Free «Kick asp aid-promotion and place project energy drink» Essay Sample


Competition has gone global and the market and industry dynamics have necessitated the need for companies to make concerted efforts streamlined towards ensuring that high quality goods and services are offered in the market at competitive prices. One of the strategies that have been soundly embraced by a multitude of companies is the effective marketing strategies with the strategic aim of achieving higher competitive advantage. With the emergence of social as effective marketing tools, energy drinks have extensively tried to penetrate the market and achieve market dominance through face book, twitter and YouTube.


This research will analyze the perception of the consumers regarding energy drinks and to identify the Channel of Distribution, Discussion, Promotion Strategy, Promotion Strategy and IMC Concept and Promotion Mix among other factors.

From my research, I found it efficient to take my products to the consumers using the liable source of transport. Energy drinks being the most preferable drink especially during hot weather, it is therefore recommendable to be reaching in the market as early as possible. In addition to the above, I would prefer to work with the direct retailer; this will facilitate the availability of the drinks in the market at the required time and therefore, boost the sale.



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I consider the channel of distribution after the research and found that the most preferable. And this was done after considering the following factors; the market, legal issues such as the risk taken if the intermediary sells the products to the wrong customers, nature of the product and the business itself.

It is advisable to test your marketing campaigns to see which ones work best

Gauge the customers’ interest immediately to win the interest of the market

Focus your resources where they are likely to generate the best results

You can explain complex messages more effectively

Track and measure how successful your marketing campaigns are

Speak directly to current and potential customers

Regular advertisement, brand promotion and the other intangible assets represents a significant proportion of consistence message to consumers about the product. The globalization and changes in business practices has however meant that the traditional approaches to advertising strategies and brands management are rapidly evolving as Energy drinks Market to gain an edge over its rivals for the same customers(Arthur2008). These changes in management has represented a move away from a management systems focused on the individual management of a broad to a more holistic management of the entire customer management in an organization, while paying added cognizance to the management of specific brands configurations, increasing role of advertisement, the promotion of brand awareness and brand image. These have been observed to have greater impact on consumer perception to increase the volume of consuming Energy drinks.   The evolution and emerging paradigms of brand management have been well and trace the evolution of brand management from the origins of the first national brands to present status, whereby the important perspectives affecting brand management are well highlighted.

Other aspects have added a lot of inputs on how efficient advertising and brand management away from the traditional formats should be carried out to elicit and instigate customer perception to purchase.  For example, Barney, (91)  have sought to bridge the gap in literature that exists in advertisement, the promotion of brand awareness and brand image by gauging consumer perceptions of localized and standardized advertisements in various cities.

The issues of advertisement as concerns product-market environmental issues are seen to take relevance within the contexts of the competitive threats and opportunities facing Whole Energy drinks  given the changing consumer markets, which has necessitated the need for adaptive reactions in advertising strategies has also dominated literature in the past . Kim (89) has investigated the effectiveness of advertising in the light of the shift of marketing budgets in favor of promotions. According to Kim (89), firms are seen to adopt different approaches towards such redresses including corporate downsizing, changes in services and relationships dimensions and changing brand management focus in an attempt to achieve reapportions that are compatible with their objectives. As a consequence, corporations need to pay increased cognizance to their advertising and branding initiatives, including the search for initiatives that has ensured for the strength of their brands. As earlier delineated, brands are symbols that customers have leant to trust over time and they signal intangible product qualities.

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There should be internal analysis of the communication in Energy drinks Market that will not only help in revealing the strength and weakness but also use the information in drawing a strategic brand management plan. In this endeavor, the external analysis will take a critical examination of the market and competitive business environment and further goes ahead to analyze the possible external factors which may affect the Energy drinks   Company strategy laid down. Business success requires a continuous content analysis of the communication of the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats of that affect the business. In this case, an investor can easily tract the performance of the marketing and plan appropriately. In this line, Whole Energy drinks Company will in the same way apply the concept and model of SWOT analysis in their branding pattern analysis.

Rationale; Prior research has shown family that characteristics, such as family poverty and parental education, are important determinants of maintaining consumer goods. Moreover, previous research has also shown family background factors affect a consumer’s risk of consumer maltreatment. However, little is known about whether consumer maltreatment has a direct and significant influence on the risk of goods protection, and whether consumer maltreatment mediates the effects of products background. s

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The decisions on product policy are on the other hand related to the assortment and the type of product. As Stone (20) has warned, customers are at times frustrated with the different assortment of the products offered because of lack of delineation on efficient communication. However, it should be borne in mind that companies that have opt for clear distinction of their products through strong and unique branding techniques have achieve much access especially in the introduction of new products into a competitive environment. I further recommended that Energy drinks Company should have a continuous education program on the importance of consuming natural and organic food .In the same process to be competitive to the evolving market their pricing should be friendly and at the same time the quality of the product are not compromised.


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