Free «The Future Farmers» Essay Sample

The future farmers association of the trinity high school was started on September 25th, 2007 by parents and locals of Texas .it has gradually grown to be the pride of Texas and it has since then been the link that propels an organized support that has come out clearly to support the organizations motto “LEARNING TO DO, DOING TO LEARN, EARNING TO LIVE LIVING TO SERVE”. The trinity young future farmers of America has five members who meet on every second Tuesday, monthly at 6:00 pm at the trinity café highway 19, Trinity, Texas

The trinity young farmers association has been extensively engaging in bake sales, fruit and meat annual sales. These have been sources of funds for the association and have worked to boost the morale and standards of farming knowledge. There has also been a diverse social outreach which has made it a lot easier for the society to experience a different scope of the trinity young farmers association.

The trinity young farmers association derives it purposes from the prior need to adversely expand and therefore promote and support basic human skills such as education, agriculture, community service, constructive recreation, and leadership development for the local future farmers association. The objectives of the association broadly entail the coming together of all local youths having an interest in the agricultural sector. This is very critical in ensuring that all the youths do take part in the forming business in the future and at the presence. This group has largely contributed to its member’s mental growth and career success. There is a constant teaching which is being instilled on the members hence there is urgency and knowledge acquisition. This also promotes the wellbeing of the youths who broadly depend on the farming for their subsistence besides making money (Klesse, 2004).



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The trinity young farmers association according to the chair lady faces sponsorship problems. This has been so, due to an increased misrepresentation by citizens to the youth, that there is not much to exploit from in the agriculture industry of Texas due to the climatic conditions and weather pattern changes of the state. The youth being the major fund raisers and members tend to neglect these sector and concentrate on the cooperate segments which occasionally are widely flooded and lack opportunities.

Due to an increased need by the government to subsidize on the agricultural sector of the Texas state, the trinity young farmers association has had the chance to offer scholarship sponsorships to participant members, county fairs and cultural fairs that aim at encouraging an increased interest in the agriculture and education. This is critical in achieving the best that cannot be found in any other sector cheaply. The effort which is being put here is very useful and the people who are in the forefront are the ones who have the quest for knowledge in agricultural sector. The increased number of participants is linked to the careful utilization of the available facilities besides the maximization of the human capacity and the demand of the food produce.

The young farmers association of the trinity high school derives some of its virtues and functionality methods from the future farmers association and the 4-H. these two bodies provide some basic guidelines to the YFA of trinity high school. The five member group is slowly yet steadily growing and expanding and has been currently reaching on the Texas youth via the internet and outreaches. This has been possible due to the cohesion that the group has been practicing in accordance to the laid down laws and bylaws in the association’s charter.


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