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Liberty is basic right of a human being and infringement is to disregarding the basic human rights. With the struggle of civilization the mankind has achieved the liberal status in the society. Liberty has its meaning in all senses like freedom of speech, freedom to do personal activities personally and freedom to live the life with own style.
On earth there are many borders that define the lines of each part of land with cultural, customary and legal boundaries. Sometime, some people for their own interest work and use these lines for this they called terrorist or inhuman. These inhuman activists upset the routine happenings and penetrate panic activities like 9/11. It is fact that 9/11 is a universal dilemma faced by the peoples on the earth, therefore, it has greatly impacted on the borders and boundaries. Not only borders and boundaries but it also initiated the infringement of civil liberties due to the creation of panic situation.
9/11 a bad happening for the world:
9/11 is not only a disaster for United States, but, also a universal disaster. It has put a big question mark to whole world about the security and sovereignty. However, the most affected part of the land is United States which has faced the direct trauma. It was like a traffic jam accident for whole world which vibrated the entire world. The big question mark after 9/11 has instigated the war against terror which has been pathetically spread its wings into the two continents of the earth.
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Buy The Infringement of Civil Liberties After 9/11 essay paper online
However, the major injustice happens with the directly affected people the citizens of United States of America in shape of fear of dilemma and infringement of civil liberties after 9/11. The infringement of civil rights has snatched the basic rights of liberty with its true essence from the citizens. That is why this infringement had has widely disregarded and disagreed by the citizens. And it is treated as the black law of the land which has been imposed on the liberties of civilians.
The patriot act of United States of America has some unpatriotic means in it. It is the law which snatches the liberties from the people. It starts from searching the telephone, e-mail, and financial records without any court orders. Moreover, it also allows security agencies to scrutinize the business records and even libraries to eradicate the terror aspects in the country.
The security and surveillance has been unimaginably upgraded and more tighten the laws and security measures even to its last extent. The surveillance procedure has been changed and more tightened in the act. On the other hand the internal and external security measures are also changed (Scheppler, 2005).
Surveillance Procedures:
The act has initiated the new and extraordinary surveillance procedures. It includes the FCIA the major purpose of the act is to expend the surveillance activities to the out side of country. The foreign intelligence information has given the right to the authorities to surveillance the external terror suspects and demolishes the terrorist activities all around the world.
Anti money-laundering:
The anti money-laundering act was placed to prohibit the economic illegal activities. However, the patriot act has extraordinarily sanctioned the monitoring system by the intelligence agencies to the international transactions to detect and terrorist supporting activities. Financial institutions are prohibited from allowing clients to specifically direct them to move funds into, out of, or through a concentration account, and they are also prohibited from informing their clients about the existence of such accounts. This has stagnated the banking system to an extent.
Border Security:
The border security has also been tightened to its last extent. It has greatly caused problems especially to the Canadian northern border which was at one time free to travel. However, at the moment there is more tightened security system and installed more technological equipments to secure the border. This has caused limit the free travel thought the Canadian northern border.
More tightened intelligence system:
The intelligence system has been tightened to its last extent. It has put the people in anxiety to bear the check and balance in their private, professional and social life. It has put the life into a phobia of terrorism and anti-terrorism activities. The tightened intelligence activities have also an impact like the terrorist activities. It has not only limited the civilian activities but also reduced the life enjoyment which is referred to the common people ("Preserving Life and Liberty").
The reaction:
This is actually not about preserving life and liberty, it is direct attack on the personal life and the right of civilian liberty. It has stagnated the life and put the people in unique type of phobia that always keeps their conscious alert to not to do anything which will put them in problems. In accordance the New York City council passes anti-patriot measures in which they condemn the patriot act with great spirit. The city council approved a resolution with wording "The Patriot Act is really unpatriotic, it undermines our civil rights and civil liberties," said council member Bill Perkins (D-Manhattan), the bill's sponsor. "We never give up our rights that are what makes us Americans." (Garcia).
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Actual and evidential:
It is now almost ten years old act with lot of debates and lot of protests against the act. Now at the moment the actual and evidential situation is, the dilemma has passed away for which America started the war against terror and implemented the patriot act. After ten years, it is now evidential that the patriot act has had greatly affected the American citizens especially the foreign nationality holders. They have suffered a lot in all respect and some of them have been deported only on doubt. It has greatly damaged the credibility of the country and affected its own citizens as well. The overlapped regulations and infringement of civil liberties has affected the personal, social and professional life of the citizens. It has created distrust on the affected foreign nationality holders. The only result has achieved is the distrust of its own people and social complications.
The most affected ones:
This act is for all of the citizens living in the United States, but, the most affected ones are foreigners especially the Asian ones. It is evidenced that the Asian more specifically the Muslims have suffered a lot after patriot act. They had have scrutinized and checked more carefully as they are the culprits. The whole scenario had been created by the government to pinpointing the Muslims as terrorists. This is also a dilemmatic moment in the history of America which has equality in social and justice system. But, at that moment there complete discrimination was witnessed by the whole world. The Muslims who settle their businesses in America and devoted their best to the country which is not their own homeland. However, this discrimination behavior has been witnessed and beard by the lived ones.
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Not free at own homeland:
The most pathetic scene is the first citizens the America origins are also not free at their homeland. This has created a pathetic situation in the society which initiates irritation and sense of disowner-ship by the government. It would be better to settle the security matters with intelligence, however, many thought that the matter of civil security was mishandled by the authorities. Because, it has stagnated the social and communal activities of the citizens, moreover, it has spread the insecurity in the citizens than to reduce it with confidence building measures. So that it is more irritating for the first citizens than any other.
Civil liberties and the law:
It is very clear that the law is against the civil liberties. It has imposed the check and balance even on private activities of citizens. However, it is widely realized that the patriot act was initiated for the minorities and these minorities has specific segment of Muslims. At a stage now the war against terrorism is called war against Muslims. The invading attacks on Muslim counties and aggressive approach towards the Muslims have shown the clear agenda of invading the Muslims.
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Inhuman and inefficient:
The all debate has been concluded into a sentence that the patriot act is inhuman and inefficient. It has snatched the basic right of liberty from the people and does not achieve the actual success which was aimed. So it is the most inefficient act of United States of America which is widely condemn by all segment of life. It has bound the people into an box life and imposed the infringements of human liberty laws.
Tense and stressful society:
The only thing achieved by the patriot act is it spread the tension and stress in the society. The people do not feel freedom in a free and prosperous their own homeland. The fear and phobia has penetrated into the bodies and minds of American citizens. It has paralyzed their body, mind and life, it is irritating for them that they do not have freeness to freely perform their activities.
Can we be both free and safe in the post-9/11 world?
The post 9/11 world is not safer than before. It has created more complications and anger in the people due to the exploitation and infringement of civil liberties. The measures taken after 9/11 have not only pushed the country to external threats but also it has initiated an internal war against the civil society and the liberal activists. However, it is fact that United States of America is not safer than pos 9/11. And it is only due to extraordinary implications of inhuman laws and regulations.
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At that point the question has its answer in it. The lower safety has been created by the United States of America itself. It has created rage and appositive notion in the people especially in the foreign nationals. They have suffered a lot in this entire scenario, they have lost their business, property and prosperousness jus because of the patriot act. On the other hand, the first nationals also not gained the best, they also suffered a lot in so called patriot act. That is why it is called an anti-patriot act which diluted the confidence of citizens on their government and law makers. The self created war against terror has also penetrated the rage into the people outside America. They now have an anti-America thought with them which is result of the invading activities performed by the patriots of America.
Should our civil liberties ever be limited?
It is unethical and injustice with the people to limited their civil liberties. Therefore, the civil liberties should not be limited ever. The problems should be tacked with public government coordinative efforts and with the strong intelligence measure.
At the end of treatise it is better to state that liberty is the element which shows the discrimination between civilized and non civilized society. Therefore, snatching the civil rights from citizens is creating the non civilized society. And the non civilized society will ultimately dilute its power and authenticity to the people.