Free «RN-BSN Goals and Objectives» Essay Sample

The RN-BSN nursing program is a professional course which offers the RNs (registered nurses) an opportunity to enrich their education by obtaining the BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) degree. The program curriculum includes practicum courses so that the learners can complement the theoretical knowledge obtained. The RN-BSN clinical practicum is being undertaken by me at the MemorialRegionalHospital, the prominent facility unit of the Memorial Healthcare System. Situated in Hollywood, this hospital is considered one of the largest in Florida. It has started its operations in the year 1953 and now enjoys unrivalled distinction in the field of advanced medicine and technology as well as superior healthcare services. Although the MemorialRegionalHospital offers a wide range of healthcare services, the Memorial Cardiac and Vascular Institute, the Memorial Cancer Institute and the NeuroscienceCenter are the more renowned ones.

As a licensed registered nurse, the RN-BSN program will be beneficial to me in ways more than one. Firstly, in accordance to Batista (2007), exposure to this program will widen the scope of professional nursing practice. It will not only expand job options but also provide the opportunity to earn more. Secondly, this program not only aims at imparting theoretical knowledge but also incorporates community and leadership practicum courses in its curriculum which is helpful in putting one’s theoretical knowledge to test. The emphasis, thus, is not on amassing abundant nursing knowledge but on its proper application in appropriate situations. In other words, this program will facilitate the development of independent critical thinking styles and skills which are very much required in demanding situations. Critical thinking involves identifying the existence of a problem, realizing that there lies a solution to this problem and offering the best possible solution. This attitude forms the very basis of the nursing profession which this program intends to develop. Moreover, a lot of importance nowadays is attached to evidence-based nursing practice. This is because of the increasingly complex work environment where a number of patients are in need of specialized nursing services. Thus, a formal training in interpretation of research findings and application of appropriate skills is immensely helpful which this program aims to provide. Lastly, this program requires the students to move out of the traditional clinical nursing setting and concentrate on non-traditional settings in areas like public health, research, sales, marketing etc. This will prepare me to work outside my comfort zone and apply my critical judgment in trying situations.



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Two goals that are a reflection of the RN-BSN objectives

As discussed earlier, one of the primary objectives of the RN-BSN course is to facilitate the development of critical thinking style and skills which the learners will be able to demonstrate effectively both in the various modes of communication- verbal, non-verbal, written and electronic, as well as in action. This ability to think independently and analytically in critical situations and apply the best possible safe practice will be helpful in my research studies. Moreover, exposure to this program will help me assess the overall health of a population, group or community in my immediate environment. This will be helpful in my research work. My goal is to further my educational career with a graduate study for advanced practice. And in this, the RN-BSN program will provide the necessary foundation.

The RN-BSN program aims at developing effective leadership and management skills embodying health policy and health services, among its learners. According to Lieder (2004), the idea is to help the learners demonstrate effective leadership and management skills in the area of health services to bring about its overall improvement by improving the quality of services. By imparting effective training in leadership and management skills, this program will prepare me for a number of challenging nursing leadership roles. Thus, the nursing role will no longer be confined to just attending to the patients’ bedside. Rather, the program will help climb the professional ladder and assume greater responsibilities. A number of senior experienced nurses have retired or are on the verge of retirement. Naturally, a number of experienced nursing leadership posts are lying vacant which need to be filled in order to sustain the growth of the nursing profession. Usually, nurses with minimum BSN degree or higher are preferred for these posts.


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