Free «A New Earth» Essay Sample

The title of the chapter is symbolic as it depicts the tendency with which humans perpetuate pain. Human beings carry with them a lot of pain and allow it to prevent them enjoying the great moment in life. This is true to some extent, but referring to a human body as a hurting body is a bit too extreme. However, the symbolism applied to mingle bizarre with realistic in this case is quite impressive. The author believes that this pain can be passed through generations. Despite this being a strongly profound belief, it has some truths in it. My favorite passage is “nothing has ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now.” The author is trying to encourage people not to have negative attitudes towards issues of life.

The pain body is a lesson to human beings to reduce the use of their ego in making rational decisions. Apparently, the body reacts on thoughts through the emission of certain thoughts. These thoughts are connected to the ego, which also communicates other thoughts to the body. This is a cyclic process that occurs regularly. It should be noted that the ego is mostly pessimistic. If a human being chooses to listen to how the ego will react to a negative situation, then they emit negative attitudes. Therefore, attitude to a situation is what decides if one will view a situation optimistically or with pessimism. As such, they fail to realize that their reactions to situations are based on their ego. This revelation is what makes this my favorite chapter.



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Moreover, the fact that violent entertainment is as a result of hurting bodies is an interesting issue. Hurting bodies are also functional in that they create avenues through which people can learn the harmful effects of fully relying on ego.


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