Free «Cellular Telephone Bands» Essay Sample


Ban is necessary because it is important for schools to provide quality and quantity education in a dutiful, silent and safe environment. Cell phones will create interruptions in the classes thus reducing the level of concentration in learning. It can also be noticed with great concern that a student with a phone is an uninterested pupil. A student will spend most of her or his time text-messaging, calling, playing with the phone or face booking.  These activities in classes will reduce the students’ concentration and attention span. The students will be more concerned with entertainment and socialization than education while at school.


Use of cell phones in classes and schools will result to poor performance by the students. Due to lack of concentration and attention the students will not fully focus on lessons and subjects taught (Vaidyanathan, 2009). This will result to lack of participation in classes, poor performance resulting to low grades and school dropouts. Use of cellphone in the school can also cause vices. During exams periods, the students can use the cell phones to search for answers promoting depravities like cheating (Pahlavan & Levesque, 2005).When students use cell phones in classes, it will cause disruption to those who are interested in learning.  While in classes, students usually forget to turn off their phones causing interruptions made by ringtones and text message alerts.



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Prolonged use of cell phones can cause and accelerate physical defects and diseases (Husick, 2009). In schools, the cell phones can be used to spread gossips, rumors and misinformation. The grapevine can be detrimental in case of widespread crisis. In some cases, wicked students have used cell phones in schools to scare others. Cell phones are used to call in bomb threats in schools to elude class time (Bullock, 2009). Cell phone in schools can be used to pass obscene notes, pictures and messages during class time. In cases of widespread crisis, use of cell phones by all can cause communication breakdown making them inoperable (Brodsky, 2007).


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