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A relationship exists between nutrition and depression in the adults. It has however been hard to determine how this relationship exists based on the fact that we are talking on the normal dietary procedures. This proposal is aimed at gaining comprehensive insight into the understanding behind this relationship. This study will be exploratory in such a way that there will be application of qualitative research design. The study will involve use of semi-structured interviews on the adults that are susceptible to depression or are currently suffering from depression. This will provide a chance through which the target population will be able to give an account which will be richer concerning nutrition and depression. The results on the study will draw a clear picture of the relationship that exists between the two variables; which will be important to the medical practitioners that target handling these depression issues. From the results of the research to be conducted, it will be possible to know whether to justify the hypothesis or not.
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Buy Nutrition and Depression essay paper online
The purpose of this research proposal is the examination of the relationship between nutrition and depression in the adults. In the past researches, vast information has been provided in relation to this topic although there still a lot to be learned. To enhance comprehensiveness, there will be a detailed collection of information from the adults that will be targeted for this study (the study defines an adult as a person that is aged from 18 years and above).
It is possible to attract the attention of the public by the claims that the diet has an influence on the human behavior. However, there has been weak scientific evidence for such claims with the already existing data being over interpreted in most cases. The investigation of the nutrition effect and relationship with the mental performance and human moods is what has been perceived by many as complex. This is what this research proposal seeks to examine. Based on the comprehensive literature review and analytical study, it will be possible to judge whether indeed to justify the hypothesis or not. From the daily experience, it is possible to base our argument on the perspective that the mental performance and moods are affected by eating. The question is by how far, and what provides a justification that this can be a mental issue?
In various personal and social contexts, the drive behind people eating is for the satisfaction and food beneficial effects. In addition, it is true that as a result of eating, there is a major role that is usually played in communication and social interaction. With this argument in mind, it would be possible to say that food is one of the major sources through which we achieve the life pleasure (Westenhoefer & Pudel, 1993). For a long time, there has been a documentation of the adverse consequences resulting from severe and prolonged restriction (caloric) on the cognitive actions and mood. This proposal provides evidence for justification of a comprehensive research in an area that has always formed controversy in arguments. Depression is described from the perspective of being a mental health condition and nutrition is described from the perspective of food and dieting.
The research is based on the following objectives:
- Documentation of the similarities and disparities between the depression and nutrition among the adults, and the factors underlying these relationships.
- Examination of the correlation that exists between nutrition and depression.
- Examination of the mental depression determinants, giving special emphasis on the adult's mental health status.
- Estimation of the impacts of nutrition on the depression
While there has been a comprehensive research that has been carried out based on the above mentioned study topic, there are major problems that this research suffers from. In the research, the focus is based on the general population of adults in a given country instead of basing the focus on a subpopulation. Another problem is based on the fact that in most of the existing studies, there is a serious methodological weakness through which; there is much doubt on the estimated relationship accuracy. In order to overcome these problems, there will be a variation in the data collection (different times of data collection).
Problem statement
Nutrition is of importance to us both mentally and physically. The human mental health can be affected by the overall patterns of the diet (Rydzewski, 2010) and (SathyanaranaRao et al., 2008). In this research, the relationship between nutrition and mental health will be examined.