How to Make a Proper College Paper Heading?

College is probably one of the most exciting and fun periods of your life. This is the time to make your own decisions, visit classes that interest you, and do whatever you want to! College life differs greatly from the life you had in high school. It differs in so many ways that it can be very useful for you to be alert to how to do everything, including writing various kinds of academic papers.

The way you write any college paper and even the heading to that paper is also different. You should know several simple rules and as soon as you have perfected the format, writing the headings will take just a couple of moments.

There are plenty of formats of academic papers and each one requires different heading format. You should make sure to check with your professor the recommended format before you start working on your assignment.

In this article, we are going to explore the MLA (Modern Learning Association) format, which is accepted in most colleges.

When you write the heading for your MLA academic paper, you do not necessary need to dedicate the entire page for it, unless you are told to do so. If your professor told you to place it on a separate page, it must be the first page of your paper. Also, remember that the whole heading must only be mentioned on this first page, which should also include all the following details: your name, the name of your professor, the course, and the date. You have to place them on the upper left corner of the page. Do not forget to check whether you added double spacing after each line. In addition, add another one double spacing after the date. And here the heading goes. It has to be aligned in the center of the page.



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You have to write the heading in all capital letters, in full capitalization, or italics. Here are some examples:

How to Make a Proper College Paper Heading


How to Make a Proper College Paper Heading

In addition, you can add “quotation” marks to the heading of your paper. But the quotation should be added only under special circumstances, for example, when referring to another work, within your own paper.


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