Free «Article summary for Game-on-Demand» Essay Sample

This article analyses a growing sect of game content, which now has over 200 terabytes and much more are being created daily by users. DVD’s and blue ray methods’ may not be the best a straightforward way to distribute this magnitude of content. It has been noted that most computers and other handheld devices may not have the capacity to store a small portion of this content.

The approach given is to host the entire game scene on game servers. When the client machine of a player is placed on the game, a related part of the game scene is transmitted or sent to the client to start the game immediately. An extra game content is sent  to the client machine in a timely fashion as the player moves in the game scene [Li et al. 2004]. The main objective in this case here is to maximize the quality that the user perceives [Gulliverand Ghinea 2006], which concerns the overall presentation quality and accuracy of the game. A serious matter of the geometry-streaming advance is how we determine which part of the game scene, is to be transmitted so that the visual quality can be utilized fully to support user interactivity. This however, can be demanding, since different machines from the clients may have different network bandwidth capacities. They are based upon some spatial information [Falby et al. 1993; Macedonia et al. 1995] of the game objects. Some concurrent work to ours also proposes to use some form of geometry-streaming techniques [Cavagna et al. 2006; Hu 2006].



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In this article, we recommend a method that would competently resolve which game objects and their appropriate traits to be sent for transmission dynamically, on the accessible bandwidth. Nevertheless, as the player moves around in the game scene, the arrangement changes endlessly. However, due to latency on the network, there is a positional discrepancy of the avatar between the server and the client and the server, and this result into view of discrepancy. This brings two problems. First, it interferes with user the interaction. Secondly, it may have an effect on the server in recognizing and sending correct geometry figures to the client. Therefore, there is a need of a way to minimize view discrepancy, without causing blinking movements. We have come up with an uninterrupted synchronization scheme to advance  clients presentation of the consistency level of dynamic objects .


 some of the major points of this article are given as follows.

(1) A shadow objects reference list to facilitate fast retrieval of dynamic items.

(2) fine-grain control on the supposed visual quality, a unified data configuration for progressive transmission of different types of modeling primitives.

(3) visually important objects could  be delivered with higher priority on prioritized content delivery scheme to allow , and to adjust their qualities, that is, the amount of game data, to be delivered according to the given network bandwidth, the rendering capacity, and the available local memory space of the client machines.

2.2 On-Demand Content Distribution in DVEs

Existing 3D allocation methods can be largely classified into video streaming and geometry transmission. When doing video streaming [Chang and Ger 2002; Pazzi et al. 2008], the servers render the scene and flow the rendered videos to the client for display. This advance is developed with an assumption that some client machines may not have the power to render 3D objects. However, such concern is becoming less significant, as even mobile phones are now equipped with 3D rendering capability.

Nevertheless, since VEs are becoming more multifaceted, with many objects, and different users may have diverse opinions on the VE with different quality requirements, rendering images for all clients will impose very high workload on the servers.

“In contrast, geometry transmission [Das et al. 1997; Falby et al. 1993; Hagsand 1996; Leigh et al. 1996; Saar 1999; Teler and Lischinski 2001; Waters et al. 1997] delivers geometric objects to clients and relies on them to render the received objects. This approach is employed in some of the DVEs [Singhal and Zyda 1999] and forms the basis of our game engine. In a typical DVE, although the virtual environment (VE) may be very large, a user often visits only a small region of it. To save memory space and download time, a DVE system may transmit only”.


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