Free «Optical Packet Switching and Energy Efficiency in Future Networks» Essay Sample

The study provides a review of energy efficiency of optical-packet switching technology in comparison to electrical switching systems with regards to future networks. The main areas of focus are discussions of energy efficiency metrics that should be included in the areas of the life-cycle analysis and network output. The study involves a discussion of energy efficiency effects on the environment as a result of networking technologies. It also provides a life cycle analysis and energy efficiency metrics of the life cycle. The literature review section provides the architecture of the electronic packet switching router, a comparison of performance metrics for OPS versus electronic packet switching systems. It also provides current improvements made in the design of OPS technologies, such as the reduction in energy consumption and high performance of the system.

The methodology section of the research involves a study of organizations involved in the use of OPS technologies with the focus on finding energy efficiency techniques used in the following organizations.



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The data collection methods used during the research include: qualitative and quantitative of methods of data collection. The findings of the study show that OPS technologies are more effective in energy conservation than electronic systems. The study also found that OPS technologies have fewer limitations in use than electrical technologies. The performance of the routing arrangement was improved by network routing while the achievement of sensing functions was done by embedding fast-track systems within the networks layers.

The findings of the research process indicated that energy consumption problem in the ICT sector could be solved by means of OPS technologies. However, it is observed that there is a limitation in the capability of the system in the areas of core networking.

The research found that packet switching has the capacity to integrate natural IP support in areas of application on a number of the physical layer platforms.


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