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Successful integration is not determined exclusively by the actions taken by the immigrants and the resources that they have. The reception that they are accorded from the host community- supportive, negative or neutral plays a very important role. However, integration is a two way process whereby the newcomers together with the established residents share responsibility for the interests of each other as well as of the larger community.
It necessitates change on the side of the immigrant together with the receiving community and is an active joint process that occurs over time. Idyllically, it changes both the newcomers and the receiving community, forming a new whole that is bigger than the sum of its parts.
Nevertheless, through the integration process, we find that the receiving society learns to value the skills, cultures and languages that the newcomers come with and, concurrently, plays an active role in fulfilling or meeting their needs. Over time, the native residents come to realize and recognize the immigrants as very important assets who greatly contribute to the long-term vitality, success and their community’s health.
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Refugees and immigrants, and the organizations representing them also have responsibility for integration. The newcomers should do their part in order to become contributing members of community or society by making sure that they learn English, also ensuring that their children get education, sharing their traditions as well as participating in democracy.
Voicing ideas and concerns, trying to work together with the long-term residents or the natives towards common goals and participating in community decision-making are under the integration experience, bringing about better health for each and every individual in the community.
Successful and thriving communities are founded mainly on the rule of law and parity in the legal realm as they are on different forms of social partnerships embedded in elemental principles of justice and equity. The long-term success for the broad-based societies needs persistent attention to at least one extra set of issues, solving the minority and immigrant integration puzzle in manner that completely respect the associated and democratic principles that describe these societies. All over the United States, many suburbs and small towns that had never experienced the challenges and benefits associated with the large-scale immigration are now getting used to the new realities (Michael, p3).
Nonetheless, at the least, this challenge necessitates that the rules on who belongs and how the public resources are distributed be regularly evaluated. Without this, as well as the making of required adjustments can always give free restraint to the centrifugal forces threatening social cohesiveness by establishing different and by description unequal membership classes.
The immigrant-receiving communities cannot continue engaging the international migration system without making considerable and concurrent investments in understanding better and tackling the effects of immigration on the host communities. The process of better understanding these effects and plotting suitable response to them is an important element in the management of the whole issue well. It also enhances the related public policy goals of social cohesion and good governance.
Practically, this becomes the need to treat the social, political, cultural and economic aspects of the local community not simply as a space whereby the immigrants just happen to live, but one whereby the immigrants are usually in an active relationship. However, put differently, the experiences that the immigrants have in the local settings help in shaping their opportunities just the way their presence produces, cultural, social, political and economic changes in the social framework. It is therefore in the receiving community’s interest to not only prepare the ground for immigrants' labor and economic market contributions, but also for their political and social integration.
Not considering how prepared any community might think it is to receive the immigrants, it should be much better prepared to in the future years since the immigration levels will continue increasing. Mirror-image demographic forces in the developing and advanced worlds almost guarantee it. However, these forces include the need of maintaining financing for the social support systems as the birth dearth starts savaging the size of the work forces of many developed industrial communities, increasing locational and skill mismatches, and the economic growth essential.
Consequently, the stakes become even higher. Eventually, the price will become exorbitant for not doing well enough or definitely for failing to help the immigrants in integration such that both they and the societies in which they settle fully benefit. Well management of integration starts with the recognition that the immigrants are able to make strong long-term contributions to the societies they enter.