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Philosophy has been defined by various scholars as “Love and pursuit of knowledge through scholarly means and moral discipline.” Historically, philosophy is termed as a blend of two Greek words; philos implying “loving” and sophia implying “wisdom.” Also, etymologically, philosophy is termed as love of wisdom (Plato, 1980). This is justified by the famous Greek philosopher Aristotle who claims that philosophy commences in speculation, and this is as a result of him being overwhelmed by the fact that a human being could think tentatively and actually he maintained that philosophy arises from humans being in a position to reflect on familiarity and behave like lucid animals. Therefore, let me offer my definition of philosophy as “Love of wisdom,” which, I suppose, affirms something significant concerning philosophizing and aids in differentiating it from some other categories of thinking: Philosophy is thus the rational endeavor to devise, comprehend, and address essential issues.



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There are various examples of thinkers, some of them include: William James, Aristotle, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Bertrand Russell, Albert Einstein, Plato, Michel de Montaigne, Sigmund Freud, John Fowles, George Bernard Shaw, Seneca, Cicero, Horace, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Henry David Thoreau among others.

Among the characteristics of thinkers analyse are: they conceptualize the broad outline of a question to be answered by regarding the problems as exciting challenges; they base their judgments on evidence; since they use evidence in evaluating potential answers, they are thus capable to identify biases and assumptions as well as being open to new ideas and finally; they tentatively choose answers that are most likely to be appropriate (Plato, 1980).

Finally, I suppose philosophy is the activity of rationally trying to devise, identify with, and respond to elementary questions and this is what the most thinkers employ in their effort to address various issues with the aim of developing a proper or reasonable conclusions.


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