Before we start analysing the results that we got, it is very important to emphasize that the subjects of the research were female students, thus ladies – most probably – in their teens and 20s.
The interviewed ladies gave their answers to 10 questions.
The first question focused on the mobile phone services that were used by them. There were six preset answers and if they did not find their preference among those, they could name it themselves. The most popular service was ’internet’, which is used by 27% of the ladies. The second place was taken by ’games’, which was favored by 26%, ’social network’ got 11%, ’e-mail’ got 7%, ’jest calls and sms’ together got only 4% and none of the ladies said they used the ’sat-nav’ service. 27% of the girls stated that she used all of the services.
The second question concentrated on the extra services that are taken into consideration when the customers choose their contract type (they could choose only one extra service). Again the most popular answer was ’unlimited internet’ (32%), which was followed by ’international calls’ (28%), ’unlimited calls’ from the same company (24%), ’free weekend calls’ (12%), and ’unlimited sms’ (4%).
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Question 3 was about which type of contract deals they preferred. 58% said that they prefer ’contract with phone’, 32% chose ’SIM only contract’ the two other options were chosen only by 10%.
62% of them said that they do not prefer to use their phone on international travel with extra cost, while 38% said the contrary.
The fifth question was about the reason why they chose their contract. 64% answered that it was because of her personal needs, 22% admitted that she was influenced by a friend and 8% of the ladies were convinced by the shop staff. 6% chose the contract ’to be fashionable’.
The opinions about the most important aspect of phone service were diverse, too. The highly valued aspects are convenience (28%) and quality (22%). 18% thinks that it is important that the service is easy to use. Price, functionality and reliability were factors that not many ladies valued.
The most commonly used mobile phone devices are ’calling’ (36%) and ’internet’ (31%), while texting (16%) and camera (36%) are less popular. It seems like that the basic function, calling is still commonly used, but internet, a new device is getting very popular, too.
The most popular mobile phone brands are Apple (30%) and Nokia (28%). Blackberry and Sony were both chosen by 16%, HTC, Motorola and Samsung are prefered only by 2-4% and LG is not popular at all, nobody chose it.
It also turned out that Lebara is the company that most of the women (42%) chose, O2 has the second biggest clientele (30%). The telecommunication giants, Vodafone (12%), T-Mobile (6%), Orange (6%) and 3 (3%) are not too popular.