Free «Maya Lin: A Strong, Clear Vision» Essay Sample

The film starts with footage that chronicles the hailstorm which follows the unconventional designs selection by Lin. Political commentator and the Republican Representative lead a fight as they circulate the letters that claimed that one person among the jurors was a representative of communists. This letters also alleged that the four of them were the active protestors of the anti-war.

The detractors work their best to change the memorial color from black into white. While attacking the Lin’s memorial, Vietnam veteran howls, "Black, the universal color of sorrow and shame and degradation, in all races and all societies worldwide." The protestors moves on to lobby for a flag pole to be fixed at the walls.

Lin withstands artistic and individual attacks with a lot of grace as she prevails with her first design. Nevertheless, one of the video’s moving segments is the family members trying to survive as well as the veterans trying to trace the names of the people that they loved and those who had been arranged chronically by the death date .



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As Lin works on variety of her projects, she gets followed by a strong clear vision. This allowed her to design a piece chapel at Juniata College. At Civil Right Memorial, she designed race relations. She goes on to design a stone sculpture that is circular and has a timeline of civil rights that marks the legislative and political acts that are intewoven with the names of the people who had died as they struggled for justice in the social sphere.

In conclusion, Lin has tackled various controversial topics in this film. She bravely explores aesthetic territory that fuses art to generate even more provocative pieces that engage those who view them. With heartfelt admiration, Lin is like a blade. She ruthlessly focuses on her objectives making her document a perfect piece.


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