Keys to Successful Narrative

Why the Structure of the Work Matters?

Undoubtedly, we all know that immovable formula "entry – the main part –conclusion" since school days. Let’s figure out why it’s so important for the author not to forget about the structure of the text and why do we need it?

Say No to Writing at Random

You may think that the writing process has nothing in common with such down-to-earth concepts as structuring, systematization, and planning, but it’s not true. Avoid writing without thinking, because the result can be unpredictable. A literary work traditionally has the following structure: exposition, outset, development, climax, and denouement.

What the Elements of the Structure Mean?

The exposition introduces the time, the background, the place of action, and the characters. The outset reveals the conflict of the work, and prepares the ground for the plot entanglements.

In development, we understand characters better and identify the conflicts and contradictions. The culmination takes place in the climax: the events unfold rapidly and the conflict becomes exhausted. The number of climaxes may vary, but still there will be a dominant one.



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The events, which happen after the point of no return is passed, are described in the denouement. The denouement may sometimes go together with a culmination.

It is easy and interesting to follow the events of the book if they are the parts of one story and have a common idea. It will be easy for the reader to concentrate and assess your original idea and style, as there is no need to turn pages in order to remember what the reason of this or that situation was.

In this article, the classical plot scheme was outlined in general terms. The composition may differ and include innovative, original, or provocative ideas; it may be reverse, linear, detective, but it must be logical and well thought.

How to Begin?

You should make a few notes about the future events before you start your work. The events in the outset and in the development should lead to their results in the climax; you should also determine a few major things for the denouement. With such a plan, you’ll be always able to have the story before your eyes with no need to keep it in your mind; it will help you to concentrate straight on the work.


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