Free «Transformations as Reader and Writer» Essay Sample

The process of learning how to read and write has been observed very much since it helps in the transformation of people in a unique way where there is the possibility that the people are able to learn and acquire new skills. The dialogical self-theory is able to help us to be able to understand all the ways in which we can literary transform our selves on how to read and write better. The main aim of a writer is to be able to transform his audience by helping the audience to be able to act differently, to change their ways in which they use in interacting with the world, and also assist the audience in seeing through different eyes.

A transformation can give a reader a brand new idea or information, or it can also give the reader an old information which is arranged in a totally new and different way which can help the reader to be able to learn new things and know things that one did not have any idea of before which can help in the changing of a person’s life and perspectives. In an audience, a feeling of transformation can bring about very strong feelings and emotions because it is aimed at getting the audience to an immediate action.



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My understanding of this has changed both my reading of the works of class by adopting such a role. I attempted to refine and deepen the ways in which many people mostly think about the reading transaction nature and its real meaning in the terms of the development it can impact on a person in his abilities to read and write. When I read through the works of the class, I am able to see how the writers were very transformational in nature because they were able to make a good venue choice because the works of the class are presented in a venue which is very palatable for students like me. This has made me to understand that through our daily lives, we are always exposed to different kinds of written communications and how the information is presented to us is what can make us as readers to enjoy reading it and end up spending more time. Transformational writing requires the utilization of best venue so that the subject matter can appeal the targeted audience.

The changes that made me to understand the role of a reader and a writer is that I learned that a writer should be able to change another person’s life once the person reads his message. This has inspired me as a writer to focus on my audience so that I can be able to pass a message to my audience which can cause a great impact in their lives because when I write, I should be able to write for transformation because I want all my messages to have an impact to the readers by having a good knowledge on who I am writing to, choosing the transformation which is right and executing it properly, and then using the right venue so as to reach them.

I believe that transformational writing will help me quite a lot in the future writings because it is the only type of writing which is worth reading because it has the capability of passing a message which can have an impact on the readers. As a writer, I would be able to reach all my audiences since I would write according to their perspectives through the audience identification through things like the sex of the audience, age, income level, interests, and talents so that I can know what to present to a specific type of audience. This type of writing can help me know how to reach my audience and also help me in the choosing of the right transformation type and also making a right venue choice.


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