Free «Frost's Personal Tragedy» Essay Sample

Robert Lee Frost was born in 1874 in San Francisco, USA; he was a conservative American and a famous traditionalist poet in the period of establishment of internationalized and practical art. His father was a pre-revolutionist activist from New Hampshire, and had extreme hate for New England since it supported the Civil war that had snatched his own father of employment in the cotton mill. His father left New England, and went ahead to graduate from Harvard University in 1874 (Pritchard 21). However, Frost decided to settle in England, and became a citizen there. In his poetry, he employed the New England characters, idioms and settings, remembering the foundations of the American culture to acquire universal experience (Randall 29). The aim of this essay is to examine Frost’s biography, and look at how it is reflected in his poem, Home Burial.


In the narrative poem Home Burial, Frost illustrates a nervous discussion between a husband and his spouse, whose kid had lately died. The poem opens with the wife standing at the top of a stairway gazing at the grave of her dead child. Her spouse, who was standing downstairs, did not understand what she was staring at or why she had suddenly become upset (Parini 64). The woman begrudges her spouse’s obliviousness, and makes an effort to move out of the house. The husband asks her to stay and talk to him about her sorrow; he does not recognize why she is disappointed with him for showing his disappointment in a different manner. Heart-brokenly, the wife cried at him, persuaded by his lack of concern toward their deceased child. The husband gently accepts her annoyance, but the rift between them persists. She moves out of the house, even though he heatedly threatens to take her back by force.



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Robert Frost moved to New England at an early age of eleven years and became concerned with reading and writing poetry during his studding in Lawrence High School in Massachusetts. He then joined Dartmouth College in 1892, and later Harvard; however, he had never acquired an official degree. Frost married Elinor Mirriam White in 1895 after moving to England. Elinor was the main inspiration to Frosts poetry until her death in 1938. Frost was extremely distressed and annoyed because he had lost his only beloved person (Parini 64). This is the same case observed in his poem, Home Burial, where the wife who stood on the staircase was grieved with the death of her baby. The woman got annoyed with her husband because he seemed not to understand why she was sad. Therefore, a common factor between Frost and the case in the Home Burial is death. Death also snatched away Frost’s father while still young, and the boy was greatly depressed, as he was still studding at school and could not imagine surviving without his father, whom he loved much.

The second concept that is observed in both cases is the death of a marriage. After the wife noticed that her husband did not understand why she was sad, she decided to move away, and leave far from him (Pritchard 76). The husband tried to stop her but she resisted and walked away. The same is observed in Frost’s personal life, in the sense that he was robbed off her wife by death, though he never wished for that. His marriage died that way and it was not easy for him to marry again because his beloved person had been snatched away from him, and he was helpless to prevent her untimely decease. In the same way, the couple in Home Burial failed to establish a good communication with each other, so does Frost fail to come back to his senses, and to write poems because his source of inspiration vanished away.

Therefore, it is clear that the aspect of tragedy is observed in both cases (Randall 91). In the first case, Home Burial, the family looses their child and later on their relationship and marriage. In the case of Frost, he loses his father whom he loved very much and his wife whom he loved even more, and who was a source of inspiration for his poetry writing.

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The other important aspect that is observed in both cases is the aspect of love. In Home Burial, the woman seemed to have loved the child very much that the memory of the baby never escaped her mind. Her love for the child led to the death of her marriage (Randall, 94). There is no doubt that Robert Frost loved his father because he really showed his grief when the father died. The same happened when his wife, Elinor, died. This means that the aspect of love was very strong because Frost was indeed affected by the death of both people; especially his wife was inspiration of his life and poetry (Pritchard, 103).


Robert Frost was born in Francesco, USA, and was a remarkable poet of his times. He is famous for writing poems, such as a Further Range (1936), New Hampshire (1923), Steeple Bush (1947), and Home Burial (1914) among many others. The poem, Home Burial, reflected Frost’s life, the theme and the story line of the poem portrays the events that happened in his own life; however in a symbolic way. The poem talks about a woman, who grieved for the death of her child, and this death led to the death of her marriage, because she felt that her husband had never understood her. Frost was also robbed off his parents while being still young, and after some time passed, and the life seemed to become calm and happy, his wife whom he really loved passed away. In Home Burial, Frost described his personal tragedy, and shared his fillings. 


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