2000).


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