Clinicians have long been suspecting that childhood sexual abuse (CSA) ideally has a causal association for the many eating disorders in human beings. An analysis of 1-15 empirical and epidemiological studies provides consistent evidence that these two concepts have a close relation and establish the association differently. Many studies attempting to prove the association use case-control designs particularly with cases of eating disorder taken from ideal clinical settings but having control samples drawn from particular settings with a range from primary care to psychiatric clinics and other population-based samples.
Waller (1995) study reported ideally that CSA is more prevalent especially in females, therefore, notes that they are the most affected gender in terms of eating disorders than in all the other psychiatric groups or relatively, in the general population. Molinari (2001) study is truly longitudinal to this assertion. The study found that CSA prevails as a high-risk factor for occurring eating disorder especially in early adulthood. The study was to a community sample holding 782 mothers and including their offspring.
However, early reviews of three reports indicated discrepant findings.
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Methodological limitations may possibly be contributing to inconsistent findings because these studies use different methods. Lena, Carolyn, Craig, Sophie & George (2008) study, assert that in many physicians eating disorder practice, at least 40 to 60 percent of women and men coming to therapy for check ups for eating problem have been, physically or sexually abused in one time or another. Brewerton & Abbott (1997) assert that Sexual abuse normally has many, diverse effects on the specific eating habits as well as the survivors' body image. The study explains that sexual abuse violates the individual boundaries of the self that inner sensations of sexuality, hunger, or fatigue, become exceedingly difficult to identify.
It can be ultimately, argued that childhood sexual abuse is a risk factor for the ideal development of severe bulimic syndromes or eating disorders.