Few Useful Mock Essay Introduction

These days, packaging of the goods is of prime importance, as most of the goods sell because of its packaging. Similarly, an introduction to your essay is of a great significance. A glance at your introductory paragraph is enough, to judge the quality of your essay. A smart examiner will make an opinion by just going through the introduction of the essay.  

To make a beautiful introduction to your essay, you need to keep few things in mind. First, make sure that the introduction should flow in a logical manner. Also, it needs to move general to specific. This will help you win the appreciation of the reader or the audience as there is enough material to capture their attention.  

The introduction of the essay also, depends on the type of the essay. It has to be nature specific, to catch hold the interest of the reader or the targeted audience.  

Suppose you are to write an essay describing a movie. No doubts, it is a descriptive essay. You must follow these points to make your introduction focused and logical.  

• Start with talking about the experience of movie watching and the excitement related to it.  
• State some of general points stating the pleasure associated with movie watching.
• Mention the type of movies you like and the reason of your preference.  
• Focus on the movie you will be describing in your essay.  
• Mention the genre, the star cast and its important crew members.  
• Mention few points about the movie, which you will later elaborate in your essay.  
• Don’t forget to give a thesis. Thesis constitutes of the aspects of the movie you will discuss in the essay.  

Suppose you are to write an analytical essay. Then, above mentioned points are not of great use. Let us suppose you are to write an essay, on the book you did not enjoy reading. This, essay, is for sure an analytical essay. For writing an introduction to this analytical essay, you must keep few points in mind.

• Write about books and make it interesting.
• Write about the genres of the book.
• Mention the types of book you like and don’t like. Don’t; forget to mention the reasons for your choice.  
• Write about the book you will talk bout in the essay. Its theme and the author.
• Give a short introduction to the subject and its treatment in the book.  
• State what all you disliked about the book
• Thesis: should be clear enough to reflect your view about the book.  

Next, category of an essay can be argumentative. For writing an introduction to an argumentative essay on should government be changed? You may proceed in the following manner:

• Start with an example to state your point.
• Discuss the importance of railways and privatization.
• Reasons for debate.
• State the current position of the situation.
• Your stand on the issue. Thesis: should be clear enough to reflect your view point.  

An introduction is the major component of our essay and you must devote considerable time writing it. Remember, to catch hold of the attention of people, the beginning ought to be good.  


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