Free «Dialectical Behavior Therapy» Essay Sample

In order to better understand the Dialectical Behavior that Jenna is suffering from and the relevant therapies that should be applied in her case, it is important that the Biopsychological model is given utmost consideration. The Biopsychological model will thus enable the disorder or disease that Jenna is suffering from to be better explained through psychological, biological and social factors. For Jeanne’s case, some of the biological factors that have led to a faulty biological compound and processes which have resulted in her biological dysfunction and the related disorder is her use of Marijuana. Jenna’s use of marijuana has affected biological functioning of her body not only resulting in her emotional instability but also led to triggering of self mutilating characteristics or behaviors. Besides that, Jeanne’s individual behavior, emotions and mental processes have been affected by psychological factors arising from a recent breakup with her boyfriend Kenny. Jeanne’s emotions are disturbed because of an affair that her boyfriend Kenny has with a classmate. Jeanne, therefore, thinks that she is not good enough for her boyfriend and thus her behavioral and mental processes are greatly affected. Apart from that, social factors like, for instance, relations and social status have greatly contributed towards the disorder that Jeanne is suffering from. In order to better understand the underlying factors from Jeanne’s behavior, it is vital to consider all these factors in depth (Linehan, et al, 2002).



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In order to better handle Jeanne’s Dialectical behavior, proper and relevant therapy and interventions should be applied with a view of solving the client’s problem. Effective Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT) should be applied in the client’s case so that excellent results are achieved from these interventions. Given the fact that the client (Jeanne) had been previously treated for a borderline personality behavior, also known as BPD, the application of Dialectical Behavior Therapy or the DBT in her case will not only ensure that reality testing having concepts of acceptance, tolerance and mindful awareness are catered for, but will also ensure that the cognitive behavioral techniques for regulation of Jeanne’s emotions are well addressed.

According to a meta-analysis result, it was observed that the use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy was known to reach moderate effects. Further research has also implied that the use of DBT was effective in the treatment of patients who just like Jeanne, presented different behaviors and symptoms which were related with spectrum mood disorders like for instance the need to commit suicide or cause self-injury. Studies from recent work have also indicated that the use of DBT was effective in sexual abuse survivors and others who had chemical dependence just like in Jeanne’s case in which she heavily depends on the use of marijuana.

In order to develop a therapeutic alliance successfully in the Client’s (Jeanne) case, then a climate of unconditional acceptance that is metaphysically neutral like the one in Hahn’s should be applied. In order to change the adversarial nature that existed between the client and the Therapist, Linehan argued that an alliance which was founded on “Intersubjective tough love” should be applied. This was to be done via the Hegelian principle of “dialectical progress”, which was a commitment to the main conditions of change and acceptance. An array of skills were also assembled for emotional self regulation which were drawn from psychological traditions from the West like, for instance, assertiveness training, cognitive behavioral therapy together with meditative traditions from the East like for instance Buddhist mindfulness meditation.

The use of Distress tolerance is also one of the current interventions or approaches towards Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Distress tolerance, as an intervention method for solving Jeanne’s disorder, should not only focus its attention on changing of circumstances and events but also pay more attention to finding meaning; accepting and tolerating distress effective skills. Distress tolerance should comprise mindfulness skills, which are derived from the natural development of Dialectical Behavioral skills. They should, therefore, have the ability of approaching Jeanne’s issues in a non-judgmental and non-evaluative manner both to the client and the current situation she is faced in. It should, therefore, never be a stance of resignation nor approval since it is non-judgmental in nature. Rather than hide or become overwhelmed by negative situations and their impact, the use of distress tolerance will ensure that such situations are calmly recognized. This will thus make it easier for the client, who happens to be Jeanne, in this situation to be capable of making wise decisions as to whether or not to take action instead of developing into a desperate and intense emotional reaction which may eventually prove to be destructive. In order to best utilize distress tolerance, then various skills have to be applied. This will include among others, distracts with accepts, self soothing skills, thinking about the pros and cons, radical acceptance, willingness versus willfulness and turning the mind (Verheul, et al, 2003).

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Given the fact that Jeanne and other individuals having a borderline personality disorder and other people who are suicidal in nature are known to be frequently labile and emotional, such clients will benefit greatly from help meant to regulate their emotions. This is because such clients, Jeanne included, are known to be anxious, depressed and intensely frustrated. Some of the skills in Dialectical behavior therapy which may be applied in Jeanne’s case as a client, as well as in other patients include: identification and labeling of emotions and obstacles to changing it, reduction of vulnerability to emotional minds, increasing of emotional events which are positive, taking of opposite action, increasing of mindfulness to contemporary emotions and application of distress tolerance.

Diary cards, as a Dialectical Behavior Therapy, should be encouraged for use by Jeanne and other patients in order to enable the client and others express their inward feelings. Apart from that, specially formatted diary cards will also make it possible for therapists to easily track any therapy behaviors which interfere and thus prevent the patient from progressing on well. The use of a diary card will thus enable Jeanne and therapists to track emotions, and indicate whether the client has engaged in any behaviors which are problematic and whether the DBT skills were used in helping the client escape the Extreme Emotion.

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In conclusion, the use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy intervention methods will greatly help the client, in this case Jeanne, to try new ways or approaches of thinking, speaking, feeling, doing things and coping with stress. These intervention methods will, therefore, enable the Client (Jeanne) to look at the present situation rather than focus on the past. It will further help Jeanne to become capable of focusing on views and beliefs regarding life rather than placing major emphasis on her personality traits. Moreover, these intervention methods will not only help Jeanne to cope with more efficient means of getting specific goals and changes through replacing her maladaptive manners, but will also help the client to get what she needs while at the same time helping her to take control of her own life. The use of DBT intervention methods in the client’s case will thus greatly help in convincing the client to stay in therapy, stay alive and build a life worth living. It will thus enable Jeanne to make a personal commitment towards life and stop self destructing behaviors while at the same time presenting her with support in knowing how to establish and keep a life worth sustaining (Koons, et al, 2001).


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