Injustice and Identity have been identified by scholars and researchers as some of the factors that contribute to the development of terrorism in the society (Borum, 2004). Injustice was found to induce an aspect of revenge in the minds of people who think they have been treated unfairly in the society leading to violent behaviors as a way of retaliating. On the other hand, identity referred to the notion of association towards a particular group of people in the society. The above factors have similarities and differences in the way they contribute to the development of terrorism in the society.
To begin with, both injustice and identity focus on the sense of belonging towards a particular group of people in the society. First, people who felt they were oppressed in the society worked on ways of uniting in order to strengthen their bond as a way of resisting their perceived enemies. In line with this, some people who participated in terrorist activities had not been oppressed but were in based on the spirit of brotherhood. Identity too played a role similar to this in contributing to terrorism. Following this point, there are people who became terrorists since they identified with the terrorist group through basic values, attitudes, and beliefs (Borum, 2004, p.25).
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. On the other hand, there are differences in regard to the contribution that is made by these factors towards the development of terrorism. Notably, injustice as a factor that contributes to terrorism is based on revenge. In consistent with this, those who feel that they have been treated in an unjust way in the society develop violent behaviors to avenge for themselves (Miller, 2003, p.3). Thus revenge remains as the driving force in this case. Identity on the other hand requires that one has to fully identify with the basic values, attitudes, and beliefs that are exhibited in a particular group. As a result, a person may end up becoming a terrorist without necessarily understanding what he or she is fighting for (Borum, 2004, p.25). Consequently, the decision to join terrorist groups in this case depends on uninformed decisions.
Following these arguments, one can conclude that terrorism and terrorist activities are not always justified. In other words, some people who participate in terrorist activities do so without valid reasons. In most cases, people who indulge in terrorist activities as a result of identity do so without fully understanding why and what they are fighting for. Similarly, there are those who argue that they have been treated unfairly in the society but cannot in any way state how this has been done against them due to identity factor.