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As soon as a new studying year starts, it brings students new power, fresh ideas, and willingness to cope even with the most time consuming tasks. However, one month passes and you begin to feel more erratic, your energy resources start to expire, and you are about to fall into a usual subdepression. This must have happened with almost every student, so there are a few ways of how to keep focused on the tasks without loosing productivity.
Pomodoro Technique
The name sound awkward, but the effective influence of the Pomodoro Technique will help you to manage your time and complete as many tasks as possible in a quick and less exhausting way. The Pomodoro means splitting time you devote to fulfill the task into parts, each of which includes 25 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest. After four “pomodoros”, which is 100 minutes of work time and 15 minutes of rest, take a 15-20 minutes break. It takes from seven to twelve days to master the technique, but be sure, when the Pomodoro becomes a part of your life, you will wave goodbye to heavy workloads.
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Forest App
If you are bad at concentrating your attention at something for a long time and are inclined to be easily distracted, Forest app is definitely created for you. Forest starts with planting the tree, which grows within 30 minutes. It means that throughout this time, your phone rests because you are not supposed to touch it and you can spend time on things you’ve been procrastinating. Any answers on phone calls, pressing the “Give up” button or other usage of the phone kill your growing tree. You are the only one who is responsible for its life. Seems like a great way to train your self-control and restore your ability to stay concentrated.
Bullet Journal
For those people who have million things to-do, but are not very good at planning on the spot, Bullet Journal will ease managing tasks and will help to get rid of forgetfulness on paper. The main idea of Bullet Journal is to make quick notes that are comprehensible for you, and with the help of which you can plan, set priorities, track your habits, or simply decorate your Bullet Journal with planners, beautiful colors, and symbols. You may choose either you structure your life or keep forgetting.
Accountability Buddy
One more way to boost your productivity is to find an Accountability Buddy. Partner up with somebody who won’t mind being responsible for your success. The Buddy may not only be accountable for your duties, but also be interested in your participation in lifting his or her own level of motivation. So, why not to coach each other? When you are obliged to do something important, but know, that you will lack self-motivation, ask some friends to lend a helping hand and remind you that it is not good to escape accomplishing the task. Awareness of the fact that there is someone, who can control whether you are not cheating, makes people work harder.
The methods described above are represented with the aim to restore your level of productivity. You are free to choose one or several methods according to your personal qualities and experience, and enjoy the benefits you extract from using each of them. Don’t be afraid to experiment, the results are really rewarding!