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Civil liberty is the most basic right of human beings on earth but terrorism snatch that right. With the long struggle of civilization mankind has been achieved the liberal social status. Moreover, liberty has wide meanings in all senses like freedom of speech, freedom to do the personal activities in person and freedom to live the life with one’s own style.
By defining the terrorism, on earth there are many borders that defines the lines of each part of land with cultural, customary and legal boundaries. Sometime, some people for their personal interest misuse the borders and laws they called terrorist or inhuman. These inhuman activists upset the routine happenings and penetrate panic activities like 9/11. 9/11 is a universal dilemma faced by the peoples on the earth and it has been greatly impacted on the borders and boundaries. Not only borders and boundaries but it also initiated the infringement of civil liberties due to the creation of panic situation.
The first amendment:
The first amendment is an integral part of Bill of Rights initiated by James Madison in 1789. The bill as a whole covers the liberty and freedom of the people of United States. Therefore, the first amendment starts with the freedom of speech and liberty to do any thing according to one’s faith and belief and will. It also adds the freedom of press which actually is gravity of this paper. According to the constitutional language it says:
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“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
After a precise glimpse of the law it is crystal clear that the freedom of press and freedom of speech is basic right of every human being. Therefore, according to the law it is mandatory to keep the media both electronic and print in the terrorist’s confrontation with the criminals and terrorists. But, the question is how to maintain the operational secrecy and to safeguard the defeating tactics to conquer the battle. It is harder especially in the today’s ingenious and resourceful media environment where it is hard to tackle the terrorists and wipe them out.
National interest and threats:
With the situation where information is basic right of the citizens and the secrecy is the survival. One has to consider the matter with its entirety, the one who is in-charge of the media activities going on in the battle ground. The defense department at that stage has to keep their secrecy, at the same time, it is obligatory to them by law to inform the people through media about the each activity going on. Here the things come where one have to very claver for the sake of national interest, moreover, for the war of survival.
It is damn important to keep surveillance on the media activities and make a plan for the security of the citizens and sovereignty of the nation. As battle with terrorists is quite technical due to their larger extended criminal resources who update them about the action plan. To defeat them it is utmost important to have most cruel as the same time very intelligent intelligence. With a conservative but claver media policy you can get the right objectives to combat terrorism. Otherwise, it would be very hard to confront with the current terrorist activity with a very slack secrecy of the operation and action plan.
The patriot act to ensure the national interest:
The patriot act of United States of America possesses ultimate means to detect the terrorists. It is the law which so called a liberty snatcher law but very greatly devastating the terrorists activities. It starts from searching the telephone, e-mail, and financial to detect the actual culprits. Moreover, it also allows security agencies to scrutinize the business records and even libraries to eradicate the terror aspects in the country. The security and surveillance has been unimaginably upgraded and more tighten the laws and security measures even to its last extent. The surveillance procedure has been changed and more tightened in the act. On the other hand the internal and external security measures are also changed (Scheppler, 2005).
Attaching reports to units:
After evaluation the criticalness of the situation it can be determined that how risky is attaching the reports to the units. It can be a secrecy loss if any plan or strategic activity opened. On the other hand, any misinformation can create panic in the society. Therefore, the duty to deliver the diligence to the department and secure the lives of citizens from the killers terrorists is quite hard. At the same time, by law it is damn important to deliver the to the media agencies. The department and the officer in charge must have a look on the criticalness of the situation and then take appropriate actions.
Pros of attaching reporters to units:
The pros of attaching the reporters to the units are the people will aware about the operational happenings. But, there should be a secrecy maintained to disallow any threats to the plan and perpetual. It is unethical and injustice with the people to limited their civil liberties. Therefore, the civil liberties should not be limited ever. The problems should be tacked with public government coordinative efforts and with the strong intelligence measure. Therefore, the pros are to take the people with you and maintain a secrecy plan for it.
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Cons of attaching reporters to units:
The cons of attaching the reporters to the units are the defense department has to show extra vigilance and to take care of every minute information giving to the media. In fact the defense department has a prime responsibility to execute their operations with the constitutional obligations and do work according to the constitution. And the constitution says that every department should care about the right of freedom of speech and freedom of media.
Civil liberties and the laws:
It is clear that the first amendment covers completely the civil liberties. It has imposed the check and balance even on the activities and actions even on the defense department. However, it is widely realized that the first amendment and the whole bill of right was initiated for the affected ones who had suffered a lot before civil liberty had been achieved by the United States of America. At a stage now the war against terrorism is foremost challenge for United States. It also made the compliance of information harder due to its complicated nature and terrorist’s resourcefulness. The terrorist attacks or so called invading attacks on the United States had have initiated that kind of aggressive approach towards the terrorists to destroy their agenda of invading the Muslims.
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Should the civil liberties ever be limited?
According to the law the limitation of civil liberties is illegal. Moreover, it is unethical and injustice with the people to limit their civil liberties. Therefore, the civil liberties should not be limited ever. It will create a vacuum between public, government and law enforcing agencies and that vacuum will eventually create panic in the society. Therefore, it is better to take the public with you and inform them as it is their own battle. Hereinafter, the problems should be tacked with public government coordinative efforts and with the strong intelligence measure.
What will be the reactions if not attaching the reporters?
It is the right time to examine the question that what will be the reactions if not attaching the reporters with the units. History is witness that the nonattachment of the people with the issues that their nation is facing is cruel. It has created rage and appositive notion in the people. They have suffered a lot in this entire scenario, they have lost their business, property and prosperousness jus because of the non informative measures. On the other hand, the national citizens also not gained the best with the rigid activities of non information. They also suffered a lot before the first amendment. That is why it is called civil liberties act which extended the confidence of citizens on their government and law makers. The war against terrorism had been also penetrated the rage into the people outside America. They now have an anti-America thought with them which is actually a result of the very liberal laws of United States of America.
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At the end of treatise it is better to state that liberty is the element which shows the discrimination between civilized and non civilized society. Therefore, snatching the civil rights from citizens or any other persons referring any walk of life is creating the non civilized society. Attaching the reporters with the units will be the right decision and it is also according to the law. It is prime responsibility of state and its departments to obey the constitutional laws. Moreover, non civilized society will ultimately dilute its power and authenticity to the people.