Free «Wireless Electricity: Brief Thesis» Essay Sample

Pioneered by Nikola Tesla, the wireless electricity refers to the use of the earth’s resonating power and vibration to conduct the alternating current electricity through an enormous electric oscillator. Electricity in the world is generated and transmitted from one place to another through conducting wires (Salkintzis & Passas, 2005). Embracing the wireless electricity is viewed as a challenge and technological evolution, yet to take the world by the wave. Nonetheless, the wireless electricity is perceived to carry side effects and influences, both in and out of the human life.

Wireless power is not a new technology. Various embodiments have pursued this technology for over 180 years. However, with the recent invention of microprocessors, wireless electricity is perceived to bring an overhaul in the electricity usage. Wireless electricity is anticipated to impact on the levels of convenience, the connectivity of electricity, and human freedom in the use of electricity as a main product (Niebert et al. 2007). Technology will revolutionize the supply of power in the world, communication technologies, and the general usage of product in the human society. Everything is thought to shift from the hand-held equipment, physical transportation services and the consumers’ electronics to the wireless creation of new modes of convenience, monitoring and interaction. The entire human society will shift from present technologies such as Wi-Fi, radio frequency, global positioning systems and Bluetooth to a new lifestyle of power cord. People will enjoy more safety, convenience, and high-tech lifestyles.



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Wireless technology is an exciting frontier, which is yet to take the world with a surprise. From a legal point of view, this technology is rightfully a human endeavor. It is yet going to shift the paradigms of how legal facets concerning power explore the human life and of their uses. It is perceived to raise every level of political upfront for many nations. The technology is to impact on the human health in the more effective health situations to be relayed by the embrace of technology (Hamalainen et al. 2007). On the other hand, its side effects could be detrimental to the human health. As a result of this, human ethical inclinations might be infringed. The technology will have some certain environmental savings, the impact on market segments, and the design of products in the world.

On the side of environmental savings, wireless electricity will ensure the equitable use of resources and the human capital within the environment. The human interface with infrastructure will help to create the new ways of interactions with the development of new products and designs. Consumers will enter into this technology with mass usages, which will help to save the environment and human existence from the present state challenges of wired electricity (Shelby & Bormann 2009). The engineering and design teams, the providers of wireless power solutions, governing bodies and manufacturers will work together under one umbrella, which will pave a way for the universal and interoperable solution meeting and looking ahead to the immediate consumers’ satisfaction in the human society. The society will shift its paradigms of status and conservation in the sense that the new technology will make the work easier. Many transformations will occur in the field of engineering, human interactions, and schooling among young and old people. With the health institutions, hospitals and other health facility centers the production of health services will be advanced using this technology. Furthermore, the entire economy of the world will shift. All this will make wireless electricity change to better (Akyildiz & Wang 2009).


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