“Wiley and the hairy man” is the title of the play and it was written by Jack Stokes in 1970. The play has a traditional setting and this can be perpetuated by the presence of the hairy man who is magical and has the ability to change himself into different forms. The play takes approximately ten minutes to complete. It has a perfect theme of the little vs. strong families and how the strong families exploited the little ones through the use of their mighty power. It has seven characters the major ones being, Wiley, the mother, the hairy man and some other four narrators (Stokes, 1970).
The play is a folktale genre with an African-American cultural setting. It has a musical tone aimed at entertaining children and educating them on how to act smart when faced with an extreme condition. From the play we can learn that being mighty or big does not necessarily means being smart (Stokes, 1970). Someone little or small can out-smart someone mighty by using his or her wits effectively. Despite the fact that Wiley and his mother were small compared to the hairy man, they managed to out-smart him in wits three times in a row. This made the hairy man to give up and accept defeat despite his strength and might.
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From the play we learn not to give up, even when the situation seems extremely not to favor us. And if we keep on trying every now and then we shall finally overcome. It encourages students not to give up whenever they fail once or twice for there is always a next time. They should always work hard to overcome their current situation and hope for an improvement in their future.