Free «Enterprise Applications» Essay Sample

The approach undertaken when presenting a topic determines how much it will be understood by students. Various topics require a different approach. A topic that is broad with different ideas may require the use of visual aids and more illustration on the topic. On this topic, students need to visualize various ideas and problems that they encounter in the discussed topic. They require demonstrations by use of examples and diagrams which help the students capture facts through visual evidence and associated reasoning. They need to recite various concepts and memorize them.

Enterprise systems are very important in an organization since they help achieve operation excellence by providing for standardization and co-ordination of important business operations. These systems have enhanced fast responds by various firms to customer requests such as requests for information and products. The systems help the firm reduce the period of payment and the time purchase request. The systems also have central databases which enable data sharing between various business processes. The systems also provide valuable information to the management team which in one way or the other may help them come up with important management decisions.



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One of the major challenges posed to these systems is the cost. An organization willing to adopt this system may incur a lot of cost in purchasing the software architecture, implementing it and training staff. Some of the above process may take time and money. Normally enterprise systems have a lifespan of 10-20 years after which they are upgraded. This may pose storage challenges as data accumulates for a very long period and therefore managing it with a single system becomes almost impossible.

Today every organization understands s that the most important person is the customer. For this reason, they have tried to ensure an improved relation and widespread interaction with their customers. To achieve this, organizations are adopting customer relation management systems. These systems provide software and online tools for sales, customer service and marketing. The systems have a sale force automation module which helps the sales staff improve and increase their productivity. This is achieved by capturing the most profitable customers and those that are good for sale and service. The customer service module ensures that there are improved and efficient call centers, help desks and full time customer support staff. The marketing module initiates direct marketing campaigns which help capture prospective customers as well as tools for analyzing markets, customer data, identifying profitable customers and designing products to suits customer needs. With this, the organizations have achieved customer intimacy.


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