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A Christmas Carol essay

How does the main protagonist in AChristmas Carol change throughout the text? Paragraph 1 - Introduction (1.1) “A Christmas Carol” is still popular in the modern world where the division between the well-off and the destitute is still a ... Read more »

A comparison of themes between William Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights essay

The Play Hamlet by Shakespeare and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte are artifacts which some notably similar attributes. Both story lines are run on complex plots and critical thematic concerns which can be compared. The play ‘Hamlet’ ... Read more »

“A Doll House“ by Henrik Ibsen essay

A Doll House is a play focusing on women’s role in society. The play indicates that women are treated as inferior beings, while men are deemed as superior. This play is one of modern feminism most influential literary texts that incite a ... Read more »

A Doll’s House Play essay

The play A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen aims at fighting for the role of women in society. It empowers women to get out of the cocoon of blind marriage where they are manipulated by their husbands for their own benefits. Women are ... Read more »

A House for Hermit Crab essay

Eric Carle is a world-known American writer. His books won over 15 awards and are famous among both grown-ups and children. The undersea story A House for Hermit Crab is not an exception. This book is really worth reading on science lessons to ... Read more »

"A Jury of Her Peers" by Susan Glaspell essay

“A Jury of Her Peers”, is a short story written by Susan Glaspell regarding an investigation into a murder that had taken place in one of the houses in a rural farm. The story vividly shows how various families in the rural America lived ... Read more »

"A Modest Proposal" is a Satirical Essay by Jonathan Swift essay

“A Modest Proposal” is a satirical essay by Jonathan Swift written as a reflection on policies and strategies introduced by the Irish government for poor. In “A Modest Proposal” he skillfully satirizes contemporary society ... Read more »

A Response to Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales essay

The Canterbury Tales, which were written in the fourteenth century, is arguably the greatest literary work in the English history. The poem is presented as a collection of unrelated tales linked together by a single narrative. The narrative itself ... Read more »

A Soldier's Home essay

The short story, “A Soldier’s Home” by E. Hemingway depicts personal and psychological problems experienced by soldiers and war veterans returned home. What is most revealing for the author’s purposes is the soldier's ... Read more »

A Worm Path essay

The short story "A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty entails an old African-American woman referred to as Phoenix Jackson. This short story is seen as one of the most notable and often studied works of short fiction by Eudora Welty. In accordance to ... Read more »

Albert Camus: Individual Choice or Social Rule essay

The problem of choice between the social rule and individual wish is the eternal question without any answer. Albert Camus was the man of absurd. His point of view varied from one point to the other. He explained that with getting the freedom, the ... Read more »

Alexander Pushkin essay

The nineteenth century is an important and a very spectacular period in the development of the Russian literature. A lot of talented artists in words performed in that time. Alexander Pushkin is among them father of Russian classical literature. His ... Read more »

Alice Walker's "The Flowers" essay

Alice Walker's "The Flowers" is an interesting and educative story that revolves around a young girl's abrupt drop from childhood innocence due to her gruesome discovery in the woods near their house. This young girl called Myop is happy and ... Read more »

Alienation in Home to Harlem essay

The novel “Home to Harlem” describes life of black Americans and cultural change. The main character, Jake, returns from the World War I, but feels isolated and alienated from society and his community. The author portrays a man cannot ... Read more »

Am?rican Indians’ culturological ass?ssm?nt essay

Nursing proc?ss is th? syst?matic m?thod of conducting nursing practic? activiti?s to achi?v? nursing car? obj?ctiv?s. Th? four phas?s ar? 1. ass?ssm?nt, 2. planning, 3. impl?m?ntation, and 4. ?valuation. ?ach phas? includ?s focus?d activiti?s, with ... Read more »

Amaru poems essay

Amarusataka in Sanskrit means one hundred, which actually refers to a body of 101 to 136 verses written by Amaru or Amaruka. Amaru's time is roughly calculated around 800 AD. Not much is known about his life but legend has it that Adi Sankara ... Read more »

American Literature essay

Blanche Dubois got fired for having an affair with a 17 year old student. When she visits her sister, she is ashamed and lies that her supervisor had given her some time off work. However, the true reason behind her visit was to escape from the ... Read more »

An enemy of the people essay

This is a play that has been written by Henrik Ibsen in 1882 in Norway and portrays the difference in the opinions of the people which are generated differently at different occasions. Ibsen has been very critical in analyzing different flaws in the ... Read more »

An Enemy of the People. Arthur Miller essay

Based on the Arthur Miller’s adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s play An Enemy of the People, the three characters are under analysis, namely: Tom Stockman, Peter Stockman, and Catherine Stockman. All of them have a different position according ... Read more »

An Enemy of the People by Arthur Miller essay

The play An Enemy of the People was originally written by a Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen and adopted by Arthur Miller for a Broadway musical. The story of Kirsten Springs disastrous failure to create spa became extremely actual in the 1950s. ... Read more »

An Epic Hero essay

As seen in legacy, an epic hero is a being supposed to have come from spirits but more or less resembles an ordinary being. The hero takes a path meant to fulfill desires that appears to be so hard to achieve but he finally comes out having ... Read more »

Analysis of meursault's character essay

Within the scope of this research, we will analyze the character of Meursault as portrayed by Camus in his work “The Stranger”. As one becomes acquainted with Meursault, it becomes apparent that he is straightforward non conformist that does not ... Read more »

Angela’s Ashes essay

Based on the text provided, the first quote states, “…When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all...” This quote shows that the writer has made it in life through tough times in childhood. She mentions poverty, ... Read more »

Anita Shreve "Rescue" essay

Anita Shreve who is the author of novel ‘rescue’ began is writing career when she was a high school and after graduating she became a teacher where she taught for few years in Boston city. She switched to journalism when she discovered ... Read more »

Barbie doll essay

Modern poet Marge Piercy published a twenty-five line, open-form story poem titled “Barbie Doll.” Four stanzas offer the reader with a brief tale of a nameless “girlchild” whose life, distinctly influenced by others’ opinions, comes to a ... Read more »

Bartholomew and the Oobleck essay

In his book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, Dr. Seuss offers crucial life lessons on the weather of the four seasons. The use of less sophisticated language and style makes this book easy read. The author narrates that the king was angry for he wanted ... Read more »

Biblical context analysis procedures essay

1) What is the difference between analyzing a Bible verse from the perspective of "What does this mean to me?" or "What did the text mean to the original writer and his audience?" Time difference; this is the primary difference between the analysis ... Read more »

Borowski, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Gas Chamber essay

There are many ways that the narrator of the story used in order to have a good understanding of the Nazi people and all the activities they do. From this overview, the narrator is able to get to learn of the Nazi practices and their ways of ... Read more »

Boys and Their Fathers essay

In literature, relations between fathers and sons are one of the most popular themes as it reflects personal growth, development and social values of generations. This is particularly the case in his relationship between fathers and sons. In both ... Read more »

Brave new world essay

In the history of literature and arts, there exists some works that were banned for public appreciation. Among the said banned written works is the Bible itself. There are certain reasons of the society why books and other types of written works are ... Read more »

Childhood Indians by Raul S. Chavez essay

Introduction In Dr. Chavez's extract of Childhood Indians; his description of what an exact Indian characterizes is in the middle of numerous conventional theories, termed by the white (sub) conscience. Dr. Chavez steers throughout the ... Read more »

Chivalry, Honesty and Bravery essay

The work of medieval literature, Gawain and the Green Knight, vividly portrays virtual, morality and chivalric zest of the main character, sir Gawain. Sir Gawain embodies all important features and character traits values and appraised by the middle ... Read more »

Cinder Edna essay

The book Cinder Edna is the work of Ellen Jackson, a famous author with a creative talent on writing the children’s books. It is easy to read, understand, and enjoy the moments as they last. This tale can be used in a social studies lesson for ... Read more »

Conflict in the novel setting essay

Conflict is the struggle of opposing forces within a character, between characters, or the character(s) versus nature. This is important in a story since it acts as a source of change in a fiction that engages the reader of a story. The major ... Read more »

Continuation to the Harlem Renaissance essay

The Harlem Renaissance changed self-identity of people and their understanding of human rights, individuality and freedom. In their works, Langston Hughes, Arthur Schomburge and Alain Locke speaks about a new identity of a black man as a natural ... Read more »

Contribution of Napoleon and Boxer to the Loss of Freedom and Equality in Animal Farm by George Orwell essay

George Orwell’s Animal Farm is written about the distortion of the ideals of freedom and equality in totalitarian societies. Animals were fascinated by the prophecy of their Major and dreamt about freedom, but ended up being completely ... Read more »

Cormac McCarthy “All the Pretty Horses” essay

All The Pretty Horses is a stunning success and a story of dispossession. The story talks about a boy who loses his family and home, moreover, his future dream too. The story also shows how this boy alters all this in a manner that changes his life ... Read more »

Crow Boy essay

In social studies, the elements of history, culture, science and economics are easily derived from story books. In the book “Crow Boy” by Taro Yashima, the culture and history elements for Texas Essential of Knowledge and Skills are well ... Read more »

Cultural Literacy essay

In his literary work, Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know, E.D. Hirsch Jr. challenges the young Americans on their ability to read and understand the content and context of what they read. He appreciates the need for people to get ... Read more »

Daring Young Men essay

Daring Young Men by Richard Reeves is an extremely insightful and interesting book, which reflects on the dramatic blockage of the West Germany by Russia, in a bid to force them succumb to communism. In 1948, the Russians blocked the transport ... Read more »

Death Be Not Proud by John Donne essay

Both poems, “Death Be Not Proud” by John Donne and “Do Not Go Gentle in that Good Night by D. Thomas portray death as an inevitable end of our life. Still, both poems contain sensibility with its awareness of mortality and the ... Read more »

Detective Essay essay

Dr. Kay Scarpetta, the highest-level medical examiner of Richmond at the Commonwealth of Virginia, researches the series of sexually motivated crimes. Single, divorced, brave and independent forty-aged woman performs challenging and ambitious job, ... Read more »

Devil on the Cross essay

The story begins with Wariinga, a frustrated female character who have just been fired for rejecting to be sexually harassed by her boss. She was also jilted by Mr. John Kimwana after she was unable to pay her house rent. Having no place to seek ... Read more »

Difference in Death essay

The Death of Ivan llyich and Strider: The Story of a Horse; are two pieces of literary work written by Tolstoy. The former came into being in 1886. The cardinal subject matter in that book is death. The book came in the limelight following his ... Read more »

Don quixote essay

It has been said that Don Quixote de la Mancha is “the best novel in the world, beyond comparison.” This belief was, is, and certainly will be shared by lovers of literary excellence everywhere. Miguel de Cervantes’ avowed purpose was to ... Read more »

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde essay

In his laboratory, Jekyll develops a chemical potion that is designed to accomplish the separation and drinks it. After a “grinding of the bones” and a horrible nausea, he begins to feel “incredibly sweet” and free. Looking ... Read more »

Drama Assignment essay

The comedy deals more with social ideas. This is because it is all about a family set-up that is trying to deal with different social issues of the members.  For example, in series 1 (2011), Mrs. Brown is trying to find out why her children are ... Read more »

Dreams vs reality in strawberry fields by Marina Lewycka essay

In her first novel, A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian, Marina Lewycka writes from the perspective of immigrants from Ukraine, who are already established in Britain, and describe their attitudes to Ukrainians, who wanted to immigrate there ... Read more »

Early Modernism essay

Early modernism is a theoretical concept that is closely related to architectural evolution. This entails the evolution of modern architectural structures through the influence of political and social revolution. Early modernism was also influenced ... Read more »

Egyptian and Mayan Mythology essay

Mythology is a study that seeks to establish the gods and the goddesses that a certain society pledged allegiance to in the past days. The Mayan and the Egyptian people had beliefs that are different to certain extents but similar, on the other ... Read more »

Eli The Good essay

This is a book written by Silas house. The book’s main character is Eli. In the natural and everyday life, a child is born in natural and good environment that has trust and order. But then there also comes a time when things change around for ... Read more »

Emma Bovary essay

Emma Bovary is materialistic. She does not believe in living in poverty and is determined to seek the way out. She is not satisfied with her husband, Charles Bovary, because he is not as rich as she had expected. Her materialistic character leads ... Read more »

Encounter essay

I would use Encounter in a classroom social studies lesson to teach about culture. This book includes a number of lessons. It covers the history, culture, and appreciating diversity. It explains how people moved from one land to another, and how the ... Read more »

Everybody Needs a Rock essay

In her book, Everybody Needs a Rock, Byrd Baylor exhibits children essay that exemplifies the appreciation of the nature of rocks. It is a typical children story which outlines the essence of rock existence. There is an optimization of a rock as an ... Read more »

Everything that Rises Must Converge essay

Flannery O’Conner’s short story titled “Everything that Rises Must Converge” portrays descriptiveness of the title. It is a posthumous publication that is widely used today in literary analysis. It is an ideal short story ... Read more »

Feminism in “Othello” by Shakespeare essay

The article under consideration is How has Feminist Theory Influenced Critical and Practical Interpretations of Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroines? by Joanna Storer. In the article the author defines feminism and investigates the role it plays in ... Read more »

Feminist Perspective on a Doll's House essay

It is apparently noticeable that women in Henrik’s play a ‘Doll’s House’ lack the authority to pursue their personal liberty without leaning on the shoulders of the male characters on the play. is centered on a woman who ... Read more »

Final Term Paper essay

Good essays be they argumentative or oppositional have to be written in a logical order with ideas easily flowing to depict the intention of the author. Organization is a fundamental aspect of an essay and it shows how well the author has made use ... Read more »

Fire Imagery and Symbolism in the Ash Garden Novel by Dennis Bock essay

The novel ‘The ash garden’ by Dennis Bock is a story that traces the intersections in the lives of three different individuals whose lives are linked forever by a bomb. The story talks about Emiko who is a six year old child survivor of ... Read more »

Flannery O'connor essay

Like many of Flannery O’Connor’s stories, “The Life You Save May Be Your Own,” was published in the 1950s and is set in the American South. It tells the story of Shiflet, who comes across a mother and daughter, and who ... Read more »

Frankenstein essay

In this report, we will try to determine whether Frankenstein can qualify as a tragic hero. The tragic hero will most effectively evoke both our pity and terror if he is neither thoroughly good nor evil but indeed a combination of both. A tragic ... Read more »

Friedrich Durrenmatt essay

In this assignment, I choose to look at the themes that I thought come out strongly in “The Visit.” I researched online journals and book reviews about the author and the book’s setting. The setting of the book is in the town of ... Read more »

Frost's Personal Tragedy essay

Robert Lee Frost was born in 1874 in San Francisco, USA; he was a conservative American and a famous traditionalist poet in the period of establishment of internationalized and practical art. His father was a pre-revolutionist activist from New ... Read more »

Fugitive Pieces Essay essay

In the novel Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels, the characters of Jakob and Ben are made realistic through the expression of their emotions in terms of the physical senses, particularly the sense of silence. In regard to all humanity, the technique ... Read more »

George Orwell’s Characterization of Poverty in Down and Out in Paris and London essay

It would seem strange to people of the preceding epochs that poverty still exists in the twenty-first century. The logic of development should have led to the elimination of such social evils as poverty, starvation, and infectious diseases by now. ... Read more »

Good Writing essay

Introduction. Good writing does not just come from the bush; just like a plant, it is subject to gradual growth. Good writers are nurtured through experiences and important learning processes before they can come up with creative and interesting ... Read more »

Greg Mortenson essay

This book was the New York Times best seller. The book is about how one mans journey was to change the world one child at a time. Greg Mortenson and journalist David Oliver Relin submit to a journey in which failed in 1993. Greg Mortenson tried ... Read more »

Grendels were a Total Nightmare to Me essay

Grendels were a total nightmare to me and my people since I took over the throne. To contemplate that my kingdom would be brought down by the Grendels was hard. I woke up to a rude shock one morning to find the Heorot hall was no more. This I did ... Read more »

Hamlet’s Relationship with Gertrude essay

The tragedy “Hamlet”by William Shakespeare has been played on the stage of the World Theater for more than 400 years. The genius of the playwright has created the possibility of different interpretations of the image of the Danish ... Read more »

Health promotion: obesity in primary school children essay

Health care is a vital service that daily touches the lives of millions of Americans at significant and vulnerable times: birth, illness, and death. In recent decades, technology, pharmaceuticals, and know-how have substantially improved how care is ... Read more »

Hedda Gabler Analysis essay

In the opinion of most critics, a Norwegian poet and playwright Henrik Ibsen is worthy to be ranked with Sophocles and Shakespeare as one of the greatest masters of art of the stage (The Encyclopedia Americana, 694). Henrik Ibsen was crossing ... Read more »

Henry David Thoreau essay

On the 12th of July year 1817, Henry David Thoreau was born at Concord, Massachusetts. He was a known philosopher, essayist, American transcendentalist, a naturalist, a poet and an abolitionist. He was born of Cynthia and John Thoreau with sisters ... Read more »

Henry Ford essay

Henry Ford was an American entrepreneur, professor, journalist and the forefather of the Ford Motor Company and line of vehicles. His book ‘My life and works, makes, from introduction, a general account of lessons that Henry Ford learnt or ... Read more »

Heroism in Medieval Literature essay

The idea of the hero has remained important throughout the human history. From the mighty warriors of Greek and Celtic mythology to the protagonists of modern-day cinema, good heroes have always had large audiences. The label of hero does not ... Read more »

History of the American Literature essay

XVIII Century The XVIII century passes in America under the flag of struggle for independence. The central place is occupied with the ideas of Education which have come from England and France. In New England cities have grown, universities have ... Read more »

“Home Burial” by Robert Frost essay

In the poem “Home Burial”, the main theme is the family’s fate from the interpersonal feelings and marital communications in the severe environment that surrounds the characters. In essence, the poem is a depiction of great ... Read more »

Homer, the Odyssey essay

Despite modern-day oralism, we may still look at Homeric diction word by word. Shive (1987) gives a somewhat tendentious, but nevertheless salutary, demonstration of this, as he shows the consistent appropriateness of the various ways in which ... Read more »

Horus essay

Horus is an Ancient Egyptian god, and is considered to be one of the oldest and the most important deities in the religion of the Ancient Egypt. He has been worshiped since the late Pre-dynastic period up to the Greco-Roman times. Some Egyptologists ... Read more »

How Chopin Characterizes the Two Female Characters in the Short Story "Ripe Figs" essay

The “Ripe Figs” is a very short story in which Chopin characterizes the two female characters a mother and her daughter namely, Maman-Nainaine and Babette respectively. The writer agrees with their situations concerning the turn of ... Read more »

Huckleberry Finn essay

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel that was written by Mark Twain and published in 2005. It reveals the life story of a boy, Huckleberry, and his life experience. This helped him to learn significant values as well as lessons about life ... Read more »

Hunger essay

One of the important themes in Lan Chang’s novel Hunger: A Novella and Other Stories is hunger. Hunger is an anchor and an opening novella for the collection of short stories. Among the Chinese stories, hunger for physical sustenance is ... Read more »

I don't have one essay

Ernest Hemmingway (1899–1961) is a renowned American writer and journalist whose distinct writing style earned him a spot as one of America’s literary legends. His works are now considered to be American classics. His distinct technique, the ... Read more »

In Death Lives Life essay

The poem, "Death be Not Proud" by John Donne, discusses dimensions of life and death, and their perceptions by an ordinary man. The concept of death is derived from reflection on some inevitable existence of the soul, but rather from a present ... Read more »

In The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood essay

Introduction Canadian author Margaret Atwood is one of the most famous but at the same time most controversial authors of modernity. She has written not only prose but also poems, and has won several literature awards. Atwood is famous for her ... Read more »

In the Time of the Butterflies essay

Introduction. Latin America in the modern has been characterized by certain patterns of life some of which have been shaped by the political environment of the past. This paper purposes to illustrate how characters in the book have been a ... Read more »

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Analysis essay

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is a literary work by Harriet Ann Jacobs. She starts it with an autobiography that narrates her painful ordeals. The autobiography is meant to help in the abolition of slave trade. Jacobs has used Linda Brent as ... Read more »

International public opinion essay

The international image of the United States is critical in obtaining consent and/or support from overseas actors’ that might affect the advancement of the U.S. government’s international policy preferences. Coupled with the compelling nature ... Read more »

Irony in the poem “War is kind” by Crane essay

Irony in the poem “War is kind” by Crane Stephen Crane’s style of writing is characterized by the widespread use of irony in his works. The poem “War is kind” is considered to be the brilliant example of the usage of it ... Read more »

Is hamlet mad? essay

From the first lines of the poem, it emerges that Hamlet acts like a mad person. On the one hand, he has every right to be upset about the father’s death and his mother’s marriage to his uncle. On the other hand, Hamlet’s sufferings are so ... Read more »

J. K. Rowling essay

Life can be approached from different perspectives depending on how someone perceives different issues and circumstances. A person’s life will be governed by various variables that may impact positively or negatively to bring about some degree ... Read more »

Jackie ennedy life and deeds essay

By the time of the 1960 election, Jacqueline Kennedy was portrayed in the media, not as another Eleanor Roosevelt, but rather as another Dolley Madison. The messages were about her youthful and fashionable looks as assets. In 1959 Life magazine ... Read more »

James Joyce essay

James Joyce was from Dublin, Ireland. Born in the year 1882, his first publication was “Portrait of the Artist” in 1916. With “Ulysses”, Joyce became a literary celebrity. His prose was a landmark in making legal decisions on ... Read more »

James Joyce's Araby essay

James Joyce’s short story Araby is full of romantics of the first love, of mysterious symbols, of religiosity, signs of decline and evidences of Irish reality of the beginning of the 20th century. However, its major theme can be identified as ... Read more »

Jane Eyre Essay essay

Characters in a play, novel, drama or movie can be categorized as major characters, with a main character among them; and minor characters. Main characters are the people who the piece of art greatly revolves around. The minor characters are ... Read more »

Japan’s First Woman Diarist and the Beginnings of Prose Writings by Women in Japan essay

Tomiko Yoda studies the emergence of Heian literature and kana writing from an angle, which generally differs from the general hypothesis of modern scholars. The author emphasizes that binary perceptions of Chinese/Japanese and masculine/feminine ... Read more »

Kate Chopin essay

Kate Chopin has been hailed as one of the most successful writers in the US history. Her stories portray significant meanings in the past and present American society. Among his most read stories is ‘The story of the hour which she compiled ... Read more »

Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour essay

In the short story, "The Story of an Hour" Kate Chopin portrays deep emotions and feelings of women caused by their life grievances and low social position in society. The author does not create a detailed description of the main character, Mrs. ... Read more »

Literacy Development essay

Literacy development is an integral part of human development. Literacy development in children begins with their ability to learn how to write and read. Developing positive language skills at an early age is instrumental in increasing his or her ... Read more »

Literary Giants essay

Dante was one of the most prolific Italian writers. His greatest work was the Divine Comedy, which talks about his journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. His other works include The Banquet, Monarchia, On the Eloquence of Vernacular, and The ... Read more »

Literature Searches essay

Searching for relevant literature is a crucial element in building information. One has to take time to research for pertinent information and resources to develop a strong comprehension on a given subject. Through this information, the researcher ... Read more »

Living the Dream essay

The argument in the story “Living the Dream” by Urvashi Butalia revolves around the Indian society. This is strongly grounded by the fact that the writer, Butalia, who was born in Indian and educated there before pursuing further studies ... Read more »

Madame Bovary essay

Madame Bovary is a realistic novel, in which Gustave Flaubert retells a story of an ordinary woman. Emma Bovary is a character with romantic, but tragic life. Many factors caused the unhappy ending. Emma destroys her life by embracing abstractions ... Read more »

Male and Female Writings essay

Male and female writers have different perspectives about the women’s issues in the society. The research indicates that women tend to have a wider understanding of the female experiences than men do. In most cases, the men’s writings ... Read more »

“Mariana” by Lord Alfred Tennyson essay

The poem “Mariana” features a woman, who is portrayed waiting for her best lover called Angelo throughout the whole poem. The use of pathetic fallacy and other smaller themes, like the feelings of lost hope and impacts of not acting or ... Read more »

Marie De France's Lais "Lanval" and "Chevrefoil" to "Sir Gawain and "The Green Knight" essay

Romantic works of the Arthurian age have existed over a number of eons tracing back to quite a number of languages native to the writers that immortalized the tales, this including Welsh, English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and ... Read more »

Mark Twain essay

Mark Twain, a prolific American writer and journalist, born on November 1835 in Florida, was the father of literature development in America(Lenard 4). His real name is Samuel Langhome. He obtained his nickname “mark twain” in his youth ... Read more »

Marlowe's Tamburlaine essay

This paper intends to explore how Marlowe’s Tamburlaine reflects the Islamic beliefs, culture and history in its play. It also tries to see the conduct of different Muslim characters in the play and how they hold to their beliefs of the ... Read more »

Marriage as a Theme in Three Pieces of Literature essay

Marriage is considered an essential institution in the society. However, the role of women in marriage has remained an activists’ topic in most of the societies. This topic of women rights in marriages gained interest in the latest years while ... Read more »

Mass murders in US essay

The terminology "mass murder" refers to the killing of more than four people during a certain event. For example a mass murder would include killing many individuals in the course of a robbery, or setting fire in a busy nightclub where many deaths ... Read more »

Midnight Summer’s Dream essay

A Midnight Summer’s Dream is play that was written by William Shakespeare toward the end of the 1950s. It is one of the most popular plays showcased around the world and has been adapted into various films and musicals. The play is cloaked ... Read more »

Most Like an Arch This Marriage essay

The two poems, “Most Like an Arch This Marriage” by John Ciardi and “The Ache Of Marriage” by Denise Levertov depicts marriage as a union if two people based on mutual understanding and respect. Both poems depict that ... Read more »

Nathaniel hawthorne essay

It was in Salem, Massachusetts that the best-known writer of Scarlet Letter was born in 1804. Nathaniel Hawthorne was the famous author of Scarlet Letter that has acclaimed many novel awards and world recognition. The life of Nathaniel Hawthorne was ... Read more »

Nature and the Romantics essay

The Romantic literature discusses and portrays the beauty of nature and its relation to the human and its problems. In poetry, authors use naturalistic episodes and settings as an indicator of inner feelings and emotional sufferings of a character. ... Read more »

"Night" by Elie Wiesel essay

Eli Wiesel is the author of the book known as Night, which he explains the experience he had with his father at the height of the Holocaust. The book also demonstrates various experiences that the author went through during the end of the Second ... Read more »

No escape – justice reversed essay

Born and raised in Montreal, Quebec, Norah McClintock determined she would be an author when she was 12 years old. She determined to compose secrets as she loved reading them and if she was going to spend months and months composing certain thing it ... Read more »

Norman Mailer essay

The American Dream happens to be Norman Mailers Fourth reputable book printed by Dial Press. The titles general story line depicts Mailers alter ego where he murders his wife, sodomizes his maid, brutally beats up a jazz artist, shells a titan ... Read more »

Not yet decided essay

The book you just don’t understand: woman and men in conversation has been in the "New York Times" bestsellers list for two years a decade ago. The intention of this book is to address, according to the writer, how both men and women have been ... Read more »

Novel of Naturalism essay

French novelist Emile Zola formulated literal naturalism, and Frank Norris introduced it to America. Naturalism is a theory that observes life from a scientific point of view without avoidance of the ugliness and harshness of life, including ... Read more »

O'Connor's Stories essay

In view of her short stories, Lewis & Packer (1990) says that O’Connor’s stories are upheld by two pillars in which the first includes the shocking or terrible events in which she notes that violence is capable of returning her ... Read more »

"Ode to a Nightingale" essay

The poem Ode to a Nightingale, by the poet John Keats with the other odes, is some of the most important achievements of his poetic history. These odes collectively put forward the ideal of romance and eternal love. The poem in particular is ... Read more »

Odyssey essay

Odyssey is an ancient Greek poem that was written by the poet Homer. This poem is classified under the genre of epic poetry. Odyssey tells the story of "Odysseus" who returned to his kingdom, "Ithaca", after 2 decades of disappearance. He ... Read more »

"On the Road" by Jack Kerouac essay

On the Road is a novel written by Jack Kerouac who was an American writer in 1951. Kerouac was highly influenced by the events and the people who were around him where his novel On the Road was an autobiographical work which was mainly based on his ... Read more »

Oral Histories and Wartime Experiences essay

Learning about the personal experiences of people who participated in World War II or lived during it enriches our understanding of the history. It gives knowledge about the reverse sides of the war that is hard to find in the textbooks. For many of ... Read more »

Oresteia essay

How can we explain the fact that everyone tries to protect Orestes? He had killed his own mother and deserves a punishment, instead of this Aeschylus shows us, that everyone, except Erinyes, is for Orestes. There are two explanations: historical ... Read more »

Poetic Irony essay

Poetic irony is a literary device, which is used to contrast two or more ideas or situations in a poem; these ideas are always described by humorous words and poets do not always mean what they write. There are three forms of irony: verbal, ... Read more »

Quicksand and The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man essay

Quicksand highlights the story of a half-black and half-white woman called Helga Crane. Throughout the story, Helga is trying to find something that would make her happy and satisfied despite the hatred she faces from her white stepfather. The ... Read more »

Race and Colonization essay

Race and colonization can best be brought out by using one of the characters, Othello, in on of the Shakespeare’s work. Othello was a character created by the famous writer, William Shakespeare in the nineteenth century. This was during a time ... Read more »

Racial, Ethnic and Gender Stereotypes in Historical Fiction essay

Historical fiction is a dual concept. On the one hand, the adjective “historical” presupposes that a work of literature depicts some historical events or figures, or, in other words, the true facts of history. On the other hand, the word ... Read more »

"Red Dress" essay

Red Dress is a short story written by Alice Munro. Munro is well known for her work of writing and in this case short stories. She was born in 1931 in Canada. She grew up in Wingham, Ontario where she eventually attended the University of Western ... Read more »

Representation of Mothers in Uncle Tom's Cabin essay

The role of woman as a mother in the 19th century as portrayed in some of the literature of the time is that of the home maker, the backbone which the nation stood on. Woman as mother made most of the decisions at home, or executed them, and it was ... Read more »

Robert Frost essay

The poem, “The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost asserts the impacts of a journey through the least trodden path. Symbolism is when a thing is used to represent an entity. For instance, Frost asserts that the road “was grassy and wanted ... Read more »

Romeo and Juliet: Star Crossed for Failure essay

Introduction The play Romeo and Juliet is Shakespeare’s most meticulous pieces, he shows a tragic love story conquered young lovers but at the worst course. The reality in this play is that love is the victor but at nasty cost.Love is ... Read more »

Science Fiction in Literature and in the Film Industry essay

Introduction Among the various works that have left their mark in the history of science fiction,are the Burning Chrome from literature and the Blade Runner from the world of cinema. They were both produced in the 1980s, a decade where the cyberpunk ... Read more »

Sea of Poppies essay

The author of the book under the title Sea of Poppies is Amitav Ghosh. The book is the first part of the Ghosh’s trilogy. The novel takes place in the northern parts of India and the Bay of Bengal in 1838. It describes events just before the ... Read more »

Shakespeare and Identity essay

Shakespeare’s work has bee credited for many centuries to modern times. He was described as a genius writer as his work is being used in literature studies. There have been many critics of his work due to his excellence and the way he ... Read more »

Shakespeare’s Hamlet essay

Study Guide: Shakespeare’s Hamlet Authorship: Hamlet was produced between 1599 and 1601 and is frequently thought to be the utmost accomplishment of the world’s paramount dramatist William Shakespeare. Hamlet appears to be William ... Read more »

Shakespeare's Othello essay

Othello was a character created by the famous writer, William Shakespeare in the nineteenth century. This was during a time when Elizabethan England’s citizens praised and worshiped kings, highly found women inferior, and some races were given ... Read more »

She Who Is essay

In her work, She Who is, Elizabeth tries to create a new impression that God’s being could be as equally represented as a female as it has been represented in form of males. She develops an interesting thesis that would be very hard to believe ... Read more »

Sir Orfeo essay

All of us know the well-known myth, tragedy about Orpheus and his wife Eurydice. A musician from God, he couldn’t bare his wife’s death (Eurydice was bitten by snake). He even decided to go after his beloved in the kingdom of dead. The ... Read more »

Socio-Political Context in The House of Seven Gables essay

Hawthorne concludes The House of Seven Gables with the happy marriage of Phoebe and Holgrave. The peaceful union of the last descendants of two previously warring families represents the way not only to satisfy sexual passion but also to overcome ... Read more »

Soldier’s Home essay

The world famous writer with the powerful and extraordinary talent Ernst Hemingway can with limited words show the rich inner world of his heroes, their complicated feeling and often tragic worries. The Soldier’s Home is a story about Harold ... Read more »

Sonny & ray charles essay

Sonny’s blues is about the narrator reading about one of his brother who has been nabbed by the authorities due to heroin peddling in the newspaper. The narrator and his brother are both black and one similarity with Ray Charles is that Ray ... Read more »

Sor Juana essay

1. Although separated by space (the ocean) and time (first and last decade of the century), Shakespeare’s Hamlet and The Answer by Sor Juana have some ideas in common from the ideological perspective. Hamlet advises Ophelia to go to the ... Read more »

St. Augustine's "Confessions" and Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" essay

What are the distinctive featured of two geniuses, the writers who were born in different centuries? This paper is going to be dedicated to the works of Jeffrey Chaucer “The Canterbury tales” and St. Augustine “Confession”. ... Read more »

Stellaluna essay

Janell Cannon’s book, Stellaluna, is an excellent informative reading on the different traits of animals within an ecosystem. The author depicts the different characteristics of birds and bats and their co-existence in an ecosystem through a ... Read more »

Sunflower Dialogue essay

In the book the sunflower, the writher is asking the question of forgiveness whether it’s possible and whether one can forgive and forget. He is looking on the possibilities and limits of forgiveness. Simon in this story is a Jew who was ... Read more »

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble essay

William Steig uses a donkey character in his book, Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, to teach subjects on magic, relationships, weather, seasons, and the animal kingdom. The author introduces the topic of changing weather patterns early in the book; ... Read more »

Symbolism and Irony in “The Lottery” Assay essay

Symbolism and Irony in “The Lottery” Assay “The lottery” is a short story that was written by the American writer Shirley Jackson. It is considered as one of the most popular and famous short stories among the American ... Read more »

Synopsis of Cycle Sonnet essay

Rhymed utterance features effective influence. In a sonnet fourteen line vocalizations possess complete story. Some of these stories turn in it with the zig-zag verses – some verses aligned, some less indented and some more. These more or less ... Read more »

Teaching Reading and Writing Through Children’s Literature essay

The book, Teaching Reading and Writing Through Children’s Literature, by K. Sue Bradley, Jack A. Bradley, and Shirley Ermis aims at guiding teachers on effective methods of nurturing children. It offers valuable lessons on teaching young ... Read more »

Thank You, Mr. Falker essay

In autobiographical story Thank You, Mr. Falker, Patricia Pollacco places the emphasis on the hardships some children face when learning. Some do not have the courage to fight the odds while others are lucky to find people who can assist them. I ... Read more »

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Chapter 18 essay

Chapter 18 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the most important in the novel. Huck’s journey through the south takes place in several stages and each stage he learns something about himself and something about the world around ... Read more »

The Arabian Nights essay

One Thousand and One Nights, also known to the Western audience as The Arabian Nights, evokes the memories of childhood, since many of its fantastic tales are loved by kids. Indeed, the adventurous stories of Sindbad, Aladdin, and Ali Baba are ... Read more »

"The Bluest Eye" essay

The Bluest eye by Toni Morrison depicts the tragic life of a young black girl, Pecola Breedlove (Bloom). The little girl wants to be appreciated by people surrounding her at home and school. She believes that she suffers because of her skin color. ... Read more »

The Character Selected for Analysis is one of the most Popular essay

The character selected for analysis is one of the most popular one in literature and arts. This character reflects a universal problem of evil and its struggle with goodness and morality. Doctor Faustus is one of the most interesting and compacted ... Read more »

The Concept of History in David Bradley’s Novel the Chaneysville Incident essay

Introduction The novel The Chaneysville Incident by David Bradley presents a combination of literature and history; it offers rethinking traditional approaches to history and underlines the role of imagination in history research. As Hogue fairly ... Read more »

The Conversion of Chief Mongo essay

In the remotest impenetrable jungle of South Africa, there is a small country ruled by a monarch. There are plenty of villages in the country, and one of them lies in the breast of a hill surrounded by vast forests as if the creator wanted to hide ... Read more »

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time essay

This book by Mark Haddon is about Christopher, a fifteen year old who is depicted to know all world countries and their capital cities. He lives with his father in Swindon and has a rat as a pet. However, he has an autistic spectrum condition. He is ... Read more »

The Devil in the Shape of a Woman essay

Introduction The Devil in the Shape of a Woman, a book written by Carol Karlsen analyzes and discusses the women of New England charged of being witches. Karlsen successfully puts forward the claim that the charged women were from not only deprived ... Read more »

The Dutchman essay

The Dutchman is a play written by Amri Baraka. The book can be described as a political book written during the time when the black and white had their differences. The main argument, however, in the book is the issue about race discrimination. The ... Read more »

The Enlightenment of Tartuffe essay

The16th and the17th centuries were a great period of Enlightenment for Europe concerning issues that influenced public perception besides shaping the general view on matters that defined the lives of people during that period. Art works like books ... Read more »

The fall of Oedipus as a Result of His Character Flaw essay

Introduction Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex portrays the reality of human nature, that despite how respectable or politically powerful individuals become in society, they will never escape from their innate human weaknesses. The fate of the ... Read more »

The Ghetto Made Me Do It essay

One of the major problems that societies have experienced for numerous decades is crime. Time and again, violent crimes are brought about by being delimited by a violent environment. In The Ghetto Made Me Do It, Francis Flaherty puts forth that if ... Read more »

The Heart of Darkness essay

Heart of darkness is a novel written by a man called Joseph Conrad. It is a novel that has gained intense reputation in its exploration and use of the English literature, and thus has been regarded as one of the laws of the west. The main character ... Read more »

The hours (2002) and MRS DALLOWAY(1951) by virginia wolf essay

Desperation brings about the inspiration among many individuals who are feeling the most adverse emotions that govern their situations at the time. For the movie the hours, a pregnant woman, Laura Brown naturally gained much inspiration to throw a ... Read more »

The Iliad essay

“The Iliad” by Homer is a largely referred to epic poem that was originally written in Greek. Over the years, it has been translated into English by different authors. It is based on the traditions of the Greeks and is hugely mythical. ... Read more »

The Lady or the Tiger essay

In the short story, the lady or the tiger by Frank Stockton, the princess must have led her lover towards the door with the tiger. Jealousy is the prime motive behind her decision. The lady had lost her man at the moment his father imprisoned him ... Read more »

The Lady with the Pet Dog by Anton Chekhov essay

When it comes to the elements of literature, The Lady with the Pet Dog by Anton Chekhov and Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice have a lot of similarities and differences. In the world issues and aspects of life are so intertwined that it would be ... Read more »

The Legend of Mexican essay

The story The Legend of Mexican by Jo Harper is worth reading in a classroom social studies lesson in order to explain the historical background of the Mexicans. The book has a gripping narrative, giving a full description of how the Mexicans came ... Read more »

“The Looming Tower” By Lawrence Wright essay

In "The Looming Tower", L. Wright attempts to carry out an individual description of the development of al-Qaeda. While locating the origins of the group in the standpoints of Sayyid Qutb, the author not just goes deeply into the historical past of ... Read more »

The Madness of Hamlet essay

Every nation has its ideas about good and evil, its understanding of honor and power, guilt and redemption. There is no clear prescription in life. Therefore, everyone has one’s own path to goal, and fights in own way. Sometimes the “aim ... Read more »

The Medieval Literature essay

This paper investigates the works in medieval literature. It examines the historical significance of this literature as well as its distinguishing components. According to the paper, this type of literature originates from the period encompassing ... Read more »

The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare essay

Shylock is definitely the most complicated character in the Merchant of Venice. Moreover, this person is among the most complex and bewildering heroes of all Shakespeare works. Although, from the first glance, Shylock seems to be a pure villain, the ... Read more »

The Picture of Dorian Gray essay

The  picture of Dorian Gray book is painstakingly a contrast of The Picture of Dorian Gray Graphic Novel in various aspects. In fact, the setting, themes, literary styles and character traits in these two distinct pieces of art are dissimilar ... Read more »

The Play Lorraine Hansberry essay

Dialect In the setting of the play Lorraine Hansberry, the use of dialect has been used to portray the living and communication language the African Americans use. The African American Vernacular English is spoken sometimes to drive away into a ... Read more »

The Positive Light on John Browns Harpers Ferry Raid essay

John Harpers is a man who was determined to bring slavery to an end and that is why he tried various approaches to see that people no longer suffered under the menace. One of the attempts he used was the raid which was seen as one of the most daring ... Read more »

The Rebellious Silence essay

Bradley, represents the Oijbwe and Dakota people who are Indians. Minnesota’s most enduring languages are in danger of disappearing (Indian Affairs Council, 1). The painting tries to dispel the myths and stereotypes cast on Indians. The visual ... Read more »

The Role of Women in Ancient Rome and in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar essay

Introduction William Shakespeare (1564 – 1616) was a prominent English poet and playwright, commonly regarded as the greatest English language writer and the world's most preeminent dramatist (Bevington: 1–3). Shakespeare wrote ten ... Read more »

The Seventh Sense essay

Eats, Shoots and Leaves is a comical, annotated piece of a written material that takes upon commonly punctuation mistakes and in some manner makes fun of them so as to drive or rather invite in the correct punctuation1. Truss’ well-used humor ... Read more »

The Short Story Everyday Use essay

The short story “Everyday Use”by Alice Walker challenges the impact and influence of African-American culture and heritage on people and their destinies. In order to reveal the message of the story in a subtle yet clear way, the author ... Read more »

The Sorrow of War by Ninh, Bao essay

The novel, The Sorrow of War byNinh, Bao depicts war as a world of casualty, severity, hopelessness, and sufferings. The author explores the concepts of pointlessness and irrationality of wartime. To convey a message of the novel Ninh Bao appeals to ... Read more »

The stranger by albert camus essay

Within the scope of this research, we will analyze the character of Meursault as portrayed by Camus in his work “The Stranger”. As one becomes acquainted with Meursault, it becomes apparent that he is straightforward non conformist that does not ... Read more »

The Tell-Tale Heart essay

Edgar Allan Poe’s short story "The Tell-Tale Heart" was published in 1843. The story follows a narrator who is not named. The narrator is set on his sound mind even after murdering an old man who, according to the narrator, has an evil eye. ... Read more »

"The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe essay

The Tell Tale Heart short story was written by Edgar Allan Poe and published in the year 1843. The narrator of the story is unnamed and he insisted on his sanity after he murdered the old man who with a vulture eye and hid his body under floor ... Read more »

The Theme of Poverty and Children in A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift essay

During the last tree hundred years, the world has passed through many changes and definitely become more safe, just, wealthy, and humane. However, the problem of poverty still persists in many parts of the world, and, as such, it concerns children ... Read more »

The Wednesday Surprise essay

This essay explains how I would use The Wednesday Surprise by Eve Bunting in a classroom social studies lesson. I would use it by explaining the family values portrayed herein. The reading culture also is helpful. The background presents a ... Read more »

The Woman Warrior essay

The major part of the well-known US literature presents the works of white male authors. This has formed a very particular image of the American literature. Even though the country has been always known for its’ variety of cultures and ... Read more »

Themes in Anglo-Saxon Literature essay

There are numerous themes employed in the Anglo-Saxon Literature. In this case of study, only two themes have been put into consideration so as to help to understand the entire plot and flow of events in the poetry. The first theme observed in ... Read more »

This Land is My Land essay

This Land is My Land, a children’s book written by George Littlechild. It is a vivid textual and visual illustration of the suffering endured by the Native Americans in their struggle to survive in a post-Columbus society and culture. I would ... Read more »

Thomas Wyatt'S Contribution To The English Renaissance essay

The English Renaissance is a term that describes the cultural movement that took place in England in the period from the end of the 15th to the beginning of the 17th centuries. The blossom of culture, literature, and the arts was at its height ... Read more »

Three cups of tea essay

Three cups of tea is a story of mountaineer “Greg Mortenson”, who tried to climb K2 the second highest mountain in the world to honor his deceased sister Christa. Unfortunately, he did not achieve success in his intent. After his acceptance of ... Read more »

Three cups of tea essay

“Three Cups of Tea” by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin is the true story and an account Mortenson’s great and extraordinary experience in Pakistan. His experience promotes the peace through education. In 1993, after the death of her ... Read more »

Thriving on chaos: handbook for a management revolution By TOM PETERS: essay

Surviving in a quality and service oriented business world in the present era is indeed not an easy task for many business owners in the present era. The business traditions of the present era have opened the current business industries into new ... Read more »

Thunder Cake essay

In her book, Thunder Cake, Patricia Polacco covers both the elementary arithmetic’s class and environmental studies relatively well in an exceptionally creative and attention drawing way. The author narrates the way her grandmother encouraged ... Read more »

Tim O’Brien's The ThingsThey Carried essay

The text by Tim O’Brien The ThingsThey Carriedis a catalogue of the burdening tangibles and mental, emotional bothers that the protagonist, Tim O’ Brien and his colleagues from the alpha company carry. Thesis Statement The emotional ... Read more »

Time, Confidence, and Nihilism essay

Ernest Hemingway’s story is about two waiters who talk about life, time, and aging while watching a deaf old man drink brandy in the well-lighted cafe where they work. It seems like a simple story, but the conversation between the two waiters ... Read more »

Together We Stand Letter essay

Incidents of children having similar sicknesses have been on the increase in my community in the past few years. This according to me is a matter which needs to be addressed with the seriousness it deserves. Subjecting children to such sicknesses ... Read more »

Train to Somewhere, by Eve Bunting essay

Train to Somewhere, by Eve Bunting offers the travel of fourteen orphans to the New West in order to place them with caring families. It depicts the journey in a coherent manner that brings out the clarity of the problems the children faced. Most ... Read more »

“Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson essay

Alfred Tennyson learnt about the sudden death of his dear friend Henry Hallam, in October 1833. Hallam’s death disturbed Tennyson, and he decided to write “Ulysses” in his memory. The poem is a tribute to his lifelong friend. In ... Read more »

Understanding how to deal with the criminal justice system through the story of gideon’s trumpet essay

The book on Gideon’s trumpet revolves on how one man was able to get through smoothly with his case through following the procedural approach of the law in litigating his case on being a petty thief. It has even been mentioned in the narration ... Read more »

Walter Benjamin and the Role of Experience essay

In the current times, experience in story telling is no longer there. It is certain that current story tellers cannot convey the message appropriately because no emphasis is put to retain the experience earlier generations have been using (Benjamin, ... Read more »

War poems essay

“The Soldier” is a sonnet of two stanzas: an octet of eight lines and a sestet of six lines. It is the last in a series of five sonnets composed shortly after the outbreak of World War I. The poems are linked by theme as well as form; all ... Read more »

Welfare essay

Introduction During the course of recent decades, the promoters of the concept of “welfare” in the USA have largely succeeded in convincing many citizens that they are being automatically entitled to a variety of social services by the ... Read more »

Western Story essay

A hero will always remain a hero. Features like being strong, loyal, brave, eloquence, and shrewdness are some of common trait in heroes. In most cases heroes possess superior virtues than the ordinary man. Homeric hero doesn’t humble to the ... Read more »

When Lightning Comes in a Jar essay

In her book, When Lightning Comes in a Jar, Patricia Polacco offers a refreshing insight into the cultural and family values that should be upheld by the society. By use of storytelling, she portrays the end of one generation and the beginning of ... Read more »

When the Evening Is Spread out Against the Sky essay

Many people in Prufrock’s situation would go for it. The character says “When the evening is spread out against the sky” .This is an appropriate time to hide in the dark. In the half-deserted streets there are not many people ... Read more »

Why the Story Is Titled "The Story of an Hour" essay

The Story Is Titled "The Story of an Hour" because the entire action takes place within a very short period of time. The title refers to the duration of the story. The story carries on with a quick pace. We see that the story starts with a woman ... Read more »

Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West essay

The first and the second parts of the book address the questions of religious life, social and moral relations in society and inside the family. Through his depiction of the state conditions that prevail in the religious community, Maguire makes ... Read more »

William Shakespeare Plays essay

Introduction Shakespeare’s use of English language has been interpreted differently. Women chauvinism in his play has been considered by many reviewers who analyze his play. The paper will review such articles that review Shakespeare’s ... Read more »

Women of Secrets essay

The plays Trifles by Susan Glasspell and A Doll House by Henrik Ibsen present the concerns of women in the society. The Trifles is a feminist drama with two main characters, Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Hale. It recounts proceedings in Iowa at the beginning ... Read more »

World Drama essay

Hamlet’s character shows vengeance and justice to those who killed his father. Due to this hatred towards Gertrude, he blames women for being unfaithful, deceitful, and uncaring. He directs the hatred to the better half, Ophelia. They get into ... Read more »

World Literature essay

Hedda Gabler, the protagonist, in Henrik Ibsen’s play A General’s Daughter is a woman from a wealthy family. The play starts when she returns with her husband from their honeymoon. Her life changes when she gets married to a gentle, ... Read more »

Writer’s Choice by Susan Glaspell essay

The one act play, written by Susan Glaspell in 1916, is based on a true story, which happened in Iowa. The play is about a murder. The farmer John Wright was killed by stringing a rope around his neck. There is the only suspect – Minnie ... Read more »
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