Free «The Animated Film Persepolis» Essay Sample

To begin with, the animated film Persepolis (2007) is about a young woman during the Iranian revolution. Following this point, Marjane who is a nine-year old is presented at a time when fundamentalists take over power and as such they force the veil on women to a point of imprisoning others. In line with this point, Marjane is clever and fearless enough to outsmart the social guardians by discovering ABBA punk, and iron maiden. It is during this time that Marjane's uncle is senselessly executed along with the fact that bombs fell around Tehran during the Iran/Iraq war. These stories are taught to a Marjane a child by then who then translated the stories to writing and film later on since the stories had affected her emotionally(Stampsfightclub (2009).

The animated film Persepolis (2007) has done so well especially by being so natural in the sense that everything in the film is seen through the eyes of the young girl. Arguably, the story of Marjane is all about the everyday life about the games that children play and the stories they are often taught by their parents. Furthermore, it is evident from the story that Marjane was emotionally affected by the stories she was told by the father when she was young. Notably, the story is conveyed in the film in a very simple way. It has been given in a focused and disciplined manner just like it is the case in a prose form.



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The film generally conveys the essential emotion of the story along with the use of black and white colors to avoid points of distractions brought about by use of multiple colors. In fact, the film is black and white which makes it to feel more real as compared to the other scenes of the film. Notably, the film is almost the same as the book with high condensation of the material for reasons of making it simple. Another point to note is that Marajane's sexual experiences are covered in the film in one short montage as compared to the story in the book.

During the Iran/Iraq war, Marjane becomes even more courageous and the fact that worries her parents is that they feared for the girl's safety. Along with this point, at the age of fourteen years the parents resolve to take her to school in Austria. Having been exposed to a strange land whereby she was alone, she had to endure all the ordeals a teenager can endure. Again this is more elaborated in the book than it is the case in the film. This makes it even more simple. From the point of view of those she found in Austria, they equated her with the religious fundamentalism along with the extremism she had fled from in her country (Stampsfightclub, 2009). It is during this time that Marjane experiences discriminatory and judgmental catholic nuns. As a result, she finds herself lonely and as such isolated in a land with people who are presumed to be taking their freedoms for granted.

Given the present environment she lived by then, Marjane ended up abusing a nun an act that resulted to her being send out into the streets. Frau Dr. Schloss house was her next destination having walked from house to house in search of a home and a place for shelter. This however does not solve her problem but she is accused of having stolen Frau Dr. Schloss's brooch (Stampsfightclub, 2009). Apart from this, she gets to a party and lies of her nationality of which in order to cover her shame she gets into a love affair with Markus which then ends in her eighteenth birthday when she discovers him cheating on her.

Following this point, the book explains Marjane's earlier doubts in the relationship while in the film it is only portrayed when she found Markus cheating on her. In addition to being accused of stealing Frau Dr. Schloss's brooch, Marjane previous lover reveals to be homosexual owing to a bad sexual experience with Marjane (Stampsfightclub, 2009). Owing to this point, she is fed up and this drops her to live in the streets for months. This followed her contraction of bronchitis which almost leads her to death but she recovers in Vienna hospital and by then returning to Iran in 1987 in hope that the end of the war would bring about a meaningful change to her life (Stampsfightclub (2009).

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After some time spending in front of a television, Marjane ended up falling in a clinical depression over having witnessed the state of affairs in Iran along with the misery endured by her family. It was not until God and the spirit of Karl Marx appeared to her to remind her of what was important and as such encouraged her to continue with life that she revives and her determination gets renewed to a point whereby she would enjoy life again.

Following this point she started attending university classes, going to parties and in the larger perspective she finds sense in life to a point whereby she entered in a relationship with a fellow student finally to be revealed to be Reza. The film does not get into details to reveal how Marjane met with Reza and how the fell in love but rather movie zips through all of this rather quickly (Ebert, 2010). Life takes on another turn with the recent death of Khomeini and she discovers that the society has becoming more tyrannical with numerous atrocities taking place.

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Mass executions for political beliefs and issues of religion then describe the day to day life and as such, she is caught holding hands with the boyfriend and the parents are fined. The situation became intolerable especially to a student Like Marjane who besides being a student was a woman but she still held to what she believed in. The only way for survival was to adapt tactical ways of living and as such for protection. This followed a warning by the grandmother who having been disappointed by Marjane told her to never forsake her uncle and grandfather who had died while fighting for freedom. Besides this point, Marjane resolves to openly confront the existing unashamed sexist double standard which by then was present in the university forum regarding the public morality. The film presents this so simply that one can tell that it has been oversimplified (Ebert, 2010).

At a much later time, Marjane had her marriage fall apart and thus she divorced. Thereafter, the family reaches on a decision that she had to leave the country on a permanent basis as she would become a target by the authorities as a political rebel. She was forbidden from coming back to Iran and even at the time when she leaves the airport and takes a taxi, she still confesses that she was from Iran. This reveals that despite the injustices exacted upon her in the home country, she was still proud of who she was and her country of origin.

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It is important to bring out the point that the film Persepolis (2007) has a greater advantage over most comic adaptations and this is for the reason that it is animated. Moreover, film Persepolis (2007) has been able to preserve Satrapi's style of drawing. In fact, the film has been presented with the characters showing high simplicity which is not common among many comic book arts (Ebert, 2010). This makes the film the most interesting films and as recommendable for anyone interested in political films.

On the other hand, the essay would not be complete without mentioning the fact that film Persepolis (2007) has oversimplified and as such overlooked most of the important parts of the story in book. Although it is understandable that the film version had to be compressed, the compression has been overemphasized making the film to be too simple (Ebert, 2010). Accordingly, the film has utilized the elements of art at its exposure to tell the same story as that which is in the book. Outstandingly, the film can be said to be one animated film as such conveyed in a simple manner thus conveying the simplicity through which the story is told. It is told through the lens of Marjane who used to listen to the stories taught by the father, played the child games and in the larger perspective a child who sees things and the world from a general point of view in his or her own point of view.


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