Free «Production or Operations Control Procedure» Essay Sample

Communication will form the basis for production/operations control. This enterprise aims at ensuring effectiveness, efficiency and customer satisfaction in its operations. Everyone in the business management will have a specific role to undertake in ensuring the accomplishment of the above mentioned elements.

The quality of production is one aspect of consideration. As such, our services will be offered in line with customer’s specifications and needs. We are determined in ensuring dependable and reliable services.

Cost of production has to be put into consideration to ensure that pricing of our services and products is sufficient in meeting the overall requirements of our production while at the same time ensuring gains for the enterprise to sustain itself.

Quality Control System

This will involve all business aspects and participants including customers, suppliers and employees. Evaluations will be carried out to determine the enterprise’s achievements in offering quality service to the customers and meeting their needs. Suppliers will be required to be quality sensitive in delivering their services and products. Employees will also be required to quickly respond to customer’s queries and have them recorded to be addressed in decision making by those who will be ensuring policy implementations. A customer care gallery will be put in place to ensure fast and efficient attendance to their needs.



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Value Added Analysis

Value added steps are essential for producing the required product/service. Output cannot be realized without them. There are key elements to consider in adding value to a company and its products. First innovation has to be considered. Our enterprise in this case will ensure distinctiveness in its service/product provisions. We are planning to offer incomparable services/products in a manner that will attract customers to be a part of the business and help realize our goals.

The aspects to be applied in adding value to our firm will include: value creation, value renewal and value transfer.

Value creation involves integration of customers into the business and letting them personalize/configure their value package (Piller, 2006). Value is created when assumed customer value matches perceived customer value after consumption of a product/service. In this sense our enterprise will be undertaking research often to gather information about customers’ views and preferences. This will then be incorporated in decision making of the enterprise to ensure value addition to the enterprise.

Value renewal will be ensured through updating software, software patches, general updates and making major upgrades to newer versions to help increase customers’ value for their money. Obsolete computers will be gotten rid off and we will ensure that the market trends are current and highly upgraded.

Through value transfer, our customers will be allowed to return obsolete computers to us and get the version of their preference on certain conditions. Such will involve an estimate of the value of returned computer after which the customer may be required to add some money to meet the requirements of the version preferred.

Other means to be used will include warranties which will ensure replacement/repair of computers or parts that get destroyed within a six months from the purchasing date.

Competitive Product Analysis

The product block of a business model comprises of all products, services and the manner in which the business differentiates itself from its competitors. This enterprise is committed towards provision of incomparable products, incomparable services and new breakthrough markets (Linder and Cantrell, 2007) in order to gain competitive edge.

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There are many ways of differentiating a product. These include: price, durability, appearance, cost, maintenance, packaging and quality (Cooper and Edgett, 2008).various activities are involved in product analysis designed to ensure competitiveness in the market. These include: Preliminary market assessment, source of supply assessment, market research/customer needs assessment, value to the customer assessment, product definition (Cooper and Edgett, 2008), product strategy formulation and communication, opportunity identification and assessment. All these are activities that we aim to undertake before the business commences.

Sources of Supply

The choice of suppliers will depend on qualitative and quantitative analysis of the sources available. This enterprise will outsource various machinery and services in trying to accomplish its mission. Outsourcing decision will include an analysis of relevant costs and benefits (Principles of accounting, 2008). Outsourcing of our products and services will be within New York to reduce/eliminate overhead costs such as freight charges. Suppliers to be considered are those who ensure consistency in time delivery of quality products and services that will add value to our enterprise. Our determination is in ensuring quality service to our customers to ensure continued value addition.

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Inventory Control

An inventory management control software will be put in place to help in: Maintaining a balance between too much and too little inventory, Tracking inventory as it is transported between locations, Receiving supply into a warehouse, packing and shipping items from a warehouse, keeping track of product sales and cutting down on product obsolescence and spoilage(Dave P., 2008). This will further save the cost and time of operation, ensure warehouse organization and up-to-date- date. 

Major operating costs

These will include rental payment, governmental taxes and license fee, advertising and promotional services, professional and technical services such as consultancy, maintenance of buildings, machinery and equipment through insurance, cost of supplies, electricity and utility payments, purchased communication services such as internet, depreciation and amortization charges.

Website development is expected to be relatively cheaper as we will apply our own expertise and knowledge in developing one.

LLC Registration

The registration of LLC as presented by Corporations Division of US starts with a name reservation which includes a fee of up to $50.  This is then followed by preparation of articles of organization which must be signed by a member of the organization while at the same time stating the designation of the signatories. The articles are then filed together with a Data Transmittal Form 231. A filing fee of up to $100 is mailed to the corporations Division and checks are paid to the Secretary of state.

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A certificate of organization is then issued within 5-7 working days. An annual registration fee of up to $50 must also be filed with the secretary of states.

Many LLCs are also required to obtain worker’s compensation insurance and may also be subject to unemployment tax requirements.

We consider this a basic necessity in order to protect the name of our company as well as ensure customer’s trust in our provisions. This will also enable us be visible publicly, both within and without and enhance employees’ commitment in ensuring quality service.


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