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In the past few years, there has been emergence of a number of techniques in resuscitation, including collaboration from a vast number of the organizations with interest in the matter of resuscitation in efforts to increase the chances of survival in the cases of cardiac arrest. The matter has resulted into the deep discussions about the mechanisms of resuscitation in an ethical and the moral discussions. Methods of resuscitation have been traditionally an area under discussion by members of the medical practices, although this is only limited in situations with minimal number of casualty cases, and there do exist more elaborations for the resuscitation exercise. In situations with a large number of casualty cases during calamities, therefore, no resuscitation mode exists. The management of workers, resuscitation casualties and the family members of the resuscitation casualties at the health facilities during trauma management is a fundamental part of the management process. The critical understanding of resuscitation process in a health institution is important in the recognition of the synonymous nature of the medical care attention element and the firm’s corporate image in regard to the whole process of resuscitation.
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Buy Pre-hospital induction of therapeutic hypothermia during Resuscitation essay paper online
The research study proposal already done presented an aspect of resuscitation process management in particular emergency procedures to victims of cardiac arrest. This modified research study tends to present an analysis of the effectiveness of the induced therapeutic hypothermia procedures and why these procedures are being preferred now days. The paper covers research objectives, significance of the study, methodology, literature review, and finally conclusions. Resuscitation procedures play a significant role especially when dealing with cardiac arrest emergencies as well as other medical repurcussions like brain surgery, chemical spills and shocks (Averill & Song ,2007,pp.25-45).
Statement of the Problem
The application of the therapeutic hypothermia induction is a fundamental part of the resuscitation process. The critical understanding of the therapeutic hypothermia induction in the process of resuscitation is important in the recognition of the synonymous nature of the human life element and the health sectors corporate image. Most medical practitioners may not appreciate the innovations geared towards the organizational goals and objective achievements. The ineffectiveness in the application of the resuscitation process results from negative task performance. In this case, the study seeks to investigate the effect of proper time management, workers motivation and effective leadership as they impact therapeutic hypothermia induction productivity.
Purpose of the study
The rationale of the research study is anchored on the need to boost emergency health care delivery Plc workers level of productivity through appropriate techniques. Thus, the study aims at investigating the impact of effectiveness of the resuscitation process, proper management and workforce motivation, among other factors that affect the entire resuscitation process productivity. The study will majorly focus on the contribution of these factors to the productivity of the induction of therapeutic hypothermia resuscitation.
Literature review
In most occasions, the process of resuscitation is mainly applied after victims have been affected by cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a general term to illustrate a group of the heart and blood vessel diseases, which are atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, congestive heart failure and myocardial infarction. Heart and blood vessel diseases increased significantly in contemporary societies and became the first cause of death not only in Western societies, but even in many developing societies. Statistics indicate that the most important cause of death globally is CVD accounting for 49% of all death and 30% of death before 65 years (Lioyd-williams et al 2008). For example, in the United Kingdom there are94000 death annually from CHD. According to WHO, the percentage of cardiovascular mortality will become 23,6 million people by 2030 (Buitrago-lopez et al 2011). The nutritional evidence shows that chocolate could play significant role in the aetiology of cardiovascular disorders, for instance, hypertension, atherosclerosis and stroke.Pre-hospital induction of therapeutic hypothermia during Resuscitation
The mild therapeutic hypothermia practice does work on the improvement of the neurological results after cardiac the arrest. Many scholars have studied and suggested that hypothermia is supposed to be induced immediately as possible after the return of the spontaneous circulation. When an immediate possible process of induction of hypothermia is applied, it does mean that a process must be in place for the pre-hospital setting, and that it must be in position of being undertaken fast by a non-physician pre-hospital care provider. The aim of most of the studies in this field is to investigate the effect of pre-hospital induction of therapeutic hypothermia during resuscitation immediately after the ROSC with a more closely monitored pre-hospital patient using this technique.
According to studies, the test results of the pilot studies do suggest that the induction of the therapeutic hypothermia with tests like the rapid infusion of the ice-cold Ringer’s solution soon after ROSC is well explained and feasible in the prehospital testing. When oesophageal thermal probe is applied as a fast and the simplest method for the continuous measurement of the core temperature, there is a number of shortcomings in its application, which does explain the findings in the patients. The probe can come in a close contact with the superior vena cava and, therefore, register falsely the low core temperatures when the blood is mixed with cold saline passes by. This, therefore, gives explanation to why the temperature of some of the patients in the case study did decrease rapidly after only 500 ml of fluid, and also why the temperatures did rise again immediately after the infusion was stopped. The study can too inadvertently be advanced too far, suddenly when it enters the stomach it does not give a reflection of the correct values in the experiment where the temperature remained unaltered.
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Resuscitation procedures can be described as clear step by step procedure for the patients or victims of cardiac arrest are responded to in time to sustain life in an orderly and safe manner during an emergency in order to limit the number of deaths and other effects resulting from the cardiac arrest. Emergency resuscitation procedures therefore can be described as the immediate and rapid administration of medical attention to people affected by cardiac arrest or under threat or an actual occurrence of a heart failure.
With increasing number of resuscitation emergencies and other heart effects in the world various health institutions like the paramilitary have implemented different health response and control measures related to heart failures and other effects in organizational management. In specific every health organization today has an emergency resuscitation procedure primarily as a safety management measure during cases of cardiac arrest emergencies as well as during other surgical issues for its patients. Recent resuscitation response events, the successive reports on resuscitation incidences and the reconnaissance survey within the government health facilities as a case study have all stressed the central role of resuscitation sensitization in all sustainably planned and integrated strategy for emergency resuscitation management.
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Causes of cardiovascular diseases
Atherosclerosis is characterized by thickens in plaque ( known as abnormal accumulation of fatty deposits, smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue in blood vessels ), it leads to narrowing the lumen of an artery, which restricts blood flow ( Rolfes et al 2006). Djousse et al (2010), demonstrating that moderate intake of chocolate up to tow serving weekly could affect positively in CVD risk. The increased of fat, especially saturated fatty acid in the food associated with increased formation of cholesterol in the blood, which encourages the transfer of cholesterol to the body's tissues, including arteries and lead to narrowing of the arteries.
Research indicates that effectiveness of any emergency response can actually be broken into one single factor which is the ability of a health institution resuscitation authority to respond, receive and act on timely information. This calls for a resilient communication structure which actually withstands all the pitfalls of day-to- day operations as well as large-scale incidents of resuscitation procedures.
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According to the American Journal on resuscitation procedures (2008, pp.26-70), expedient as well as accurate handling of resuscitation procedures is considered much important for a successful outcome of any incident In the daily scenarios, resuscitation physicians have been trained to use communications systems as well as equipment to administer the resuscitation procedure and report on the conditions. Given the fact that, most of the resuscitation physicians come from different agencies to provide mutual aid to each other during different incidences it is always essential that structures be implemented which ensures a unified chain of command as well as information sharing. Communication systems and patient handling procedures therefore are very important in emergency resuscitation service authorities since ineffective communication systems and equipments can put at risk lives of many people despite the good work of the resuscitation physicians.
From the study carried out, it can be, therefore, concluded that the application of the therapeutic hypothermia induction process, which has a vast range of applications like the ice-cold ringer’s solution, seems helpful in regard to resuscitation in the prehopital setting as the procedure is ever available to health care providers, who in any case might not be physicians.