Free «History of Rock Music» Essay Sample

Rock music came in the limelight at around 1960s in the United States and later spread to other parts of the world. Its main roots can be traced in 40s based on other genres of music such as blues and country music (Bergamini & Stalio, 2000). Rock music can be said to have its sound revolving around the guitars which were mainly played back in those days. Several years after it came in the limelight, rock was combined with music of folk genre to create folk rock.

In 1970, rock music made yet another step when blues-rock was incorporated upon the combination of rock music with blues. Jazz-rock fusion came shortly after when rock music was integrated with jazz. Still in 1970, rock music brought on the surface other forms of rocks which came in handy. These comprised such genres as glam rock, punk rock and heavy metal. More of rock genres were still to come when progressive rock emerged in 1980 alongside hard rock new wave among others (Bergamini & Stalio, 2000).

In yet another development of rock music, 1990 was a major improvement of this genre of music with Britpop, grunge among others still emerging. With rock music becoming popular, its influence has been seen on the ground from 1940s when it was discovered. In 1960, most of the youths in the United States adopted rock music culture known as Teddy boy (Bergamini & Stalio, 2000). This was not to end there as in the middle of 1970, a culture of rock music called punk came in the offing and many youths took to it. This clearly indicates that, with development of rock music experiencing major steps since 1940, its influence on people socially has been there throughout (Dasher, 2005).



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In 2000, rock music was advanced owing to the new technology which made it possible for production of rock genres of high quality. In 2007, the technology made it possible for the production of mixed rock when the band which have been there were combined using digital knowledge to come up with something new and unique. The rock music has continued to be developed and its history of progress will continue to be witnessed (Dasher, 2005).


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