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Nowadays, it becomes more and more popular to use new approaches to estimate students’ knowledge. Many professors are fond of such writing assignment as a critique article. Why is it so popular? Scientists argue that this paper type encourages students to develop their critical, logical, and analytical skills. That is why it is much easier for professors to estimate their students since they value not the number of pages but the quality of the critical analysis and findings. To make your critique article memorable - go on reading.
Before writing a critique article, ensure that you have clear and proper understanding of it. Many students believe that when they deal with a critique article, they should find some author's mistakes and criticize him. They are wrong. Each critique article aims to present your thoughts and ideas after reading an article. It means a critical essay should look like feedback on a particular topic and include the article summary. In other words, you need to estimate the author's thesis, arguments, findings, and their reliability.
Three Steps of how to Write a Critique Article
- First of all, you should be well familiar with your article. It means you need to read it at least twice. Figure out the general area and structure of the material after the first reading. Then, during the second reading, try to find out the primary author's ideas and arguments. If it is necessary - read it one more time. This stage has a great influence on the final result of your writing. Of course, you are free to put down some notes, highlight and underline things, which are essential for your further critical analysis. After gathering the necessary information, you can start writing your critical article. Ensure that you follow your professor's requirements on the paper format, length, fonts, etc.
- Many students ask how to start a critical article. Usually, each critical essay consists of several paragraphs. The first one provides some general information on the author, his/her background, research subject, etc. Other sections include the critical analysis. We highly recommend you to answer these questions to make up a comprehensive critical analysis.
Imagine you are an editor and you are looking for a paper to print. Would you choose this article? Is it worth reading? Is it interesting? Answering all these questions, you estimate the novelty of the material.
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Find out the writing style and target audience. If it is a scientific article, it should have a very strict and severe tone. However, it is not a rule. There are a lot of attractive scholarly essays which are well-written and well-structured. Thus, you need to check whether it is easy to read this article or not.
Make the in-depth analysis. Explore whether the author uses any sources and references, and why he/she uses them. Then, estimate their reliability and credibility. Ensure that you have found out the author's thesis, arguments, and findings and have analyzed them briefly.
The last paragraph should contain your views and thoughts on this article. Here, it is necessary to point out both strong and weak article sides. Then, try to sum up your critical analysis with a few sentences of your final assessment of the article.- Make your critical essay readable. Choose the best way of writing and structure your article according to the audience and goals.
Wish you good luck!