Free «First-Time Voters» Essay Sample

Executive Summary

This paper provides an annotated bibliography of the findings of different studies done on first-time voters in relation to their age, gender, educational level, income, and race in presidential elections. It also discusses the reasons why first-time voters are targeted, efforts to register and mobilize them, as well as other demographic features. The research findings are from ten sources for instance, Young Voter Registration and Turnout Trend by Karlo Marcello, Chris Kennedy, Mark Lopez, and Kathleen Barr, First-Time Voters in the 2008 Election by Lorraine C. Minnite, and The Gallup poll: public opinion 2004 by Alec M. Gallup, and Frank Newport among others. From a majority of the sources used, it is apparent that first-time voters are mainly youths from the age bracket of 20 to 29 years.

The growing large voter turnout among the youth is attributed to the development in internet technology and communications, increased registration and voter registration campaigns which are targeting the young people specifically. For instance, in the United States, 62% of first time voters in the 2000 presidential elections were youths and this number increased to nearly two thirds in 2004. The survey found out that once youths voted for the first time, returning to vote in the subsequent elections became relatively easy resulting in a lifetime voting habit.



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According to the various research studies, a majority of first-time voters come from the low-income families, have a low level of education, are unmarried, allied to the Democratic Party, nonwhites, and females. In addition, the studies found out that first-time voters were mobile, do not have political affiliation and are comparable to virgin territories, and that is why numerous political parties target them. It is vital to point out that election campaigns, which focus on issues surrounding the youth, are likely to attract the attention of young, first-time voters eventually leading them to vote.


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