Free «The Choking Doberman» Essay Sample

The urban myth selected for analysis is “The Choking Doberman”. This story tells about a woman and her dog who protects a house and kills the burglar. This story vividly portrays the courage of the dog and his instincts. Using this story, it is possible to say that the main categories of victims popularized by media are women and poor. One might argue that variations in fear depend on the sense of vulnerability, real or imagined, that people have. False images of victims force women to perceive themselves to be physically more vulnerable to criminal victimization, and even though their rate of victimization is not as high as that of men, they are more afraid than men, Critics admit a false and negative portrayal of victims of crime popularized by mass media and urban stories. Crime, particularly violent and predatory crime, is not as common as often portrayed by journalists. Crime is uniquely debilitating because it destroys feelings of security and the sense of interpersonal trust that binds a community together.



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As for the criminal justice goals, this story tells that house owners should be more attentive to their property. While understanding the criminal behavior among people the social learning theory directs attention toward the rewards and punishments those teenagers observe in their everyday life in the behavior of other people, which they are more likely to imitate by themselves. In sum, story creates vivid and bright images of crime victims in order to impress a viewer and attract attention of wide target audience. The age-crime relationship varies in the crime types, the structural position of groups, and historical and cultural contexts. The thing is that collective efficacy can be determined by other factors, for instance, educational level of the population. Nevertheless, the authors make a very interesting observation about residential efficacy and their importance for social cohesion and informal control. Neighbors may strive for common welfare only if they know and trust one another. But the development of social ties is a very time-consuming process, which may take decades.


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