Free «Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a Health Care Organization» Essay Sample

In a healthcare organization, effective communication is vital and as a manager one is required to manage people, partnerships, time, ideas, resources, relationships and conflicts that usually arise. A Chief Executive Officer of a healthcare organization is required to develop a wide variety of techniques to manage both the informal and formal streams of communication (Healthcare management, 2010).

It is important as a Chief Executive Officer to establish a common understanding, get support and buy of the project at hand from the staff at the healthcare organization. A set of formal assumptions is vital since it states what is expected of the team, limitations likely to emerge in an effort to avoid misunderstanding and get rid of those expectations that are unrealistic. The frequency of communication within the organization determines the need for informal or formal appraisal (Walshe & Smith, 2006).

Conversation and observation can be used to stay in touch with the attitudes and work of the team working in the healthcare organization. A project managing team can monitor indicators such as accomplishments, progress targeting deliverables and interpersonal disputes all of which create a sense of self-importance for the team members (Healthcare management, 2010).Team members in the healthcare organization should receive feedback from form the supervisors after evaluation information has been gathered from those persons who intermingle with the healthcare organization team (Burke & Friedman, 2011).



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Conflict management is an issue that needs to be addressed to promote positive work relations and greater productivity. Conflicts in a healthcare organization are likely to result from scheduling priorities, individual working styles and scarce resources. With the establishment team rules, sound management practices, group norms such as role definition and communication planning are likely to reduce conflicts within the organization (Burke & Friedman, 2011).

When differences in opinions are managed effectively, they result in increased and healthy creativity that leads to better decision making. Usually, conflicts need to be addressed early and in private using a direct or a collaborative approach. If the conflict does not cease, formal procedures can be used where that might lead to disciplinary actions (Walshe & Smith, 2006).

Management tasks in a healthcare organization involve techniques such as team meetings where the group meets to discuss those issues that affect the project. With video conferencing and teleconferencing, meetings can be held electronically or face to face. A checklist is very important in a healthcare organization as it helps in planning activities, events and products (Walshe & Smith, 2006). Through this, work is put together with the dates that they are due for all the staff to see, understand and discuss.

In a healthcare organization, there may be communication barrier as a result of poor listening since listening requires attention. Symbols may be misunderstood creating barriers where symbols fail to match between the persons that are communicating. Cultural differences may create barriers to communication when the differences in culture result in meaning confusion (Branson, 2010).

With good communication skills, conflicts can be resolved in a healthcare facility since unresolved or poorly resolved conflicts can adversely affect the morale of the workers at the healthcare organizations. When the Chief Executive Officer in the healthcare organization avoids solving of conflicts, they may escalate and cause damage to the organization. It is important that while settling a conflict the manager revolves around the root-cause of the concern and build a discussion around it (Walshe & Smith, 2006). This ensures that those remarks that have no relevance are not generated when the argument gets so heated up. Respecting the views of others is important in conflict resolution; finding more than one solution to a problem and avoiding prejudice are among the techniques that can be used in conflict resolution in a healthcare organization.

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As a leader who is willing to resolve conflicts in a healthcare organization, one is required to prepare for resolution by acknowledging conflict, discussing impact and agreeing on a cooperative process. Understanding the conflict situation is also very important in ensuring an agreement is reached (Robbins, 1998).


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