Free «Problem of Enterprise Rent-a-car» Essay Sample

The problem with the Enterprise Rent-a-Car is failure to deliver some of its corporate policies towards its customers and also the employees. The company specializes in the rental of cars to consumers and promises customer satisfaction but it is engaged in fleet management controversy that changed the company’s image.

The problem affects the customers of the Enterprise Rent-a car and also the employees because the company fails to fulfil its corporate polices. The enterprise lacks any set prices for the services it offers to the clients. The company offers three main types of rentals that include personal, corporate and insurance but every type of rental sent to an agent can be manually type the amount (Vollkman, 2011). The company had been recognized for achieving recommendable customer satisfaction among other companies of its type. However, Enterprise rent a car paid its management trainees lowest and promotion would only be based on the sales of an employee. The problem occurs when the company fails it employees and the customers offering far below the customer expectations. The problem occurs in the rental of cars as well as in fleet management whereby there is manipulation of the rates in the rental charges and also the company had purchased missing side curtain airbags but sold them claiming the air bags was inclusive. The company admitted of the controversy offering to purchase the vehicles back from those customers who had bought them (Popken, 2007). The problem occurs due to lack of paying attention to deals in the specifications of what is sold to clients.



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The problem did not affect the manufacturers of the fleet with controversy because it was noted there are some occasions some fleets were bought without some standard features because some manufactures left this as optional. The only thing that doesn’t happen is a clear explanation on the fleet controversy. The problem does not occur when the management pays attention to every detail in the company. The problem does not occur when the management is responsible for all the customer complains. This is because the management becomes proactive and takes care of all issues and takes care of all customer complaints.

The problem in the Enterprise rent a car company is failure meet its policies effectively of delivering the best to its customers and also employee satisfaction. The desired future state for the company is to have all its policies implemented in the delivery of customer satisfaction in the car rental business. The future state affects the company because in that the current situation acts a hindrance towards the realization of its goals. The company lacks a formal managerial formation and therefore it becomes difficult to achieve the company’s goals. The future state would occur if Enterprise rent a car company improves its management and seeks to understand better the employee needs as well as those of the customers. The future state occurs in the company through management improvement.

The future state affects all the stakeholders of the company apart from the manufacturers who defend their mistake of delivering cars without the side curtain bags. The future state does not occur because customer loyalty is lost. The future state does not occur in the Enterprise rent a car because lack of policy implementation to meet the goals of the company.

The state of Enterprise rent a car company is surrounded by uncertainty if the management fails to change its management style and embrace reality in dealing with employee dissatisfaction as well as the customers. Therefore, management should focus on improving the current situation to ensure the future state is improved in the company (Taylor).

The problem in the Enterprise rent a car addresses two major issues concerning employees and consumers. The problem does not suggest a solution but attributes blame to the car manufacturers. In conclusion, the problem emanates from policies that are not being implemented and poor informal management style that hinders achievement of the company’s goals.


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