Free «Vaccines» Essay Sample

Immunization or, in other words, the use of vaccines is one of the most controversial and debatable topics in modern society. Despite the fact that experts in the sphere of medicine insist on safety and incredible benefits of vaccination, many people are convinced that no vaccine is 100% without health risks. The given paper aims to shed light on benefits as well as negative consequences of vaccination on a human body.

According to the definition of the term, “vaccine” means a biological preparation that is created to provide people with active acquired immunity to a certain disease. The researchers assure that vaccination taken during childhood is absolutely safe. Therefore, it does not have serious adverse effects, except pain around the site of injection, short-term fever, and, finally, muscle aches (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2008). Besides, doctors claim that severe side effects are very rare and are typical for individuals having an allergy to some ingredients in a particular vaccine. In general, the researchers differentiate a vast scope of positive effects of vaccination on human health (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2008). To begin with, the majority of doctors are proponents of the idea. The reason for that is the increased amount of various dangerous bacteria and viruses. Thus, the immune system of humans fails to function as a reliable natural defense (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, 2008). Because of this trend, scientists have successfully created harmless “versions” of diseases to give the chance to a human body to “win the game” with illnesses. First of all, vaccines adequately prepare the immune system of humans for possible future encounters with the disease. Secondly, doctors insist on taking vaccines because they save thousands of children’s lives around the globe. For instance, vaccination is one of the most reliable ways of protecting children from such vaccine-preventable diseases as measles, mumps, diphtheria, polio, whooping cough, etc. (Whitney et al., 2014). Taking into account the results of statistics provided by the WHO, vaccines prevent approximately 2.5 millions of deaths around the globe each year (Andre, 2008). Thirdly, a significantly large number of vaccines that are available nowadays or is expected to become available very soon gives the chance for “target populations” to choose vaccines they need (Nieburg & McLauren, 2011). For instance, numerous specific vaccines against cholera, hepatitis B, and human papillomavirus have drastically decreased the mortality rates among children and adults in various countries where these vaccines are available (Nieburg & McLauren, 2011). Fourthly, the majority of mass vaccination programs are free and give the chance to every individual to be protected. Finally, vaccines are created to provide people with artificially acquired immunity to protect not only one person but the entire community because vaccinations prevent the spread of diseases (Nieburg & McLauren, 2011).



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On the contrary, despite numerous persuasive arguments in favor of immunization, many people refuse to take a vaccine due to some health concerns. For example, according to the estimations of various scientific reports, there are significant gaps connected with the negative impacts of vaccines on children (Kimmel et al., 2007). In other words, it is believed that unsafe vaccines may result in numerous complications and even fatal consequences. Besides, there is a widespread myth that having a disease is far more essential for normal development of children as it provides more powerful protection than vaccination (Kimmel et al., 2007).

Having shed light on the significance of vaccination or, in other words, immunization, and reviewed benefits and drawbacks of vaccines, I would like to stress that I am a proponent of this procedure. Despite the abundance of numerous facts and myths that criticize vaccination, I believe that immunization saves people from the most feared diseases, including diphtheria, polio, and influenza. Besides, vaccination is very safe, cheap, and effective method of preventing diseases because it becomes available to the public only after thorough and detailed review by scientists and healthcare professionals. Finally, I am convinced that to avert a disease is definitely easier and less expensive than to treat it. In general, vaccination is an ethical way of combating a disease because it not only saves money but protects surrounding and even future generations.


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