The 9/11 terror attack in the US where the Al-Qaeda claimed to be responsibility gave a new whole look to security and terrorism in particular. The war on terror was launched by the then president George Bush Jr. In this new wake of attacks the war was rejuvenated to ensure that citizens remained safe and also investors regained confidence in the country. The attacks left many dead and scores of others injured; families too were also affected with some families loosing their loved ones (White, 2004). In whatever way, people were affected the country was left with a war that needed to be fought in a way that citizens would have confidence in the government ability to protect them and their property. This was done with haste since the government feared more attacks that would dent its credibility and ability as a government.
In this regard the 9/11 commission was launched that was to look into this issues and help in recommending the necessary steps that would ensure the government won the war on terror. Terrorism then came to be a global threat and government had to unite to put an end to the madness of shedding innocent blood. The 9/11 commission released the Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States or otherwise known as the 9/11 commission report (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004). The commission was commissioned by the president and the congress on the 27th November 2002 and was to work explicitly to ensure terrorism was tackled. The report was not released until 442 days later which was on 22nd July 2004.
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The defense of the homeland was a key responsibility of the government and they had failed in this task when the attacks occurred. There was also a void in the defense system since there was no authority sorely responsible to tackle the effects of terrorism. If the police had the role of defending the nation but the functions and civil liberties would be questionable. This created a crisis that needed to be managed which was to be done through enforcement of counterterrorism laws in addition to national security and intelligence. This made all the forces and agencies of security share the information and statistics at a higher rate that they did earlier. At this rate the war on terror needed an efficient plan that would keep everyone safe (Wilkinson, 2007). The acts of terror were blamed on the lapse of security and the homeland security was blamed for the lapse.
The country had adequate security but the attacked just occurred at the wrong time and at the wrong place shaking the whole country. The most recommended way to go in the situation was to keep all ears and eyes open and report any incidences that would help combat such attacks; this would give an upper hand in the war on terror (Nicholson, 2005). The effective sharing of intelligence between the public and law enforcers would be a better way of approach that needed to be implemented.
To implement the ears and eyes approach would be advantageous in that the infrastructure already existed with over half a million law enforcement officers in the country there was enough staff to tackle terrorism. In addition, there were counterterrorism measures to be implemented where the already existing law officers would collect and analyze any information from all areas to comprise any intelligence. The precedent war on drugs was an example of a framework that would be set up to fight against terrorism in an effective way to gather and disseminate intelligence (White, 2004). Also there was exchange of information between states, local and federal officers, nations, and most of the countries in the world. The funding on the war would also be available since it was a very urgent matter and one that required urgent attention.
The fight against terror also had its limitations that would hinder the implementation; such included the limited resources in the fight since the divergence of resources to fighting terrorism would interfere with other law enforcement activities and social services (Nicholson, 2005). There was also a risk of abuse of power if the fight would remain unchecked and thus become a threat democracy.
On the other hand there would be lack of political intelligence training this was in view of the fact that terrorism was furthered due to political gains which would hinder the training of police to counter enemies (White, 2004). Law enforcement officers would not be trained adequately so that the political will would be gained; the officers would remain at risk since they would be targeted since they were against political gains (Wilkinson, 2007). There is also historical significance in the war since the military and the law enforcers were separated from the military. The explosion of the war to be a religious conflict was also a risk in view of the fact that other religions would see as they are being targeted for this reason develop a rebellion.
These limitations however would not be a hindrance to the war of terror which despite all odds the government needed to implement a plan that would dismantle all the enemies of the state and bring all guilty to justice (White, 2004). They would use intelligent information which would make them find a weakness in the enemies and seek to destroy them. The need for improved homeland security was brought to light due to the 9/11 attacks and the changing roles of the police so that they would proactive and reactive in all issues pertaining terrorism. The intelligence would ensure that every data radiological, biological, electronic and chemical threats to American security to be shared and provided to all law enforcers so that security would be assured.
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The 9/11 commission report first analyzed the situation that led to the attacks where the planes that were hijacked revealed a crack within the security system that allowed the individuals who hijacked the plane. In the event the passengers boarded the plane having passed through all security checks in the airports in the report 'Atta and Omari along with Satam al Suqami, Wail al Sheri, and Waleedal Shehri, checked in and boarded American airlines flight 11 bound for Los Angeles' (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004).
They were able to pass all the security checks that were operated by Globe Security and Huntleigh USA to conduct the screening. In the screening there was need to screen the passengers with metal detectors to detect metal content of a 0.22 caliber handgun (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004). The security breach or lapse was not meant to be and this can be seen as the chance the enemies saw to attack innocent citizens to prove political statements.
On the other hand the FAA and the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) had the responsibility of managing the situation when the situation was discovered years before (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004). With a tight security in place and the correct security measures the lives would not be left. The responsibility of the attacks were taken by Osama bin Laden a Saudi exile and the leader of the World Islamic Front (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004). The war was declared on the Islamists where the government would do all in its power to bring all responsible to justice. This was seen as reiteration attacks and a new foundation of terrorism. Other terrorist attacks had been done on US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which had also been linked to Bin Laden and his terror organizations (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004).
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The government had to develop adaptive and non adaptive changes in the law enforcement forces; this included the justice department and Federal Bureau of Investigations, National Security Agency and other law enforcement agencies. This led to the establishment of Joint Terrorism task Force and stringent measures in the Federal Aviation Administration. There was also development of technology to act as an intelligence Asset and Liability (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004). The Criminal Intelligence Agency (CIA) was also to be involved in the fight.
The state department was also involved in countering terrorism this was to be coupled through cultivation of political will that would ensure that all polices developed would be supported to ensure an organized fight (Wilkinson, 2007). The congress was to take part in the war on terror in the congressional authorization of the president to be able to wage war. Congress was to undertake the oversight role in the fight and as the government waged war on the states that were considered friends or basis of the terror groups (The 9/11Commission Report, 2004).
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In the fight against terror there is progressive efforts already made and this progress has been mainly on counter terrorism through force. However there is need for diplomatic dialogue to have a peaceful and lasting solution which will bring not only calm but also peace and harmony (Nicholson, 2005). This will make all people coexist together as one without nay grudges. The war on terror should also not be developed to look like a war on religion but a fight to bring justice to those who have been affected by terrorism. In my opinion there is need to build positive minds that will care for their brothers and sisters instead of spreading negative ethnicity that will increase terrorism attacks.