Free «Writing Grant Proposals» Essay Sample

The process of writing a grant proposal does not always follow identical procedure across all disciplines because it is intended for different disciplines (Cheryl & Susan, 2009). Some grant proposals require more information than others do, but they all aim at raising grants for some intended purpose in an organization. The case presented here will help persuade the funding body of the value of the intended purpose. It should be kept in mind that this may also lead to failure in persuasion (Mary, 2009). The goals and objectives of writing the grant should be considered before the writing of the proposal not to mention the guidelines given by the funding organization.

An abstract is the first part of the proposal. It contains a summary of the proposal, name, type of the organization, purpose of the project, and the target population. The abstract literary provides the first impression and may determine how credible the funding organization will find your plea (Mim, 2008). An example of an abstract for PEACE foundation is:



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PEACE Domestic Violence Agency is an organization that tries to empower people through education to overcome violence in the community. PEACE, in this project, aims at providing education and rehabilitation services to the young people leaving prison. This project will enable the establishment of training centers and offices near the target population for easy access to help the Portland population access the help they solely need. By the end, it is expected that we will have reached 1000 people after three weeks time.

The table of contents then follows this, which is a clear description of what is found in the proposal. It helps the reader understand the structure of the proposal and easy access the information (Mary, 2009). The specific aims are what follows, and this is a plea as to why the funding is necessary. It can include a literature review and a brief outline of the project for showing how different your project is from the others as well as the impact it will have. It is also known as a statement of needs, which states how the problems will be addressed. An example for PEACE organization would be:

Over the last five years, the city of Portland has experienced an increase in cases of violence, child abuse, and road carnage. This has led to an increase in illegal gang activities. This has had a great negative impact on both the economic and education sector. It is only through counseling and programs such as PEACE that we can tackle such issues effectively to improve the society.

Any project should have a target population who in one way or another will benefit from the project in both negative and positive way (Cheryl & Susan, 2009). In this case, one must clearly describe the population to be served, the neighborhood as in this case. In addition, the statistics of how many people are expected to be served ought to be described as well. In some cases, the time frame of the project is included, especially in cases where the health of the community is at risk. For example, the population around Portland consists of about 50% youth and 20% women, the rest being adult men of whom 3% are in prison. It is from this data that we can see that most of the people are affected directly through child abuse and violence. By the end of this project, it is expected that we will have intervened in about 30% of the cases, and PEACE foundation will use its resources to find alternative homes for the affected children where aid is needed.

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After identifying a problem, a project should be able to identify ways of tackling the problem, and this is what is stated next (Mim, 2009). For the purposes of feedback, an evaluation plan should be clearly stated so that we get an overview of how the project is progressing or insufficient, and it should be in such a way that it can be used by both staff and evaluators (Mary, 2008). A proper evaluation should be based on the activities and objectives that help in achieving the vision statement or act as a driving force of the project. It contains the vision statement, various activities, and objectives.

Before funding, any organization should be trusted as credible; this is the next part of the proposal. Factors such as the organizations’ history, structure, accomplishments, and vision statements among other qualitative information should be availed. Evidence here can be in the form of letters from other organizations, and parties such as politicians or businesspersons that show support probably from previous collaborations (Cheryl & Susan, 2009).

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Right from the individual level, the only way of managing money is through budgeting and this is among the mandatory sections when writing a proposal (Mim, 2008). It allocates a place for all the expected incomes and expected expenditures making sure that funds are well spent. Factors such as travel expenses, insurance, and risk allowances are clearly stated. Besides, the qualifications and job descriptions of each member of staff are submitted as well, so that the funding agency can be able to decide the validity of the budget. In the case of grant proposals, a line budget is the format used which includes the item, amount intended for it, and the justification of the amount (Mim, 2008). Generally, it should include budgeting for personnel hiring, equipment, supplies, and other costs such as rent and consultancy services.

As stated before, projects are meant to improve the lives of a certain target population. Therefore, a project can have a direct or indirect impact on the community, thus the community should support any productive project. Evidence of this is done through a confirmation of signatures from a stated number of people from the community or an official letter from the authority. References and appendices should be the last part of the proposal; the appendix containing information, which the writer felt unnecessary to be included in the other headings.


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