Free «Immigration Bibliography» Essay Sample

According to Cornell University website, scholarly journals are the peer reviewed, academic or refereed journals (the journals that their articles to other scholars or experts in the field for review and comments)such that the reviewers may agree that the articles represent original research before they can be published. Examples of peer reviewed articles are journals from the American Economic Review, Journal of Marriage and the Family, and Modern Fictional Studies.  


Anderson, S. (2010). Immigration. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood.

Anderson is an executive director of the National Foundation for American Policy which is a research group based in Arlington, Virginia. Anderson’s previous assignments include staff director of Senate Immigration Subcommittee and head of policy at the Immigration and Naturalization Service. This book is a practical and comprehensive approach to the history, contributions and economics of immigrants. The book examines US immigration policies and their impact as well as a guide on how immigration works in practice.



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Payan, T.  (2006). The three U.S.-Mexico border wars: Drugs, immigration, and Homeland Security. Westport, Conn: Praeger Security International.

Tony Payan is an associate professor of political science and he is well versed with immigration policies especially on the relationship between the US and Mexico. In this particular book, Payan illuminates on the different ways in which border residents cope with the strict border security and how they have successfully navigated their lives despite the increasing number of federal bureaucrats and programs that have been placed at the border.

Cozic, C.  P.  (1997). Illegal immigration: Opposing viewpoints. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.

Charles Cozic is a published author and editor. In this book, Charles puts together a collection of articles that debate the seriousness of illegal immigration. The collection also includes the adequacy of immigration laws in America.

Hay, J. (2001). Immigration. San Diego, Calif: Greenhaven Press.

Jeff Hay is an accomplished author especially of non-fiction titles and has a keen interest in history. In this book, Hay puts together a collection of essays that discusses the history of immigration in the US. The essays also discuss the economic, social and cultural implications of immigration and its effects in various countries.

Chomsky, A. (2007). "They take our jobs!” And 20 other myths about immigration. Boston, Mass: Beacon Press.

Aviva Chomsky is a history professor of Latin American studies and currently tutors at the Salem State University, Massachusetts. She has authored several immigration books and articles especially in Latin America solidarity and immigrant issues for several years now. In this book, Aviva debunks several myths that surround the immigration subjects and immigrants in the U.S. the book cover immigration topics like economy, race, law and government policies towards immigrants.


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