Free «Singapore» Essay Sample

Singapore’s government is crafted after the English common law system. Thus, history, laws, values, and culture are intertwined. Also, its efficiency and transparency has allowed it to grow. For this reason, Singapore is the 2nd least risky country in the world with some of the lowest crime rates. Additionally, their political system is cohesive and free of corruption and rifts. Therefore, Singapore’s legal and political environment is ideal.

The political structure of the country is idyllic. People Action Party (PAP) is a political party in Singapore. Social Democracy is political philosophy that supports a peaceful transition from capitalism to socialism (The Politics of Civil Society in Singapore). Therefore, this makes Singapore’s political structure ideal because socialism advocates public ownership of property (Encyclopedia Britannica). Specifically, politicians do not run Singapore and no one is appointed to office. The country’s economic growth and solidity are maintained by PAP. The solidarity of Singapore’s government proves that PAP is a successful political party. Moreover, Singapore has a multi-racial and multi-religious atmosphere; thus, fair treatment is given to every race, and people are given equal opportunity to education, health, and housing. In addition, minorities are equally represented in Parliament through Group Representation Constituency (GRC). Also, unlike other political systems, Singapore is free of corruption. Therefore, the political structure is ideal because of its morals and image.



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As stated earlier, Singapore’s legal system is the foundationally sound and the least risky in the world. A contributing factor to its concrete structure is common law. The common law denotes to the unwritten law. It is fundamental to Singapore’s legal basis. Specifically, the common law is found in the judgments of judges in deciding cases (Introduction to Singapore’s Legal System). Singapore’s Constitution protects the fundamental rights of the people. Also, the constitution encompasses the three organs of state: the Executive (consisting of the President, Prime Minister and other ministers accountable for government matters and responsible for the Parliament), the Legislature (consists of the President and Parliament with its legislative authority responsible for ordaining legislation) and the Judiciary (the various courts of law which maneuver independent of the Executive and Legislature.) Legislation or constitutional laws are written laws ratified by the Singapore Parliament or other bodies that had authority to pass such laws in the past in Singapore. Singapore’s government is well balanced; hence, making it ideally superlative.

Singapore has a unified government and legal system, which is a subsidizing aspect to the country’s clean reputation. It was modeled after the English common law has allowed for the country to have a productive legal system. Additionally, the laws and morals contribute to its cohesive government. Singapore’s political system is distinctive from other countries. The People Action Party dominates Singapore’s parliamentary democracy and advocates peace and equality.


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