Free «The Ramayana of Valmiki and Sita Sings the Blue» Essay Sample

Both of the two written (ancient) and visual (modern) texts that is The Ramayana of Valmiki and view Sita Sings the Blues compare and contrast in very many ways. They are similar in some aspects and different in other aspects. In this paper I will look at the aspects in which they compare and contrast. There is the theme of egocentricism that is exemplified in both of the two written (ancient) and visual (modern) texts whereby Kaikey who happens to be the queen and the favorite of the king due to her hand in the rescuing of the king from the jaws of death.

This therefore gives her an upper hand in convincing her husband to do as she wills. She uses this advantage to convince her husband to exile his first born son Rama from the courts and ultimately into the woods. She does this for selfish and greedy reasons which were to ensure her son who is younger that he would get his fathers inheritance. There is also the theme of betrayal whereby the king betrays his son Rama by believing Kaikey her favorite wife to exile his son and her wife Sita. (Sukuari 1993)



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The world view of Pantheism is characteristically demonstrated in the ancient version while the world view of theism is exemplified in the modern version. The world view of pantheism involves the belief that there does not exist a single deity who rules over humanity rather a spiritual world that consists of many spirits and demons that exist unseen among humans. According to pantheism the issue of moral value is also unique in that there is no disparity or difference between good an evil it all depends with the circumstances. This world view is exemplified in the ancient version as seen with the belief in Gods such as those that rescued Sita from the flames, the ogre who was Ravana's sister and demons such as Ravana who was the king of demons. (Sukuari 1993)

The world view of spiritism is demonstrated in the modern version whereby the world is filled with spirits and other supernatural beings but are all controlled by gods and demons. Looking at the modern version we discover that although there was the existence of demons Ravana was the god of demons and there were also the gods who saved Sita from the flames. This world views holds that man is not governed by moral values rather by taboos which are not to be broken. Looking at the modern version we see that infidelity which Rama suspected of Sita results in one being thrown in flames. (John 2003)

Both of the two written or ancient and visual or modern texts have different views concerning the Rama, Sita and other characters. Rama is seen as a very courageous and principled person in that after he is exiled he respectfully heeds to his fathers will and goes away with his wife. He is also traditional in that he believes that in throwing the wife into the flames he will be able to be sure of her fidelity. Both of the two written or ancient and visual or modern texts also show Rama's courage whereby he goes to rescue his wife. Sita is displayed to be beautiful in the book to a point that he is abducted by Ravana. (John 2003)

She is also exemplified to be obedient as she heeds to each and every of her husbands demands. Kaikeyi is seen to be malicious as she convinces her husband to exile Rama the elder son for her son to get a chance for inheritance. Ravana is seen to be promiscuous as he has his eye on Sita who is not his wife. Finally is the ogress who is Ravana's sister. She is seen to be spiteful as she tells her brother of the beautiful Sita knowing his nature. (Prakash 1998)

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In both of the texts there have been different views of both men and women. Women are viewed to de subordinate to men and that the should follow there husbands wherever they go and do what they are told this is exemplified in Sita's relationship with Rama whereby when he is sent into exile she goes with him and she obeys her to the letter. Women are also seen to influence there husbands decisions which is exemplified by Kaikey who influences her husband to exile his son. Women are also seen to be malicious demonstrated by Kaikey who causes the sending away of Rama for the benefit of the son and also Ravana's sister who influences the brother to abduct Sita just to be spiteful.

Men on the other hand are seen to be the head of the family and there word is final this is displayed by Rama who immediately after he is exiled he makes the decision to flee into the woods which is a decision his wife, Sita has no say in and follows him without question. Men are also displayed to be courageous as Rama goes ahead to rescue his wife from Ravana the king of demons. Men are also seen to have affection towards their wives and also to be caring as Rama even after his wife is abducted by Ravana he does not abandon her but plans to rescue her. The King, Rama's father displays that men are highly influenced by their spouse as his wife Kaikeyi influences him to eventually make the decision of sending his son into exile for her own selfish reasons.

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In summary, the movie's plot it begins with the part in the written text where prince Rama goes into exile. This exile was a request from Kaikeyi who happened to be the King's or Rama's father most beloved of his many queens. Prince Rama was exiled and banned completely from the court. Kaikeyi had previously rescued the King and delivered him from what was a sure death. This earned her fame and favor with the king and hence her wises were immediately executed by the king without question. Kaikeyi also had a son and ultimately her request was due to the fact that she wanted her son to earn more favor with the king in expense to the elder son who was Rama.

Consequently she wanted to assure a chance for his son to earn much f the inheritance after the King's demise. Rama's wife Sita, settles on going into exile with her dearly loved spouse, even though the forests are unsafe and swarming with evil spirits and supernatural beings. The emperor of demons Ravana, given confidence by his malicious sister who happened to be an ogre, is made known of Sita's attractiveness and decides to abduct her. The emperor demon Ravana launches a golden hind that goes on to course commotion and scare Rama and Site. He does this to take away Rama's attention on Sita. Ravana makes an effort to win Sita's affections by pursuing the hind and leading it into the forest. In his absence,of Rama as he is distracted with the golden hind Ravana abducts Sita and forces her to go away with her into the woods.

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In conclusion, the multi-layering of the modern film , the different styles of animation, the story of the modern-day American couple, the song lyrics, the silhouette commentators - give another interpretation of the ancient text whereby the characters are seen to display humor and are also seen to be to some extent lesser ruthless and more humanely than the ancient version. There also shown to show some moral fiber shown in their actions.


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