Free «Involvement of Imprisoned Male Offenders» Essay Sample


While parental imprisonment may be linked with severe hardships for inmates and their families, researches point out that parental program maybe a potential feasible solution to diminishing many negative consequences of imprisonment on both kids and parents. Study shows that the consequences of parental imprisonment vary stemmed on whether the mother of the kid or father is imprisoned. Maternal imprisonment is likely to cause many distractions in the life of a kid than incarcerated of a father (Miller, 2006).  Therefore, kids whose mothers are imprisoned may be at a higher risk than kids whose fathers are imprisoned.

On the other hand, fathers are not likely to live with their kids before or after imprisonment. Fathers are imprisoned longer duration and more often than mothers (Mumola, 2000). Numerous fathers show that mothers act as a means for communication between kids and themselves. Therefore, having a weak connection with the mother of their kids may be an extra barricade for imprisoned fathers.



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While diverse parental programs have showed statistically significant development in parental attitudes as well understanding, recent study proposes that several jails are not giving Evidence-Based Programming to imprisoned parents (Lee, 2005; Palusci, Crum, Bliss, & Bavolek, 2007). Additionally, significant study has been carried out concerning the consequences of imprisonment on fathers, kids and mothers, a slight carryover has recorded about executing Evidence-Based Programming to achieve these exacting demands.          Substantial study has been carried out concerning the consequences of imprisonment on kids; these concerns seem to be lack of programming given to parents. Many researchers have shown that the desires of both kids and parents for development in the forms of social support offered to the kids of imprisoned parents, yet not many programs seem to be concerned with these issues (Lee, 2005). Parental imprisonment is one of the fundamental subjects that is not covered by the study that alone is not an issue, somewhat it is a finale of peril aspects experienced by kids of parents who are imprisoned that eventually results to worse consequences for these kids.

In conclusion imprisonment of parents affects kids and leads to a bad relationship to kids, mother and father. 


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