Free «The Daily School Issues» Essay Sample


The purpose of this proposal is to identify the problems that have made it difficult for schools to attain high performance objectives. The problem emphasized in this proposal is the increasing extent of indiscipline being manifested by the students. Many students no longer honor assignments and it has become difficult for tutors to assess the progress such students are making as far as the coursework is concerned. According to Slee (1995, pp.86), indiscipline may include some inappropriate behavior that has been learnt from peers and is harmful if success is to be achieved in the schooling context. Indiscipline has led to increased cases of students cheating on the exams and immediate intervention is crucial to ensure that the situation does not getting worsen. Sources of these problems include the negligence by most students to work hard as they only engage on matters that are more appealing such as dating each other. As argued by Reid (1986, pp.40), indiscipline has led to the escalation of student hostility towards teachers. Cheating has been caused by the desire to perform well during the exams despite the failure by students to commit in academic work. Students cheat to ensure that they achieve their desired goals and avoid failure which may be quite consequential to them (Drake 418).



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The solutions to these problems include the use of punishments and rewards (Sidhu 261). Teachers need to give severe punishments to the students who fail to complete their assignments while the students who are caught cheating during the exams should be expelled from school. On the other hand, school administrations need to provide different sorts of rewards to the best students or those who show greater improvements to instill a culture of hard work whereby all students see excelling in exams as their obligation. Rewards may include books, excursion trips or some amounts of money depending on how students perform in their coursework. Schools may hire motivational speakers from outside the school to encourage students to be more vigilant. Instilling discipline requires that students are aided to acquire some cognitive development through which they may make rational decisions that help them to be attentive and follow all the advices given by their tutors (Tedlock 253). The main emphasis here is to have students focus more on school work by avoiding practices such as obedience and negligence which may ruin their future.

Possible Sources

Some of the sources I intend to use in this research are books and journal articles that scientifically tackle the issue of indiscipline in relation to the student performance.

Working thesis statement

The reluctance of most students to follow school rules and regulations has made it quite hard for teachers to organize them accordingly and ensure that they acquire high academic accomplishment.


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