Free «Crime in America» Essay Sample

This paper encompasses recent trends of crime rate, various crime reporting tools, perception of people on crime rate and the future aspects of crime in America.

The first six months of 2010 reported a decrease of 6.2 percent in number of violent crimes as compared to same the period in 2009. The downward trend was also noted in cases of property crimes and arson where the percentage reduce was 2.8 and 14.6 respectively from January to June in 2010 as compared to the same time span in 2009.

The fall in crime rate since 1996 has led to the assumptions that the crime reporting tools are a great help in collecting data and they prompt towards the suitable law enforcements. UCR reports, National Crime Victimization Surveys (NCVS) and the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) are employed to collect data related to criminal activities. While UCR has a wider range and provides a bird's eye view, NIBRS can be utilized when a large amount of data is required. Though UCR can be used in analysis and NIBRS for resolving crime cases, both of them are equally important. NIBRS is closer in deciphering the hidden facts and untangling the crime maze.



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The public in America are happy that the crime rate has reduced but sometimes incidents do pop up which are criticized time and again as unnecessary encroachments on the freedom of citizens. The laws have encased themselves in very strict and non people friendly shells. The citizens want the policing to be a bit liberal so that the daily lives and innocent people are not affected, keeping the criminals at bay at the same time.

The high-tech revolution and sophistication has turned life to a complex form. The more people shrug off from ground realities, the more they acquire shortcut means of achieving money, success, and love, whichever may be the driving force to commit crime. Though the law makers and enforcers will perform their duty as usual, it is also the duty of the people to be alert and more tolerant.


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