Free «Wireless Electricity Report» Essay Sample

Description of Wireless Electricity

Today wireless electricity is an old world experience; the wireless technology has been used for nearly 180 years with different successes. Wireless electricity is a way of transmitting electrical energy that is drawn from a power source to an electrical device, which lack physical connection. Wireless electricity is suitable for use in situations where interconnecting wires is problematic, hurtful, or impossible. The main disadvantage of wireless electricity is incomplete relation to wireless telecommunications that comprise of radio or television. The strong point of the wireless technology is its effectiveness in usage. This implies that energy conversion is almost 100% and there is less energy loss during transmission. Wireless electricity is efficient for both the environment and consumer.

Shelby, Z & Bormann, C. (2009).  6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet journal, Vol. 4, Issue 6, Pages 256, New York, DOI.

This Journal provides an overview of 6LoWPAN category of standards, wireless and internet electricity. The Journal offers its readers several insights into how wireless electivity can be exemplified together with the present state of technology. The Journal reiterates on facets concerning wireless electricity as bootstrapping, security, and routing among others. This Journal will succinctly assist in bringing out terms and conditions applied in wireless electricity



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Akyildiz, I & Wang, X. (2009). Wireless Mesh Networks: wireless electricity journal, Vol.2,          Issue 3, Pages 324, New York, DOI.

This Journal is written by experts with vast knowledge in industrial and academic electricity fields. When carrying out a research, this Journal offers guidelines on in-depth understanding of mesh networking and wireless state-of-the-art electricity entering the world. Moreover, it offers guidelines on how to support the recent skills and technology on wireless electricity and other applications. The Journal explores into wireless electricity right from the physical layer to TCP/IP stack protocol. Reading this journal is critical since it contains other relevant sections of study like environmental impacts of wireless electricity.

Salkintzis , A & Passas, N. (2005).  Emerging wireless multimedia: services and technologies           journal. Vol.  2. Pages 454, Athens, Motorola Inc.

This journal provides IP-based multimedia services in wireless electricity. It serves to transform internet to a wireless world amidst the present state of technology. This journal reiterates the evolution, present array of updated wireless multimedia, and their perceived roles as creation of a wireless environment. Additionally, the journal exemplifies the recent standardization, industrial, and research activities geared towards wireless electricity. Reading this article will help researchers of wireless electricity to understand various fields of study as computer engineering, and engineers in wireless systems and multimedia.

Niebert, N et al. (2007). Ambient networks: Co-operative mobile networking for the wireless       world, Vol. 6 Pages 286, Hamburg, Ericsson AB.

This journal on co-operative mobile networking for the wireless world depicts a number of concepts concerning wireless electricity. Most of the principles therein are applications of wireless electricity in a modern world. It discusses on the possibilities and limitations of the recent proposed architectures and potentialities in the business sectors, which display simulation studies regarding wireless electricity. The journal offers a succinct description of technology and the challenges faced during its implementation. It provides an insight in practical scenarios assessed using simulation studies.

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Hamalainen, T. et al. (2007). Ultra-low energy wireless sensor networks in practice: Theory   realization and deployment, Pages 396, Tampere, Tampere University Press.

This journal offers succinct details on problems and solutions in wireless sensor networks, guides to their applications, functionality, algorithms for WSNs, and protocols.  The journal offers simulations and energy measurement systems besides their application software and middleware. It is a reading, which will enrich researchers and designers of wireless electricity in the world.


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